
Human in the First Firmament / Marvel

The first firmament... A perfect Universe created by Him who is above all... The first firmament by itself has a consciousness... a consciousness that sought to create life and worlds in it... creating the Celestials... The Aspirants and the multicolored rebels... But what not many people know... is that A Human being was born in this world so complex... on one of the uninhabited planets created by a celestial. In a universe full of opportunities, but of infinite dangers... Alma will forge his way through the various wars of power... This story doesn't belong to me. I only translate.

Ana_Vazquez_0521 · Movies
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Chapter Three - 7 days of creation

Floating out of the planet's atmosphere, he could see that even with an atmosphere, it was just a rocky planet. With a minimal amount of water opening the book, a sacred aura swept over the planet.

[On the first day, I Alma created a world with so much water that it covered 70% of the surface].

With his voice, the words of the book came out of the pages and wrote their words in the world itself.

Out of nowhere, the world was filled with water, and although he still expends cosmic power for these, thanks to the runes his ability to modify reality increased by several margins and the cost decreased.

[On the second day, I Alma created a mountain so high that it connected heaven and earth and called it The Heavenly Mountain].

From deep within the planet the earth rose and a mountain so great that it would put most mountains on earth to shame rose. The energy of the planet converged on this mountain, which was surrounded by clouds and sacred air.

[On the third day, I Alma created the elemental energies Fire, Water, Earth Wind, Ether, and Magic].

Alma's thought in doing this was to weaken or dilute the cosmic energy by making the lesser energies born of the cosmic energy appear before that, and because in this way he had more facility to know how to move forward.

[On the fourth day, I Alma creates the moon].

Looking up, Alma could see how the energy was converging to form a rocky body that would begin to orbit the planet, a moon could not be missed.

[On the Fifth day, I Alma created the sky at the peak of the celestial mountain]

On the mountain peak, a translucent barrier appeared and within it, golden clouds and a pure white castle appeared.

[On the sixth day, I Alma believe the Heavenly Law]

[1. No one may go before the word of Alma]

[2. No one can kill another being within the planet]

[3. No one taking Alma out is worth more than the world]

[4. If anyone tries to bypass these rules, heavenly lightning will fall on its head]

[5. There is no sin in this world]

[6. Any sin will be punished by a painful death and bad Karma.]

[7. The world will reward whoever helps with Karma or a good fate within reason]

[8. The world has the power to give negative Karma to whomever it deems necessary]

[9. No one is above Alma as long as he is in this world].

Why did he put these rules in a lifeless world? Well, he had a suspicion that any planet with a certain amount of energy could create a planetary-level life like Gaia, so he put these rules in place to prevent that when that life is born it can do whatever it wants.

Even though this planet will technically be his body, he came first, he has the right to set the rules.

One of the reasons he weakened the cosmic energy by creating subclasses on the planet was because he knew that the cosmic energy had a hard time creating consciousness on a dead planet, whereas the less cosmic energies had an easier time in that regard.

[On the seventh day, I Alma rested]

Closing the book tightly the runes stopped moving, and the world stopped changing, but at this moment it was completely different from the previous world from a dead world with an aura of death to a planet full of energy and with a warm atmosphere.

Alma could also sense that the consciousness of the world was forming, but it would take some time to be born as it fed on mana and the other elemental energies that now covered the entire planet.

But leaving aside the consciousness of the planet that would take time to be born and awaken, Alma appreciated his truly beautiful work.

- "The runes worked better than I expected."

He was satisfied with his runes too if a normal human had them, even though he couldn't accomplish what he could with ease creating fireballs or magic that would take out the entire planet would have to be possible.

And that with normal humans is a long, long time before humans show up so much that it is really stupid to worry about them.

After taking a last look he teleported to the peak of the celestial mountain the holy and sacred aura was really strong and the energy of the planet and the cosmic energy covered the whole place the elemental and magical energies were also really abundant all over the mountain but even more on the peak and the castle that seemed to be above the clouds looked beautiful to the naked eye anyone looking at it from the outside would think only one thing.


This shape was not something thought out by Alma he didn't specify the shape he wanted the castle to be, so the planet itself shaped it, and he has to say it wasn't a mistake, nothing he could imagine could come on the heels of this castle.

Without wasting much time at the sight, he walked straight in and left the book floating just outside the entrance.

This castle was huge, but there was one thing he wanted to use now, the meditation hall, the focus of the entire planet's energy, cosmic or other.

Sitting in the lotus position on a comfortable, even heavenly cushion. Alma took one last look at the whole place before he closed his eyes and began to meditate.

The aura of the whole room changed as he began to meditate, and the energy flowed unceasingly into his body.

Alma had to limit the energy to only cosmic energy so that it would enter his body and he would not explode.


In a galaxy far, far away in a solar system with a massive superstar. Two silhouettes the size of planets faced each other.

- "Celestial, you will not be able to stop how this war will end. Surrender and follow our side, and perhaps I can spare you."

- "Aspirant, do you think you will win? Ha, in the end, we always win and nothing your side does can change that ending."

The challenger looked at the celestial in front of her cautiously, she was not the most powerful among the challengers and this celestial was much more powerful than her to the point that she could seal the surrounding space.

As an Aspirant she was born and lives happily creating life and watching it evolve into something that a multicolored celestial would not understand, seeing that the star that she created was about to be destroyed made her ready to fight to death to prevent the death of the life in it.

- "Well then die, Aspirant, die with the thought that I will kill all of your creation."

The struggle began a struggle on a cosmic level and succeeded in shattering the laws of the universe, space contracted and expanded like mad, releasing waves of energy into all space.

Even from a galaxy as far away as the one Alma was in, he could feel the vibration of space.

Alma looked out into space and furrowed his brows, he didn't know what was going on but considering the time he was in, surely some celestial or aspirant was going crazy.

- "This is not my problem."

Closing his eyes, he continued to meditate, increasing the reserves of cosmic power within his body.

He was not concerned that his planet would be affected by the space waves.