
Hub life

Cassie, a recovering addict sent to leave by herself away from all the friends she had, given a job at a coffee shop just next to Party Strip Club. Matthew, the manager of the club has a crush on Martelli, the daughter of Guella, Guella succeded Once Coffee Spot from her husband, Frank, a South African based lawyer. Cassandra, is always on Guellas side to take Martelli back to school just so that Matthew would quit having frequent stopovers and sending one gift to another. Cassie is still overcoming the demise of her girlfriend Mellissa, but also despises John, Matthews best friend for constantly eyeing her every time they cross each others path. Cassie is now two years clean, finished her probation two months ago, had I mentioned she was detained? She feels responsible for being there for Martelli and guide her as she transition from high school to college and to life, her biggest goal however is to not go back to her precious ways, lifestyle. Amidst her battle she finds love again and figures out life is just but a roller-coaster.

Joy_Gitonga_7361 · Urban
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9 Chs


Title: Narrow Escape

Cassie hurried out of the bustling coffee shop, clutching her steaming cup of latte tightly as she dashed across the street. Her mind was preoccupied with the looming deadlines at work, causing her to ignore the blaring horns and screeching tires of the city traffic.

As she reached the halfway point, a sudden movement caught her eye. Instinctively, she froze, her heart pounding in her chest. A sleek SUV barreled towards her, its headlights glaring menacingly in the dim twilight. Time seemed to slow as Cassie's thoughts raced.

With a surge of adrenaline, Cassie leaped backward, narrowly avoiding the speeding vehicle as it whizzed past her, the rush of air ruffling her hair. She stumbled and fell to the pavement, the contents of her cup splattering across the concrete in a brown puddle.

Shaken but unharmed, Cassie slowly rose to her feet, her breath coming in ragged gasps. A crowd had gathered, their murmurs of concern blending with the distant wail of sirens. Someone helped her up, their voice a distant echo as Cassie's gaze remained fixed on the retreating taillights of the SUV.

As Cassie sat in the safety of the nearby park, her hands still trembling, she replayed the terrifying encounter in her mind. The image of the speeding vehicle haunted her thoughts, each passing moment amplifying the magnitude of what could have been a tragic accident.The thoughts and flashbacks of that fateful day with the love of her life scanned through her mind.

She couldn't shake the feeling of vulnerability that lingered, the realization of how fragile life truly was. It was a wake-up call, a stark reminder to cherish every moment and not take anything for granted. Cassie's mind drifted to her loved ones, her family and friends who meant the world to her. She made a silent vow to hold them a little closer, to express her gratitude and affection more freely. She however remembered those who put blames on her and cursed the driver, " good for nothing rascal, fall in a pit,".

But amidst the turmoil of emotions, there was also a sense of gratitude—an overwhelming relief that she had narrowly escaped harm's way. Cassie couldn't help but feel a surge of appreciation for the unseen forces that had intervened, guiding her away from danger with split-second precision.

As the evening wore on and the city lights flickered to life, Cassie made her way back home, the events of the day still fresh in her mind. With each step, she felt a renewed sense of purpose, a determination to make the most of her second chance.

She reached for her phone, her fingers trembling slightly as she dialed her best friend at work number, Martell. The sound of her colleague's voice brought a flood of emotions, and Cassie found herself pouring out the details of her close call, the words tumbling out in a jumbled rush.

Her friend listened patiently, her words of comfort a soothing balm to Cassie's frayed nerves. In that moment, Cassie realized the importance of connection, of reaching out to those who cared and allowing them to share in her triumphs and struggles.

As she ended the call, Cassie made a silent promise to herself—to live each day with intention, to cherish the moments both big and small, and to never forget the precious gift of life.

In the best hours of the days that followed, Cassie found herself viewing the world through a different lens. The once mundane routines of daily life took on new significance, each interaction imbued with a sense of gratitude and wonder.

She spent more time with colleagues and few cousins savoring the simple joys of laughter and conversation. She made a conscious effort to slow down, to appreciate the beauty of the world around her—the gentle sway of trees, the warmth of sunlight on her skin.

And though the memory of that fateful encounter lingered, it no longer held power over her. Instead, it served as a poignant reminder of her resilience, a testament to the strength that lay within her.

As Cassie looked towards the horizon, her heart brimming with hope and possibility, she knew that she had emerged from the darkness stronger than before. And as she took her first tentative steps forward, she did so with a newfound sense of purpose, ready to embrace whatever the future held.

Cassie took out her phone from the purse and dialed Martellis number only for it to go to voicemail. She wanted to go back to the shop, ask her daughters boss why the black car she just alighted almost got her to a surgical bed but she was so shaky for that act and put her phone back to the purse."Who the hell was that?". Her thoughts were distracted when a kid came to give her fallen blue pocket book.