
Humanity Rising

My name is Nuke. I am called many names. The guardian and destroyer of worlds, the headless horseman of Death. But I don't mind that much. I had saved humanity from destruction in just a few years. Took control of the worlds nuclear arsenal and stop the aggressors who wanted to use them for harm stop. That led to the Third World War, which I help crush the enemy Roque states and finally, in years, humanity and peace were united for the first time. I am leading Humanity to a great age in space exploration. I had recently discovered a new way to travel across the universe. Worm holes. They can help us expand farther into the galaxy. There's the chance for life, but nothing that could get as close as to us. Right? My name is Scootaloo. I don't have any parents. I have to live at the nearby orphanage. It sucks and the other foals there are Jenks and bullies because of my poor flight skills. At least I have my Scooter and my two best friends, Sweetie Belle and Apple Bloom and my idol, Rainbow Dash. At least until I discovered a robot landing near Ponyville that is from another world. What have I got myself into?

Nothing2007 · TV
Not enough ratings
7 Chs


Fire burned in Washington as the fighting countied.


"All units, on the Seven Eleven route now; We have multiple enemies heading onto our position and we can't..."

A loud explosion was heard in the distance.

Meanwhile, a Falcon was flying above, carrying Nuke in his battle suit. The issue was getting worse minute by minute.


"Nuke," said Delta. "We got the 5th guards platoon of the National Guard trap in the courtyard near the Lincoln Memorial that need immediately backup."

"On it," said Nuke as he loads his K-45PR Assault Rifle, including the latest version of his Battle Armor.


Suddenly, a loud alarm erupts inside the Falcon. "Missile Lock! Missile Lock!" yelled Delta. "Jump Now!"

Nuke didn't need to hear anymore. He jump out of the Falcon as a missile struck the Falcon, and send it crashing to the ground.

Landing on his feet, Nuke quickly scan his surroundings. He had landed near the Korea War Veterans memorial on Independence AVE SW. The Lincoln Memorial wasn't to far away.

"Incoming fire. 90 degrees. Move now." said Delta as Nuke jump to the side before a explosion rock his pervious position.

Turning around, he saw it was it was a platoon of Terrorists from the Liberation Organization, containing 12 soldiers and three Light attack Vehicles of the XLA versions (XLA LAV)


"Time to go to work," said Nuke with a somewhat twisted smile as he leap to the side and hold out his right arm.

Coming out of the power glove was a micro anti vehicle missile, which had infrared vision and went into the first XLA LAV, sending it flipping in a ball of flame.

However, the rest of the platoon begin to open fire on him, forcing him to duck behind a ruined SUV.

"Delta," said Nuke with a unusual calm voice ask. "I have 2/3s of a platoon on my a**. I need ideas."

"On it," said Delta as she went through thousands of attack patterns and posturing.

"I got one," said Delta. "Latch the side Drone as a distraction while you smash your way through the left flank."

"On it!" yelled Nuke as he took the Raider Recon Drone, a small, but powerful drone that was use for recon, but can also be use as a distraction.

Nuke toss it into the air as the Drone folded into shape and begin to latch its two missiles at the XLA LAVs while wielding a laser to temporary blind the Platoon.

"Now!" yelled Delta. Nuke leaped over the SUV and charged at the left Flank of the Platoon. Luckily they were too distracted by the drone to noticed him running towards them.

"Shoot that f****** thing down! (Стреляйте в эту ф****** вещь!)" yelled to what appeared to be their Segreant.

As he yelled the order, the XLA LAV with the twin Rocket Launcher latch a missile at the Drone with ease. But that was because it had no countermeasures.

Then one of the Terrorists look to his right and was met with a gun barrel, making his head disappear into tiny pieces.

"The Demon! (Демон)" yelled the terrorists forces as they begin to fire at Nuke. Luckily for him, the battle suit was build with a special Kinetic Armor provided by DARPA, the U.S military's think tank. He and Delta had still, though, not been able to crack it's serect construction.

The KR-45PR assault rifle's round went pin ban boom as it shredded through the Terrorists body armor, mostly of ceramic plates. Though these were once the best around, the advanced of bullets that look more and more like Tank shells, made this armor almost obsolete.

Everything was a blur. Nuke's mind didn't even fully processed it. He was just doing his job. Kill the enemy. Bodies fall or went flying, the XLA LAVs were destroyed and the cracking of the fire was the only thing left hearing.

"Nuke," yelled Delta. "Incoming!"

Nuke turned to look as a large tank shell came straight at him...

Two Hours ago... Canal Interstate Highway Network...

"I'm going to be late!" groaned Nuke as him and his Mustang thundered down the Highway network. The President had invited him and other top generals for the Annual Fourth of July Event.

"I tried to wake you up," said a Annoyed Delta. "But you kept saying, Just a few more minutes in your sleep."

Nuke's face turned red. "How about we change the conversion. What is the route for todays Parade?"

Signing, Delta showed a map of the route they would be traveling through. It went pass all of the major landmarks in Washington D.C.

"What about defense?" ask Nuke. "It's a pretty big event for just not to have security." He knew anything was possible and knew if there was a plot, it would be against him or/and President Macaw.

"I figured you'll want to know," said Delta. "They have the 1st National Guards unit in the city at various Points."

"Good," said Nuke. "Better then nothing."

But unknowing to him, a Drone was flying nearby collecting data when it noticed Nuke's mustang, wearing a terrified symbol.


"Scanning... Target recognized... Nuke Hunter Killer.... terminated him....


"Where is he?" ask President Macaw as he stared at his watch. Nuke was supposed to be here 15 minutes ago and yet he was still not here.

"He should be here any minute," said Agent C, putting on his best smile. "I hope."

Suddenly, a Ford Mustang roared next to the sidewalk. Out came a frustrated Nuke, as he fought with his shoe until he nearby fell onto his face.

"Good D**," muttered Nuke as he finally got the shoe on.

"Um.." said President Macaw, looking down at Nuke.

"Oh Sorry!" Nuke nearly yelled as he jump to his feet and give him a salute.

Signing, President Macaw decided not to press it. "Alright. Come on Nuke. We have a big day." Nuke followed the President towards a pair of individuals.

The two turned to Nuke and President Macaw, with the taller one approaching him.

"Hello Mr. President," said the Taller Individual. Then he turned to Nuke. "So you must be Nuke Hunter Killer, the Supreme No stop killing machine." He said. "The Angel of Death."

The Angel of Death.

Nuke shuttered at that word. He used to be fond of that nickname, but ever since Ukraine, he really hasn't like that name much.

"Um... Yes, I am," said Nuke, shaking hands with him. "You must be General Shepperd, commander of the 1st Army."

"I am," said Shepperd. "And this is Sergeant Chase," turning towards his accomplice, "My best advisor."

Sergeant Chase shake hands with Nuke. "I heard fond things about you," said Chase. "But I do wish they are true and not lies."

Nuke hid a face of disgust, but understand what he meant. The feats he had done for the last 4-5 years are almost unbelievable.

"Alright, now come on," said President Macaw, waving them over to a Limo. "We have to be their in time for the parade remember?"

The four got into the Limo. After everything was ready to go, the limo drove off to the latch area for the parade.

As the limo drove to the area, the General decided to ask Nuke a question.

"Hey Nuke?" ask Shepperd. Nuke was staring into space out of the window. He turned his head towards him.


"Nothing much," said Shepperd. "But I was looking through your files and noticed something."

"You say you work alone. But It says you were part of Ghost team. Can you explain because I'm confused?" ask Shepperd.

Nuke's body turn cold.

"They're not... around anymore," said Nuke with a straight face before returning to the window. But unknowing to them, a small tear fell from his eyes.

4 Years ago....

"Come on you maggots!" yelled the Drill Sergeant. "Move now!"

Nuke Grint his teeth as he mad dash crawl underneath the barbed wire and through the U.S's special forces training facility.

He had been here for about a month now... or was it a month. He didn't know anymore.

He was selected as one of the best, but now he had to make sure to keep it.

"Move it!" yelled one of the recruits from behind him. "Chill out," said Nuke as he countied to move foreward.

Finally, after a few more minutes of that hell, he was ready for another hell as he crawled out.

The Climb.

This was as high as a two to three story building and they had to climb it to eat anything tonight.

"S***," mutter Nuke as he caught his breath for a few seconds. It was pouring raining out and he hated it. But a job is a job to do.

After two other recruits ran pass him, he ran towards the climb and started to climb.

This test was to figured how to get up there with what there was on the wall, which wasn't a lot.

But Nuke was doing okay on it so far. He was almost to the top when the worst possible thing happen.

His hand slip.

"No f***!" yelled Nuke as he quickly grab a edge. Now he was barely holding on for his life.

"I guess this is how my career ends," mutter Nuke. He tried lifting himself up, but he was low on energy and couldn't do.

Then, as Nuke was about to let go, something pushed him up.

"Huh?" mutter Nuke. Once he was safe, he turned around and say the person climbing up.

He seem normal. A built up upper body, as tall as Nuke, with green eyes.

"Hey you," said the man. "You look like you'll need help, so you're welcome."

"I was about to do it," said Nuke fluster with embarrassment.

"Don't try that," said the man with a chuckle. "You were about to fall. I could tell."

The two stand there for a minute without saying a word. Finally, the man said.

"Name's Jake," said the man. "What's yours?"

"Nuke," said Nuke.

"It was nice to meet you Nuke."

Present Day...


Nuke shook out of his trace. Everyone in the Limo was staring at him.

"Oh sorry," said Nuke, his face turning slight red. Then he look out of the limo. They were getting ready to start.

"Alright then," said President Macaw, giving Nuke a confused look. Leaning towards the diver, he said. "You can take the roof down."

"On it," said the Driver as he press a button. Then, after a few minutes the roof completely collapsed.

Standing on his feet, Nuke stand with the others as the Parade begin. He just act normal for the most part.

As normal as things can get.


Three men in black and red uniforms of the Liberation were inside a room facing towards the parade. The One with the Naval Cape ordered the two privates to open the crate they had.


"What is in this thing that makes it so f******* heavy?! (Что в этой вещи, что делает его так f******* тяжелый?!)" groaned the privates as they lifted the top off, revealing the contents inside.


It was a Handheld missile launcher. Able to carry a 100 pound missile to any target it is program to with a 100 miles.

"F*** them (Ебать их)," snarled the Captain. The soldier holding the missile launcher let off a evil laugh as he press the trigger.

Back at the limo, things were going fine until Nuke heard a familiar sound.

"Get down Now!" yelled Nuke as he leap, shoving himself, the President, and the General and his Advisor out of the limo. Seconds later, the Limo explodes in a bright orange ball.


"What the hell?!" yelled President Macaw. But seconds later, more explosions were heard as Delta came to life.

"Nuke, you need to hear this," said Delta, switching to a radio of a police Officer near the Port.

"We are under attack. I repeat. We are under attack!" yelled the officer on the other end.

"Sir," said President Macaw. "Who is attacking?"

"The Liberation!" yelled the officer as gunfire can be heard in the background. "We need...."

The Transmitter cut off, leaving the four stunned. Delta broke the silence.

"Nuke, We need to get your gear," said Delta. "On it," said Nuke as he hotwired a motorcycle. "You two!" he yelled, pointing at Shepperd and Chase. "Keep the President safe!" as he took off.

"Alright then," said Shepperd. "Mr. President, we got to..." The two look over to see President Macaw pulling out a ARXL-15 assault rifle.

"These dam terrorists dare to attack our country," snarled President Macaw as he loaded the gun. "Sorry, but I going to fight them off American soil."


The two look at each other. They knew he wasn't budging with the idea, so they agree.

"Alright then," said Chase, pulling out a Pistol. "Let's go."

Back at Nuke's place...

Nuke slam through the front door as he ran downstairs towards his lab. "Delta, open the vault now."

"On it," said Delta as she shift through her code to activate the door.

Nuke walked up to the door as it opened, revealing the KR-45PR assault rifle, a Desert Eagle XL and his Mark V3 Battle suit.

"Time to go to work," said Nuke as he step into the suit as Delta activate the various robotic arms in the lab, helping him put on the suit.

"All power is up, all systems are 100%," said Delta. "You are ready to go Nuke."

"Good," said Nuke as he picked up the guns "Prep a Falcon for takeoff."

Back into the action...

The Tank shell hit Nuke HARD, sending him flying into the Korean War Veterans Memorial.

"F***," groan Nuke as he put his hand over the damaged area. Then he realized what happened.

The tank shell had completely shredded the armor. The Kinetic Armor wasn't able to stop it. It was useless.

"S***," muttered as he climbed back onto his feet and discovered what shot him.


He could hardly f****** believe it. "They have a Chinese Type XLA49 main Battle Tank," he muttered.

The tank turned its gun pointing directly at Nuke. "They really have it out for me," he giggled.

As he brace for the gun to fire, something else fired instead.

Once Nuke opened his eyes again, the tank lay in ruins, a smoking pile of scrap metal. Above it flying was...

"A R.A.B?!" yelled Nuke.


R.A.Bs or better known as Robotic Arsenal birds, are huge drones that carry a ton of firepower. The Miliary had been testing them for a few years now. But they weren't close to being complete, yet here was one.

Yet, why was he caring so much, he thought to himself. The dam thing just saved his life. Take it.

"I better find body armor," said Nuke as he throw the top of his armor off. That was the piece most shattered, but the bottoms and boots were still fine.

After that mishap, he ran like he meant it to the Lincoln Memorial, that look like a warzone.

Bodies and some armor vehicles lay around a hole near the front. Inside was a squad of 5 men.

"Someone's coming!" yelled one of the Privates as Nuke leap into the hole. "Hey!" yelled another. "Aren't you Nuke, the angel of death?"

"Yeah," said Nuke as he check his gun. "Got any spare body armor. Mine got hit by a tank."

"S***" said another Private. "That must had to hurt. But here!" he yelled as he toss a body vest to Nuke. As he put it on, a explosion rock the left of the hole.

"Get down!" yelled to what appeared to be their Sergeant. The 6 duck as Mortars struck the sides of the holes.

"You guys need air support badly!" yelled Nuke as the explosions stop, but was followed by a war cry.

Nuke peer over the top and saw a Group of Terrorists charging their position with just about anything.

"Open fire!" yelled the Sergeant. As he ended those words, the men, including Nuke, fired their guns. They were using the MR15 assault rifle.


"Eat this you b****!" yelled one of the Privates as his gun lay waste to anyone dare to charge in front of it.

Nuke stay silent as the Terrorists countied to charge with little regards to their own lives.

Eventually, all of the attacking Terrorists were dead, with none losses to themselves, but Nuke did noticed they were running out of ammo.

"You guys need air support now," said Nuke. "We can't," said the Sergeant. "They have a SAM turret on the roof of that building that's stopping all drones from getting here."

"Delta," said Nuke. "These men need air support. Give me the best way to get to that turret."

Sounds of blur and beep were heard before Delta reappeared.

"You can take that Missile Launcher from that Destroyed XLA LAV and use it to destroy the building," said Delta. "However, you have a mass armor formation coming this way, so you got to hurry."

"On it," said Nuke. He turned to the squad. "You guys, give me covering fire against that Armor Formation."

"On it," said the Sergeant. "Boys, get ready for action and get that Javelin XL anti tank missile launcher!"

With the plan in place, Nuke leap out of the Foxhole and ran towards the destroyed XLA LAV. The vehicle itself was in a wreck, but its missiles launcher was still in good shape.

But he was only halfway across the field when a explosion rock the ground next to him. The Armor Formation had arrived.

Suddenly, loud gunfire erupted from the foxhole, followed by anti tank missiles flying over head.

Arriving at the Armored Vehicle, Nuke talk to Delta. "Delta, operate tool number #45 to remove the missile launcher," said Nuke.

A tool came out of the Power glove, and which Nuke used to remove the missile Launcher from the vehicle.

"Alright," said Delta. "Now destroy the target on that building."

"On it," Nuke replied as he aim it towards the SAM turret as the sounds of the armor formation drew closer.

"Target accured..." said Delta. "FIRE NOW!"

Nuke press the trigger, letting loss two missiles that flew over Mach 1 that when it reach the building housing the SAM turret, it erupted into a ball of flames.


"Get out of there NOW!" yelled Delta. Nuke ran as a explosion rock the remaining bits of the vehicle send him tumbling before getting back up again.

Minutes later, shells and missiles rained down on the armor formation, leaving nothing but scrap metal.


"Whoa hoo!" yelled the Squad as the R.A.B that saved Nuke flew overhead. Nuke ran pass them as he ran towards the white house.

As he ran, he passed bodies of soldiers of both Terrorists and Americans and ruined vehicles. He was hopeing that President Macaw was still ok.

However, he was so distracted in his thoughts that he didn't see a squad of Terrorists, one carrying a XShot 5000 Sniper Rifle, shot at him.


Nuke's vison became blurry as he collapse to the ground. His head hurting from what appeared to be two flashbangs and his right leg and shoulder was hurting.


Yelled someone. He couldn't tell. He saw someone with body armor and carrying a ARXL-15 yelling at someone else.

He felt someone pulling him away before he pass out.