
Hub life

Cassie, a recovering addict sent to leave by herself away from all the friends she had, given a job at a coffee shop just next to Party Strip Club. Matthew, the manager of the club has a crush on Martelli, the daughter of Guella, Guella succeded Once Coffee Spot from her husband, Frank, a South African based lawyer. Cassandra, is always on Guellas side to take Martelli back to school just so that Matthew would quit having frequent stopovers and sending one gift to another. Cassie is still overcoming the demise of her girlfriend Mellissa, but also despises John, Matthews best friend for constantly eyeing her every time they cross each others path. Cassie is now two years clean, finished her probation two months ago, had I mentioned she was detained? She feels responsible for being there for Martelli and guide her as she transition from high school to college and to life, her biggest goal however is to not go back to her precious ways, lifestyle. Amidst her battle she finds love again and figures out life is just but a roller-coaster.

Joy_Gitonga_7361 · Urban
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9 Chs

Legacy's Embrace.

(Phone ringing, 'If I had your number-Kaskazini'),, Cassie didn't even hesitate to pick once she saw her probation officer, Talia Manson. "Hey free bird, how are you doing?",Cassie joyfully giggled and almost forgot whatever she was thinking about. "I am fine thank you the lady who almost lost her mind because of this fine lady." Talia was passing through Wenatche streets, where Cassie lived and decided to pass by see how she was coping. Cassie was at first reluctant wanting to say she's at work, "Don't pull that line girl, I know you don't work on Thursdays, so I'll be I your apartment in the next thirty minutes.

Cassie scolded her thoughts," people don't know the meaning of an appointment, being my probation officer doesn't give her any right to just storm in my house and besides my probation ended the day I got my community service certificate". She abruptly removed the cigarettes and bottles quickly taking them to one of the kitchen drawer. " On the fridge was a picture of Melissa on their day of graduation back at Dekut School of higher learning, her remorse was visible through the tears at the corner of her eyes. Her thoughts were interrupted by a knock at the door, she rushed for the newspaper and drafts at her desk then later tiptoed for the door, "good afternoon officer, welcome to my humble paradise, way million better than those locked rooms I spent dozens of days".

Talia stepped in eyeing every corner of the two bedroom apartment in a manner suggesting she was not very sure of her visit. "Well, I just missed my probes and see the going." The air was tense, filled with a mix of anxiety and anticipation, they settle on the living room couch and Cassie hands her a mug of coffee. The latter isn't so hesitant to the probation officer for she doesn't seem to be timid, she bravely looks her directly to the eye.

Officer Talia eyed her apartment over and over again, "I know my visit might bring a surge of emotions but it's my job to make sure everyone is doing okey." Cassie nods and grins handing her recent findings about her friend Marcus, "do you happen to know him?" Talia placed the newspaper aside and curiously looked at her. " Before we even begin on Marco, how are you dealing with the legal aftermath, you know, Melissa, ". The room becomes filled with an uneasy silence, both acknowledging the tragedy that unfolded. Officer Talia decides to steer the conversation towards Cassies life post-probation," how have you been coping since your probation ended? ". Cassie stood and moved to the window lighting up a cigar she had not seen when clearing out the rest," it's been trying to rebuild , find some normalcy, got a job at a boutique, it helps keep my mind occupied. "Have you been attending any therapy?" Cassie scratched her head recalling she last saw her therapist a week ago.

"I've been attending therapy, it's a slow process,but I'm learning to navigate my grief and guilt." Officer Talia maintaining a supportive tone , addresses the delicate matter of Cassies past, "Cassie, I want to acknowledge the progress you have made, finishing probation and taking steps towards rebuilding, though I also want to remind you of the importance of seeking help when you need it." The conversation turns towards the future as Officer Manson encourages Cassie to keep moving forward, she emphasises on how her past does not define her, "keep focusing on the present and what you can control, if you ever need support don't hesitate to reach out."

Cassie, grateful for the unexpected visit, nods with a small smile before returning to have her sit. She became enthusiastic when she realised that her journey to healing is ongoing. Although she felt like the world had come crushing at her doorstep, she still appreciated that she did not feel alone.

Officer Talia Manson stood and headed for the door, " it was happy seeing you all healthy and steady little champ, till again, take care. "

Cassie sits alone in her living room, the echoes of Officer Mansons visit lingering in the air. Her apartment though partially tidy, carries the weight of memories, both happy and painful. She goes to the kitchen placing the used mug of coffee before she stood gazing at a framed photo of Melissa, capturing a moment of joy before the accident. The room is adorned with subtle hints of their shared life. As Cassie contemplates the unexpected visit,her eyes reflect a mixture of gratitude and introspection. Her features, once marked by grief, now hold a quite determination.

She absentmindedly twirls a bracelet on her wrist, a sentimental piece Melissa gave her. The sunlight filters through the curtains,casting a warm flow on her face. Despite the tragedy that unfolded, there's a subtle resilience in her demeanor. Probation is over, but the shadows of the accident never truly fade.

She reached for a notebook on the coffee table, a tool in her therapeutic journey. Sketches and handwritten thoughts fill it's pages, capturing the ebb and flow of her emotions. The apartment though modest,reflects Cassies attempt to create a sanctuary amidst the storm. "I'm trying Melissa. Every day is a step forward,even when it feels like I'm standing still". She glances at a potted plant on the windowsill, a symbol of growth amid adversity. The room exudes a quiet resilience, mirroring her own journey." Perhaps the officer is right, my last does not define my future, I just need to believe it. "

Her eyes a reflection of sorrow and strength, scan the room as if searching for answers. As the day unfolds Cassie remains seated at the corner of her chair, a silent witness to her own story. The apartment becomes a canvas where healing and memories coexist. "One step at a time I will find my way."

The room falls into a contemplative silence, and Cassie, with a renewed sense of purpose, continues her journey to rebuild and rediscover the fragments of her life. Cassie stood and later realized the article she had handed to Officer Manson was missing. "This officers, what was the purpose of taking that piece, I just asked about Marcos case,the nerve, now I'm not anywhere close to figure out what the real deal with Marcus is". She went to seat back on her coffee table before taking out her drafts on steps to conquer her legacy's embrace. After all she had a whole life to live.