
Humanity Rising

My name is Nuke. I am called many names. The guardian and destroyer of worlds, the headless horseman of Death. But I don't mind that much. I had saved humanity from destruction in just a few years. Took control of the worlds nuclear arsenal and stop the aggressors who wanted to use them for harm stop. That led to the Third World War, which I help crush the enemy Roque states and finally, in years, humanity and peace were united for the first time. I am leading Humanity to a great age in space exploration. I had recently discovered a new way to travel across the universe. Worm holes. They can help us expand farther into the galaxy. There's the chance for life, but nothing that could get as close as to us. Right? My name is Scootaloo. I don't have any parents. I have to live at the nearby orphanage. It sucks and the other foals there are Jenks and bullies because of my poor flight skills. At least I have my Scooter and my two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and my idol, Rainbow Dash. At least until I discovered a robot landing near Ponyville that is from another world. What have I got myself into?

Nothing2007 · TV
Not enough ratings
7 Chs

Crisis part 2

Scootaloo woke up to raindrops hitting her head.

She didn't remember much from last night. She must have collapsed from exhaustion and passed out while she was still digging the hole.

She was now cold, wet, and covered in mud.

Scootaloo moaned, "Now I need to be clean again." Thankfully, she at least had a place to go.

She started down the dirt path, sprinting through the town, the wind rushing through her mane. She did not want anyone to see her. Even with a towel, it did not even come close to covering her.

Her spot was the spa. She was lucky that there were free showering facilities available.

Racing past the other ponies (some more annoyed than others), she manages to find a showering unit and lock the door.

"Finally," said Scootaloo with a sign of relief as she turned on the water. Its refreshing effect spread across her body as she washed the mud off herself.

Once her body was done, she moved on to her legs and then to...

She would rather not talk about them. Yet....)

Once she was done with the shower, she put on her hoodie and gloves. Afterward, she turned to face the time.

It was 10 minutes late in the morning.

"Oh s***!" yelled Scootaloo as she ran out of the door. "Gotta Go!"


Scootaloo galloped across the woodland at a pace she had never believed possible.

Scootaloo mentally scolded herself for falling asleep as she muttered, "I hope I am not too late."

When she did, though, she realized it was already too late.

It seemed strangely quiet inside the schoolhouse as Scootaloo walked up to it. Her hooves trampled some leaves and stuck to the ground.

There was a letter on the door. After taking the note off the door, Scootaloo read it.


Off to Canterlot for a field trip. I won't be back until later.

"Sign," said Scootaloo as she let the paper go off into the breeze. Even for just a day, she had been dying to leave this place and spend some time with Apple Bloom and Sweetie Belle.

Scootaloo walked down the dirt path as she left the schoolhouse since she had nothing else to do except think as she went.

A voice that wasn't her own stated, "They abandoned you again."

Scootaloo stops, and as a black shadow stands in front of her, her eyesight begins to flutter. It resembled Scootaloo but was darker and lacked eyes.

Scootaloo replied to the shadowy figure, "They didn't. Scootaloo said, "I just slept in a little late."

The dark figure snarled, "Don't give me that bull****," as it vanished and then reappeared behind her.

The shadowy figure responded, "You know what it's like to be abandoned. " You promised to never be abandoned again. "Nevertheless, here we are."

Scootaloo did nothing but stare at the shadowy person. She retorted, "That is not true."

The dark figure snickered at Scootaloo's remark.

"Don't lie to me," said the figure as it stared at Scootaloo. "You are simply a terrified, young foal that is plagued by those earlier years."

Scootaloo remained quiet. When she opened her eyes, the eerie figure was gone. The dirt walkway was the only thing present.

Scootaloo continued down the path while muttering, "I must be going crazy."

Or am I already?

After a few minutes of walking, Scootaloo returned to Ponyville. None of the main six, including Twilight, were in sight. Which was fortunate because she did not need another lecture from her, but it made her feel a little sad.

Rainbow Dash.

Rainbow Dash was her closest friend, second only to Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom. She often regarded Rainbow Dash as a big sister and looked up to her.

She could still picture their initial meeting.

A few years ago...

Scootaloo yelled in fury, "Come on!"

Scootaloo was cutting down trees in the forest close to Sweet Apple Acres in order to earn money to put toward purchasing a new hoodie and in the hopes of earning a cutie mark.

"Keep it up," said an older Lumberjack pony who was watching her. He was struck by the filly's sheer power.

The pony remarked, "You certainly have the strength of an earth pony." Scootaloo gave the pony a brief glare. She detested being compared to an earth pony.

Suddenly, the pony heard something off in the woods and left to check it out, leaving her alone.

Chopping down more wood faster than probity earth ponies could, she was out of logs to chop before she knew it.

"Whoa," said Scootaloo, panting. "That's a workout."

But just as she turned to walk away, she noticed a rainbow blur racing over her head. She was immediately drawn to it as she ran towards it.

She followed the rainbow blur. It was going really, really fast. Well, it was until it fell to the ground after stumbling into an arbitrary cloud.

Scootaloo ran in the direction of where the pony had crashed to make sure it was not hurt.

Once she got there, she saw the pony. A blue mare with a rainbow-colored mane

"Are you ok?" said Scootaloo as she reached her hoof out. The mare grabbed it.

"I'm fine," said the mare as she got back on her feet. Scootaloo then noticed her cutie mark. A cloud with a rainbow lightning bolt.

You have a cool cutie mark, Scootaloo remarked. The mare exclaimed, "I do," with enthusiasm. "It demonstrates that I am the most skilled flier in Equestria."

Scootaloo smiled. However, it was not really a smile because she could feel her mind screaming at her once more.

"Hey," said the mare. "It's pretty warm out here today for a filly like you to wear a hoodie." Scootaloo signs.

Scootaloo's body trembled as if it were cold. "I just... like wearing them, that is all," she said.

Okay, the mare replied. She wasn't buying it. She could tell the filly was a terrible liar. She wouldn't, however, press the issue.

"Oh, the name's Rainbow Dash," said the mare. "And yours?"

"It's Scootaloo."


She wished that Dash was here. But if the rest of the Main Six weren't around, Rainbow Dash wasn't here either.

With nothing else really to do, Scootaloo walked to the only other place she often went to.

The gym.

Swinging the door open, Scootaloo walked inside the building. Ponies around were using the machines and equipment.

Including one pony.

"Hello, little Scootaloo," said Bulk Bicaps. He was a massive Pegasus with huge muscles.

"Stop calling me that," said Scootaloo, teasing as she grabbed two dumbbells with her hoofs.

"You know I'm too old for that."

"Yeah, about that," said Bulk Bicaps as he sat down on the bench Scootaloo was on.

"Isn't your birthday coming up?"

Scootaloo looked at him. He knew, and she knew as well.

"I know," said Scootaloo as she put the dumbbells down and put the towel around her sweating head.

"But I really don't care much," she replied.

That wasn't 100% true. But it was mostly true. The only good thing was that she would have a few more years until she could leave this place.

"Why not?" said Bulk Bicaps. "Don't your friends and the rest of the orphanage know?"

Scootaloo sign. "Most of the orphanage doesn't care, and my friends..."

"I haven't told them yet."

Bulk Bicaps was in disbelief. He had some awareness of Scootaloo's poor mental state. However, she would always be genuinely happy and open with her friends when they were present.

Are you okay? Bulk Biscaps inquires.

Scootaloo got to her feet and made her way over to one of the lift bars, saying, "I am fine." She lifted herself up and down while grabbing it with her hooves, strengthening her arm muscles.

Bulk Biscaps observed her as she sped up until she collapsed to the ground from exhaustion and said, "You do not seem so," as he observed.

Scootaloo looked at the clock and said, "I got to go," before picking up her towel.

She bid Bulk Bicaps farewell and then left the gym, leaving him very worried.

She walked through Ponyville as the windy late-afternoon chills filled the air. She noticed that most ponies were closing their businesses to spend time with their families.


Her mind started to wander as soon as she considered that word. She didn't have a family. If she did, she wouldn't be stuck here in the crappy orphanage.

This has always made her mad and jealous of foals who have families.

Was I left behind?

You were.

Scootaloo let out a mental groan. Again, she heard the voice in her head.

Would you stop talking? Scootaloo asked. The voice then giggled loudly once more.

The voice said, "You know I am here all the time. I am impossible to get rid of."

Scootaloo remained silent after that. The voice wasn't wrong. It will always be there, no matter if she dislike it.

So she decided to ignore the voice. Eventually, it stopped talking.

"Finally," muttered Scootaloo as she counted on her walk towards the woods.

Once she was in the woods, she sat down with her back on a rock. Taking her hood off, she listen to the sounds of the forest.

It soothed her aching mind.
