
Human amongst Gumm-Gumms

When the Killahead bridge opens Gunmar sends someone he raised as though he were his own son through to help free him. As fate would have it however the teen he sends through sides with the Trollhunter and his friends instead. Pairing: Wei x Claire Wei Yan inspired MC

Grimm48 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs


During their research Jim, Blinky and Toby learned of an object with which they can steal Angor Rot's ring. The object is called the Kairosect and is supposed to be in Gatto's keep, in other words the treasury in the volcanic troll's stomach. So the next day the group goes back to argentina.

"Trollhunter, you came alone and without your medallion." Gatto says surprised when his minions bring Jim before him.

"I'm here to get the Kairosect." Jim tells him.

"A powerful artifact, why should I give it to you?" Gatto asks.

"Because I'm asking nicely?" Jim replies, getting a headshake 'no' from Gatto.

"Then We'll have to ask not so nicely." Jim says, after which Toby, Claire, Wei, Arrrgggh and Blinky all jump to his side and Toby gives him his medallion before holding open Gatto's mouth by extending his warhammer between it, taking it with him once they are all inside his stomach.

Two troll guards follow them into the stomach, only for Wei and Arrrgggh who stood guard to toss them promptly into the vulcan's stomach juices made of lava.

The two high five and Arrrgggh holds his side in pain, which only Wei notices.

"Where is the Kairosect?" Blinky asks looking through the many treasures with Jim and Claire.

"What are we looking for exactly Blinky?" Jim asks, pushing aside a small golden chest which falls over, among its content being a stone, almost shaped like a pyramid with markings all over it.

"That master Jim." Blinky replies, picking up the artifact.

"Let's get out of here." Toby says taking out an extra hot burrito and they make an ungraceful exit yet again.

|20 minutes later|

"Now what, what does this do Blinky?" Wei asks.

"If I'm interpreting these symbols correctly then..." Blinky says and pressed one of the purple crystals on it, disappearing and reappearing on a bookshelf.

"What, how did you? You can teleport?" Toby asks impressed.

"No. It allows you to step out of time and do stuff like this." Blinky says, pressing it again and plays a prank, moving them around before turning the time back to normal.

"Wow. There are so many possibilties we can do so much with this Jimbo." Toby says fantasizing.

"Not so fast Toby. There are rules to using this thing. First, only one person can step out of time. Secondly it lasts exactly 42minutes and 9 seconds and lastly it can only be used... 3 times. Well done Blinky reducing our timeframe to a one time use." Wei says, putting the object on the table after reading the inscriptions.

"Well now we know its limits." Blinky says unfazed.

"Great. I'll hold onto this." Jim says, taking the Kairosect.

"Come on guys we should go home, it's late and I need to study for the Spanish test." Jim says, holding his head exhausted.

|the next day|

After school is over Jim, Claire, Toby and Wei all are walking out of the school when Claire sees her father across the street and runs towards him, waving and calling his name, not seeing the truck headed right at her.

"Claire!" Both her father and Wei shout, the latter already rushed behind her and tackling her out of the way, when Jim quickly activates the Kairosect, fearing for Claire's life.

"Whew, alright timer, timer." Jim says, setting a timer on his phone before going over to Claire and Wei, who has his arms wrapped around her while they are falling towards the opposite street side, but not fast enough, at least Wei would get hit by the truck so Jim pushes the two forwards until they are clear of the speeding vehicle.

Jim then gets his scooter and drives to Stricklers office, only to find it empty. He looks around and sees a notice on his calendar which says he went to the dentist Toby is a regular attendant at.

Jim then gets back on his scooter and drives across town to the dentist, already wasting half the time the Kairosect provides. Once at the dentist Jim pries the ring off Stricklers finger and leaves promptly.

"I still have little under 10 minutes left, how to I find the killstone and Angor Rot though?" Jim asks aloud, playing with the ring, rubbing over its yellow crystal and gets a vision of Angor Rot frozen in time, holding the green stone in his hand.

"I know where he is, it will be hard to get there in time though." Jim says, rushing back to his scooter and drives to the sewer and towards where he can feel the troll assassin through the ring.

Once there Jim manages to take the killstone just before the Kairosects effect wears off.

"Argh, you!" Angor Rot growls jumping at Jim, who tries to slip on the ring, only for it to fall out of his hands and land right under Angor Rot's foot, who crashes it and watches his soul dissipate into nothingness, his eyes turning an empty white instead of their yellow color. Once over his shock Angor Rot chases Jim, who manages to escape on his scooter though.

Meanwhile in front of the school Wei and Claire fall to the ground, Wei angling himself under her so he takes most of the impact.

"Jim used the Kairosect." Wei says quietly, noticing their shift in position while Claire's father rushes over.

"Claire. Are you alright? Did you get hurt?" He asks worried, hugging his daughter.

"No, I'm fine dad." She replies, returning the hug.

"Thank you Wei. You saved my angel. I won't forget this." Claire's father says, pulling him into the hug as well, Wei not moving due to not being used to such a situation.

"Why don't you join us for dinner? I'm sure my wife will also want to thank you for risking your life for Claire."

Wei sees Claire nod at this excitedly behind her father and Wei agrees to come.

|that evening|

"Come on in." Ophelia Nunez greets Wei, opening the door for him while Javier and Claire are setting the table.

"Thank you for inviting me." Wei says carefully.

"No need to be so stiff, you saved our little girl today, we are in your debt." The mother tells Wei, hugging him firmly.

"It was nothing really." Wei replies.

"Don't sell yourself short. What you did was heroic." Ophelia tells him before heading to the kitchen, with Claire coming over to her boyfriend.

"Hey." She greets him, kissing his cheek.

"Are you sure this is a good idea?" Wei asks quietly, caressing her hands.

"Yes, it is." She insists, patting his cheek and pulls him along to the dinner table.

"So, Wei we don't really know much about you. Where are you from?" Ophelia asks once they are sitting at the table, eating together.

"I don't think you really know it it's a very closed off space. There is a lot of mining there though." Wei says.

"Mining huh? Can you find gold? I alwqys wanted to try my luck at a goldvein." Javier asks excited.

"I'm afraid not. It's more coal and crystals." Wei replies.

"Crystals?" Claire's mother asks.

"Stuff like amethyst and such right?" Claire says.

"Yeah. Anyways I moved here a couple months ago and first saw Claire at the school's theatre performance actually." Wei says.

"Wasn't she great?" Javier asks proudly.

"She is." Wei replies, nodding in agreement.

"So you moved here with your parents?" Ophelia asks.

"No, my... aunt. My father and I had kind of a falling out. But I don't really want to get into all of that, what about you. You're going to petition for mayor is the rumor, that must be exciting." Wei says and the rest of the dinner they chat about the Nunez family.

"Well it's late. I think you should head home while there's still some light out." Javier tells Wei, patting his shoulder.

"Can't he stay over? I'm still shaken up and having him here would help." Claire asks, putting up a scared front.

"... fine. But no funny business." Javier says after exchanging a look with his wife.

"Let me get a mat and blanket in that case." Ophelia says, going to fetch the items.

About half an hour later Wei and Claire are sitting in her room, the door open for her parents peace of mind.

"Any news from Jim?" Wei asks the dark-haired Latina.

"Yeah, he got the killstone but Angor Rot's ring got destroyed. He's free now." She tells him.

"That is..." he groans.

"Incredibly bad, yeah." Claire finishes, going over to him from her desk and sits down on her bed besides him.

"Can you promise me something?" She asks him quietly.

"What's wrong?" He asks concerned.

"If I don't survive, can you look out for my parents and my brother?" She asks him.

"That won't happen." He says confident.

"How can you be so sure of that?" She asks shaking her head thinking he's not taking her seriously.

"Because before I let something happen to you I will sell my soul and do everything I can to protect you." He says calmly, placing a hand on hers.

"Sell your soul? Wei, what are you talking about?" She asks concerned.

"Don't worry. I'll deal with it if it comes to that point." He says, faking being alright, something she catches up on but decides not to open that can of worms right now.

"So, what would you usually do around this time?" He asks, changing the topic.

"Homework." She says grinning sheepishly.

"Since I've been busy with trolls everything now's the only time I can do it." She says, going over to her desk.

"I really don't get this world yet. It was much simpler in the darklands." Wei says, lying back on her bed with his feet still on the floor.

"Do you miss it?" She asks.

"The darklands?" He asks in return, getting a nod positive as answer.

"Sometimes, I mean if my... if Gunmar weren't ruling it it could be well, not comfortable but living there grows strong bonds if you know what I mean." He answers.

"Like being imprisoned together will bond people?" She asks.

"I guess yeah." He chuckles.

"Anyone specific you miss? I mean there are girls there as well right?" She asks insecurely.

"Well... I guess technically yeah but they are like Nomura's true form. They don't have a human counterpart yet, they only have a human appearance here." He tells her.

"And was there someone?" She asks.

"No. Funnily they were all terrified of me." He chuckles.

"Why?" Claire questions.

"Because of Gunmar." He answers.

"I see." She says, smiling slightly.

"Well I'll let you get started on your homework. Do you mind if i train a bit?" He asks looking at the girl.

"No that's fine." She says, brushing her colored bang behind her ear.

"Thanks." He says, giving her cheek a kiss and pushes her chair aside slightly, giving him access to her window and sits down on its ledge, dropping down, grabbing onto it with his hands and starts to do pull ups while hanging out of her window, Claire often looking at him cutely, enjoying his even breathing and concentrated face as he's doing the exercise for a good 5 minutes when her mother checks in om them.

"Claire honey, where did Wei go?" She asks surprised to see her daughter alone in the room.

"Uhh, that's kinda hard to explain." Claire says chuckling nervously, since she's not sure how her parents will feel about him performing humanly impossible feats under their roof.

"I'm right here Mrs. Nunez." Wei says, pulling himself up so he's looking into the room with his arms resting on the ledge.

"Why?" The woman asks stupefied.

"I'm doing some pullups." He replies.

"O...OK. Anyways, Claire your father and I will head to bed. Don't stay up to late you two." Claire's mother tells her.

"I think your brownie points with my parents are gone now." Claire tells Wei, looking at him with a grin.

"What are brownie points?" He asks and Claire's father steps into the door, looking at Wei hanging outside his daughter's room relaxed.

"Guess that explains why you're not having any problems at work." Javier says shaking his head while grinning before heading back to his wife.

"Night dad." Claire shouts after him.

"Good night angel." He replies.

"Brownie points is an expression when you made a good impression on someone." Claire answers, leaning with one elbow on her window frame, looking him in the eyes and kisses him softly.

"Do I need brownie points with your parents?" He asks, starting to do pull ups again while she turns back to her math problems.

"I would like it, yes." Claire replies.

"OK." He says, pulling himself in the room with ease and takes off his shirt, Claire staring at his muscular and scarred body intensely for a few seconds.

"Is something wrong?" He asks when he notices her staring.

"Uh, no, no." She replies quickly, blushing.

"You can tell me. I won't get mad if you tell me I'm bothering you." Wei says, placing his hands besides her smaller ones while standing behind the sitting girl.

"You're not bothering me... you're distracting me." She tells him.

"Oh, sorry. I will rest then." He says understandingly, kissing her cheek and sits down with his bsck against her bed again, one leg propped up and his arm resting on it with his head joining it soon after, this being his usual position to sleep after his whole life having to sleep with one eye open.

Claire goes back to her homework and finishes it quickly.

Looking to her boyfriend she sees him sitting against her bed relaxed and takes the blanket her mother brought while going over to him, about to put it around him, when she subconsciously explores his body with her dainty hands while leaning into his side contently.

"You should sleep on your bed." Wei tells her quietly, rubbing one of her hands with his free one.

"Am I bothering you?" She asks cutely.

"No, I'm just concerned. This isn't comfortable for you." He tells her.

"Maybe you should join me on my bed then." She says kissing his neck softly.

"I...I can't." He says guiltily.

"Why?" She asks softly, looking at him out of th corner of her eye while leaned into his broad chest.

"I can't protect us like that." He replies.

"Protect us from what?" She asks, wanting him not to worry too much.

"At the moment, Angor Rot." Wei answers.

"Alright, but once we dealt with him, I expect you to be right here besides me." She tells him, patting her bed.

"I don't..." he start to say worriedly.

She interrupts him with a kiss and tells him, "Please promise me." while squeezing his hand supportively.

"OK." He sighs, giving in, not having slept like a normal human in over 14 years.

"I want you to be relaxed around me even if you feel like you have to protect me from everything. I'm not as weak as you think." Claire tells him while climbing into her bed after draping the blanket over her boyfriend and gets under her covers directly behind him, his shoulders lightly touching her covered thighs.

"I don't think you're weak. Otherwise I wouldn't have left you the staff Claire. I just need a purpose I am happy living by." Wei tells her.

"Thanks. Good night Wei." She says, turning off the small light remaining in the room.