
Human amongst Gumm-Gumms

When the Killahead bridge opens Gunmar sends someone he raised as though he were his own son through to help free him. As fate would have it however the teen he sends through sides with the Trollhunter and his friends instead. Pairing: Wei x Claire Wei Yan inspired MC

Grimm48 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

Not-Enrique's party

2 days later Jim, Toby, Wei are all in Claire's room around noon, discussing their plan with the girl.

"So we wait for Strickler to fall asleep." Jim starts.

"Then I portal us in his office with the shadow staff." Claire continues. "But what if he doesn't fall asleep?" Toby asks.

"Right. So we spike his coffee first. Anyways Claire portals us in." Jim continues.

"What if he has protection in his office? Last time there was this weird stone thingy." Toby asks.

"I'll take care if it." Wei chimes in.

"Right so... we portal in once he's asleep and Wei takes out any security measure. And then I pull of the ring and we leave." Jim says.

"But what if you can't take off the ring?" Toby asks.

"Why shouldn't it come off?" Wei asks confused.

"I don't know? Maybe he glued it on?" Toby says, shrugging.

"In that case we can just leave without it. If he's asleep he will be none the wiser right?" Wei says.

"Yeah. Come on, Toby's right though. Let's go look for something to get the ring off him or find out if the ring has a safety measure." Jim says, leading Toby and Wei outside of Claire's house.

"Have fun with Darci and Mary." Wei tells Claire, kissing her before stepping in line with their friends once they are standing at the door.

"Ohh girls night?" Toby asks intrigued.

"Come on guys. Call me if you need anything." Wei says, leading his friends away, while looking back at Claire.

Mere moments after they are gone Claire hears loud cluttering coming from the kitchen and rushes inside, slipping on a soap smear Not-Enrique left on the floor.

"What are you doing out of your crib?" Claire asks, seeing the changeling blend a gooey green sludge, throwing a sock into the blender.

"Trying a new recipe, you want a taste?" The changeling replies.

"Just cause my parents are gone doesn't mean you can just do whatever. I'm still your big sister you troll." Claire tells him, turning off the blender.

"Technically I'm a few centuries older." Not-Enrique disagrees.

"I've had it with you. Ever since you replaced my brother I've had to cover for your awful existence. You do know my dad is sending me to a shrink because you ordered 900$ worth of socks." Claire complaints.

"Hey, I used a coupon. And shouldn't I get rewarded for putting my neck on the line for siding with you against Gunmar?" Not-Enrique says.

"If I remember correctly you didn't really have any other choice. It was that or Wei's fist in your face." Claire says scoffing.

"And now you're going back in your crib because my friends are coming over." Claire tells him, picking him up by his bushy neck hair and carries him to his room, tossing him into the crib.

"I told you not my scruff. See if I ever do you the favor to let you see your brother again." He complains.

"Fine!" She yells angrily.

Not-Enrique then gets his phone our of a stash in the cribs mattress and calls Bagdwella, telling her to spread the word to everyone that he's throwing a party.

Meanwhile Jim, Toby, Wei and Blinky are in Blinky's library, reading through his late brother's books. For anything that will ensure a safe removal of the infernal capula.

About 2 hours into their studying Blinky is fast asleep when Claire calls them on Jim's phone.

"Hey Claire, having fun with Mary and Darci?" Jim asks, putting her on speaker.

"No, I need help. There is a troll situation going on. Not-Enrique invited half the trollmarket and I can't get them to leave. I told Darci and Mary not to come but I doubt they will listen." Claire tells them.

"Alright, I'm coming and I'm bringing the cavalry." Wei tells her, getting ready to leave.

"Finally, no more reading." Toby says stretching his arms.

"No, the cavalry is Gobber and his pals." Wei says, his goblin familiar jumping out of his backpack excited, shouting "waka ka ka." While playing an imaginary trumpet.

"Sorry we just watched a western the other day." Wei says, leaving his two classmates and one sleeping troll in human form.

Wei quickly makes his way to his apartment, collecting a large group of Goblins who follow him over to Claire's house.

When they arrive there, having taken the forest route behind her house because of his companions, he sees large shadows bouncing in Claire's house while the girl is trying to get rid of her friends, who are pissed and adamant on entering her house to be included in what they assume is a party with college kids.

Alright guys move quickly. We need to get them out in under a minute." Wei says, opening the backdoor with a literal flood of goblins pouring in alongside him.

"Arrrgggh?" Wei asks surprised, getting a guilty look from the green troll.

"Everyone out now!" Wei says loudly, turning off the music.

"What? Puny human." A large troll says, attempting to push Wei aside, but instead is brought to his knees with Wei bending back his finger just short of breaking off the stone appendage.

"OK, OK we'll go." The troll says holding his finger worried.

"Well move!" Wei growls and the party guests flee in panic, Gunmar's visage appearing behind the teen for a second.

"Clean up. 20 seconds and then get out the back." Wei tells the horde of Goblin, who salute at the order and get to cleaning.

Wei spots a certain small green changeling and picks him up by his ears, making him cringe.

"That's even worse than my scruff." Not Enrique complains while Wei grabs him like one would a baby.

"Change appearances." Wei orders, letting no room for discussions and Not Enrique turns into his human counterpart.

"Claire. I'm so sorry, I finally managed to turn off the music though. You know I'm not good with technology." Wei says, opening the door and steps outside while carrying the small changeling.

"Well, I'll get out of your hair then ladies. And don't worry I will take good care of your brother Claire." Wei says, kissing the surprised girl's cheek.

"Yeah. Uhm thanks." Claire thanks him while he walks down the porch.

"Why don't you join us?" Mary suggests, having a small case of hero worship from when he saved her from falling off the roof.

"No thanks. I don't think Enrique would be able to stay quiet. Just enjoy yourselves." Wei says, starting to walk down the curb with Caire worriedly opening her door with her eyes closed.

"I'll go make popcorn." Mary says pushing past Claire with Darci.

Claire sees a green blur speed between her legs and looks after the Goblin confused before noticing the now clean house and smiles to herself.

"Come on girl, what's going on with you today? First you don't let us in and now you look like you want to stay outside yourself." Darci says.

"Sorry. I was a bit distracted today." Claire replies.

"I can imagine. You don't have to sneak around with that heroic boyfriend of yours anymore afterall." Darci says smirking, while sitting down on the couch next to Claire.

"It's not like that. We have other... well maybe it's like that." Claire lies, since she can't really explain the situation with Angor Rot to her friends.

"Oohh." The two girls say, Mary coming over with the popcorn and joins them on the couch.

"Tell us." Mary says intrigued.

"No. It's private and weren't you the one leading the anti-Wei campaign until a few days ago?" Claire asks.

"Maybe, but I changed my opinion on him." Mary replies.

"After he saved your life." Claire remarks.

"So? It doesn't matter why I changed my opinion of him, only that I did." Mary says.

"I suppose. So, what are we gonna do girls?" Claire asks.

"I brought a movie." Darci suggests, holding up a DVD.

|Meanwhile outside the house|

"Good job everyone. And as reward you can go to that cheese place and steal yourselves some cheese as long as you're careful and don't bring it home." Wei tells the horde of Goblins gathered at the forest.

"Waka waka!" Gobber shouts excitedly and the group cheers, before heading out, further into the forest.

"Hey. Let me go! No one can see now." Wei then hears Not Enrique complaining, trying to get out of his grip.

"Not yet. First we need to have a talk about your behavior lately." Wei tells the changeling.

"What about it? I can't help being the life of the party." Not Enrique replies.

"Well, if you continue on with this behavior that life will soon be gone." Wei says.

"Hah. You can't kill me. I'm the girls brother." Not Enrique challenges.

"You're not and don't forget, if I want to I can get him anytime." Wei tells the changeling.

"Then why haven't you huh?" Not Enrique asks doubtfully.

"Because I'd have to hurt the others, especially Jim if he wouldn't open the bridge." Wei tells him, dropping the green creature down.

"Alright fine. I will be the perfect baby during the day but night is my time to shine." Not Enrique suggests.

"Fair enough. Just don't get caught." Wei agrees shaking his little green hand.

"I'm a master at this of course I won't." The changeling says and hops off into the woods.

After Wei left Toby and Jim thought it'd be a good idea to use a potion that lets you absorb written knowledge faster, but Toby drank the whole bottle instead of a drop and ate Blinky's entire library, becoming a god of knowledge before continuously vomiting the magic letters he devoured.