
Human amongst Gumm-Gumms

When the Killahead bridge opens Gunmar sends someone he raised as though he were his own son through to help free him. As fate would have it however the teen he sends through sides with the Trollhunter and his friends instead. Pairing: Wei x Claire Wei Yan inspired MC

Grimm48 · Anime & Comics
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14 Chs

pixies in the school

|A couple of days later - school|

Claire is putting away some books after her first period when Darci and Mary sneak up on her.

"You're going with Wei to the dance and you didn't tell us?" Mary asks upset.

"Who told you that? We haven't even talked about going to the dance yet." Claire asks surprised.

"So, you're not going to the dance with him?" She asks relieved.

"Oh I am going with him... if I'm going at all." Claire answers.

"What!? Claire, obviously you have to go, it's spring fling. And Darci will be Queen!" Mary shouts in shock.

"Yeah, yeah. I guess." Claire replies.

"Hey, are you doing anything later?" Wei asks, arriving at the group and kisses her cheek.

"No, not yet. Why, do you have something in mind?" Claire asks.

"Maybe, guess you'll have to wait and see." He tells her with a wink.

"Sorry, am I interrupting?" He asks, seeing Darci look at them happily while Mary isn't as thrilled.

"No, no. We were just asking Claire if she's coming to Spring Fling." Darci answers with a smirk.

"What Darci is trying to hint at is if we're going to it together Wei." Claire says, wrapping her arms around one of his.

"Uhh, sure. If you'd do me the honor, though I have to warn you. I'm not much of a dancer." He says.

"That's OK. I can teach you. There you have it you two, we're coming to Spring Fling." Claire says, looking at her best friends, before leaving with Wei just as Steve runs past them yelling "I'm Steve. I'm Steve, you're not Steve. I'm Steve."

"What's with him?" Wei Claire asks.

"SAT season, I tell ya at least one kid breaks like a twig every year." Coach Lorenz remarks, walking past the couple.

"This is my class. See you later." Claire tells Wei, kissing him quickly before entering her spanish class, a yellow glowing dot flying into her ear.

Wei continues on his way to his class which is actually supposed to be lead by Strickler but when he gets there a substitute informs him and the other students that they have a free period, because the headmaster called in sick.

When Wei exits the school hallways again he sees many students behaving unusually.

'What's up with this chaos?' He asks himself, before hearing a buzzing and squeaking next to his ear and quickly squashes the Pixie attempting to warp his mind.

"Pixie. Wait, Claire." He says in realization, going looking for his latina girlfriend in a hurry.

"Claire? Claire?" He shouts, storming all over the school and finally sees her, while she's freaking out while pawing at a random locker, saying her brother's name over and over.

"Claire. Get yourself together." Wei says, shaking her.

"Pixie, get out of her or I'm making your death especially painful." Wei growls in her ear.

"Ah, I'm so sorry about this Claire." Wei says guiltily slapping her across her face, getting the pixie out, which he immediately smashes against the locker.

"Are you OK?" He asks her worriedly with Claire crying and wrapping her arms around him tightly.

"I heard Enrique crying for my help. But I couldn't get to him." Claire says scared.

"It's fine. Your brother is safe. It was just a pixie playing tricks on you." He tells her, showing her the yellow plat in his palm.

"Why is my cheek stinging?" Claire asks confused.

"Sorry. You can slap me all you want in return later. For now I need to get you out of here." Wei tells her concerned about her safety.

"Why? What's going on?" Claire asks.

"There's a troll attack on the school." Wei answers, leading her through the halls, her left hand tightly grabbed in his.

"Wei. What about Toby and Jim?" Claire asks, stopping.

"Arrrghh." They hear a rumbling roar from inside the school.

"Angor Rot." They say simultaneously.

"Claire. Please, stay away. Stay in sunlight. I will go help Jim." Wei tells her, squeezing her hand and gives her a peck on her cheek before running into the school.

After rounding multiple corners he sees Angor Rot holding up Jim in a chokehold with the daylight sword in the troll's hand.

Wei runs at the two and tackles Angor Rot as well as Jim into the empty gym, Jim retrieving his dropped boomerang blades telekinetically while he falls.

Wei accidentally smashes through Angor Rot's container, releasing a handful of giggling pixies, which start to circle around the two teens and one troll.

"Jim, run." Wei tells the trollhunter before three pixies enter Wei's ears, making him freeze in place.

"Argh. Damn pests. Get the other one." Angor Rot says and the pixies fly after Jim, warping his mind as well.

"Let this be a lesson to you hunter. You are nowhere safe from me. Even here, protected by peers I can reach you." Angor Rot tells Jim, who thinks he's standing in front of the killahead bridge with his friends all turned to stone around him.

Jim knowing that it's just an illusion tries to defend himself against Angor Rot, but the troll disarms him, before knocking him to the floor, getting out his pixie and threatens Jim with his own blade while he's lying on his back. "I'll give you one chance. We have a common enemy." Angor Rot says.

"Strickler?" Jim asks.

"He has the Inferna Copula. My ring! And you will steal it for me. Do that and I will sever the bond between him and your mother." Angor Rot suggests.

"Decide quickly. Because the next time we meet it will be either yours or Strickler's end." Angor Rot says, knocking out Jim.

In the meantime, outside the gym doors Wei is kneeling in place, quietly mumbling while tears are streaming down his face.

"Wei. Wei. Wake up." Claire says, having decided to follow him afterall.

"Claire. No don't hurt her. Punish me father. Torture me, burn me. Anything." Wei mumbles.

"Wei!" Claire says louder and slaps him across his face hard, knocking him over and the three pixies out of his head, which quickly flee.

"Hah. Urg, Jim." Wei grunts, holding his head with a headache.

"What are you doing Claire? I told you..." Wei starts to say, before he sees two yellow eyes shine through the gym door's windows.

"Run." Wei tells her, seeing the troll lick his knife dangerously.

"Stop telling me to run away. I can help you." Claire protests, unaware of Angor Rot.

"Do it!" Wei hisses at her, roughly shoving her away, almost making her fall.

Glaring back at her boyfriend she sees him holding back Angor Rot, who's dagger is where she previously stood.

"Where is my staff! I know one of you has it." Angor Rot says angrily.

"I have it, bur you're not getting it." Wei says, showing his collapsed double voulge which looks eerily similar to her shadow staff, before running in the opposite direction of her. "Give me back my staff and you may life!" Angor Rot curses, running after Wei, who dodges the trolls swings a few times, before he has to use his weapons to block the deadly dagger from reaching him.

"You don't have my staff. The girl does." He deduces when the object doesn't transform into the staff.

"She's in sunlight by now. So,leave, you won't get what you want." Wei tells him.

"And why shouldn't I kill you?" Angor Rot asks, walking over to Wei, who backs up and steps through a door, letting the sun shine through it, just in front of the troll's feet.

"Can you?" Wei challenges in response.

"Hah. I like your style, too bad we're on opposite sides. We would make an unbeatable team." Angor Rot says grinning madly before leaving and recalls the pixies from all over the school.

Just when Wei is about to go looking for Claire he hears a girl screaming for help and sees Mary hang on the roof's ledge only a few rooms next to him.

"Hold on." Wei tells her, climbing out the classroom's window he's in and jumps up to the roof, grabbing the ledge and pulls himself up, quickly running over to her and easily pulls her onto the roof.

"Are you OK?" Wei asks Claire's friend.

"Thank you." Mary thanks him, hugging him while some students on the schoolyard applaud for his heroics.

"I need to find Claire now." He says, prying himself out of the girl's hug and dashes down the staircase, heading to the gym.

When he arrives in the gym he sees Toby and Claire trying to wake up Jim.

"Claire!" Wei says relieved, wrapping his arms tightly around the girl, who runs up to him with a hug.

"I'm sorry I shoved you. Are you OK?" He asks worried.

"All fine. I'm glad you did, otherwise Angor Rot would have gotten me." Claire answers, before giving him a kiss.

"Ahem. Unconscious trollhunter over here." Toby reminds them with a fake cough.

"Right, sorry." Claire says, going back over to Jim while holding Wei's hand.

"He looks OK and I think the pixies are gone." Wei says, leaning over Jim with Toby and Claire.

"Come on, I know how to wake him up." Wei says, lifting up Jim in his arms and carries him out of the Gym's backdoor and to the water faucet behind the building, turning it on and splashes the young trollhunter with it.

Jim wakes up with a gasp, wiping the water off his face instinctively.

"What happened?" Jim asks.

"You tell us. Wei was in a trance until I woke him up and Angor Rot just left after he didn't get his staff from Wei I assume." Claire says.

"I went into a room filled with direct sunlight. He couldn't chase me anymore. Why he left Jim alive I don't understand though." Wei says.

"He wants me to steal his ring from Strickler, it's how he's being controlled." Jim answers.

"Come on guys, we should go join the other students. We'll figure out what to do later." Toby suggests, leading his friend and the group's couple back to the schoolyard, where the rumor is going around that there was a gas leak.

When the four join the other students Mary and Darci quickly come over to them.

"I apologize Claire. I was totally wrong about your hunky boyfriend. He's like totally a hero." Mary tells Claire dreamily, pulling her aside and out of Wei's grasp much to his surprise.

"What are you talking about?" Claire asks, worried the two girls saw him fend off Angor Rot to protect her.

"Well, when I was hallucinating I for some reason thought I'm a mountain climber and when I came out of it I was hanging off the roof. You should've seen him. Wei just jumped out of a classroom's window and onto the roof, pulled himself up and pulled me up. He totally saved me." Mary explains.

"Ahh. OK." Claire sighs relieved that they didn't see Wei fight the troll.

"What are you disappointed or something?" Darci asks confused.

"No, I was just relived you're save Mary." Claire says, hugging the girl.

|Later that day|

Wei and Claire are walking home together.

"Are you sure it's a good idea for me to meet your parents as your boyfriend?" Wei asks.

"Yes. If we're going to the dance it's necessary. Plus we wouldn't have to sneak around so much." Claire tells him.

"Well, I'm sure your dad will watch me on my weekend job like a hawk then." Wei chuckles.

"How's that going anyways?" Claire asks.

"OK I guess. I have to remind myself that I don't just carry the products around under my arm though." He chuckles.

"Well you do have strong arms." Claire compliments him, wrapping her arms around one of his, squeezing his muscles.

"Well, here we go." Claire says a few minutes later, sliding her hand into Wei's before opening her door, peeking into the living room, seeing both parents actually sitting on the couch, feeding Not-Enrique.

"Claire. You're back, we were worried. Your mother heard about the gas leak." Her father says.

"What are you doing? Come in." He says confused by his daughter's nervous behavior.

"Uhm, mom, dad. There is someone I want you to meet. Well, you know him already dad." Claire says, entering, while pulling Wei along behind her.

"Wei?" Her father asks surprised.

"Hello Mr. Nunez. Mrs. Nunez." He greets them politely.

"Mom, dad, meet my boyfriend." Claire says, grinning nervously.

"Wha..." her father gasps surprised.

"Could you wait outside for a minute? Wei was it?" Claire's mother requests, getting a silent nod in reply and Wei leaves the house, sitting down on the curb.

"Claire. A boyfriend why didn't you tell us before?" Her mother asks disappointed.

"We only started dating a few days ago." Claire informs them.

"He's working for me you know." Her father says.

"Yes, I suggested he should check out the job." Claire tells her parents.

"Hmm. Fine, he's a nice kid from what I've seen. You still should've told us beforehand." Her father says, patting his daughter's shoulders with a gentle smile.

"Yes. I don't like being surprised. But since he's your first boyfriend. I understand." Her mother says.

"Go on then, bring him in." The woman says and Claire gives her parents a hug, before hurrying outside, pulling Wei back in the house with her.

"I didn't know you knew my daughter." Claire's father says, shaking Wei's hand as greeting.

"I assumed she put in a good word foe me to be honest." Wei says chuckling lightly.

"No, no. You were simply the most qualified." The man answers.

"Thanks." Wei says happily.

"Nice to meet you Wei. Sorry for just now... but we needed to talk to Claire privately for a moment." The mother greets him, joining her husband with Not-Enrique on her arm.

"I understand. And this must be the Enrique I've heard about." Wei says, leaning closer to the baby, who starts to cry, the changeling remembering Wei almost killing him the first time they met.

"I must've scared him. Sorry." Wei says, acting surprised but makes a mental note to threaten the changeling into not making a scene.

"It's fine. So, what happened at the school today?" The mother asks the two teens.

"We don't know. A burst gas line according to rumor." Claire informs them.

"Are you OK?" Her father asks concerned.

"Yeah. Everyone is fine. Actually Wei's the one who made sure I left when people started to act weirdly." Claire says, patting Wei's hand.

"Thank you. Our girl means everything to us." Her mother thanks Wei.

"She's very important to me too." He replies, looking at Claire with love, her parents noticing this.

"Anyways. I'm gonna show Wei my room." Claire says, going towards the stairs with Wei, her father whispering "keep the door open."

"That didn't go too bad." Claire tells Wei, when they enter her room.

"Yeah. That's true." Wei agrees.

"So, what now?" Claire asks, sitting in her room nervously.

"I don't know. Me coming over was your idea." Wei tells her.

"I guess we could talk a bit, cause you can count on my father checking in." Claire tells him, lying down on her bed while Wei sits down leaned against it.

"Soo, what was your pixie dream about? Mine was Enrique crawling away with me unable to catch up." Claire says, remembering him saying her name.

"It was just a nightmare." He replies.

"Tell me about it." She says.

"I said something didn't I?" He asks knowingly, kissing the hand she brushes through his strubbly hair with.

"Yeah. It was quite haunting." She tells him.

"Fine. I saw my father and his minions holding you captive while I was chained up and couldn't move." He tells her.

"Are you OK now? I mean from the sound of it the illusion really freaked you out." Claire says.

"It did. Like I said it was a nightmare. To be honest I feel more guilty for slapping and shoving you." He sighs.

"You saved me both times though." She tells him, yawning tiredly.

"Still. I promised myself I'd never hurt you and will do anything to protect you... yet I'm the only one who hurt you so far." He groans disappointed.

"I'm not hurt. I'm proud of you. No one else has gone so far to protect me, ever." Claire says tiredly, before falling asleep, tired from the exhausting day.

"Sweet dreams." He says, covering Claire with her blanket and sits down against her bed again, the even, sweet sound of Claire's breathing sending him into a slumber himself.

An hour later the parents decide to check on their daughter and open the half-closed door, seeing Claire with a big smile sleeping on her bed, while Wei's sleeping leaned against her bed, looking sad.

"I don't know what you were worried about. See he's a nice kid. Though I think he has a rough home situation." Claire's father tells his wife, closing the door a bit again and head downstairs with his wife.

"Why do you think that?" The woman asks once they are in the living room.

"I saw some scars on him. They looked older and not every teen willingly gets a weekend job if they don't have to." The man replies.

"Well, I'm sure we'll find out sooner or later." Claire's mother says.