
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time. I had this already done and figured I would release it so I have some time to grieve about the friend that passed away. 1/11/2024

Night_Survivors · Movies
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62 Chs

Chapter 13

Chapter 13


Astrid Pov:


 "Your our neighbors?!" We all shout to them at the same time. "Wait, you live in the ancient H house?!" They shout back.


 "Guys lets go home and do this before people start complaining." I say quieter. "Alright, lets go to your house then." Hiccup says as we go down to their house 0698 Viking avenue.


 We arrive and go sit in their front yard. Viking avenue is full of fenced in houses. Even though it is in a gated community. Stoick had got us the cards 2 days ago so we could get in and out.


 We talk for a bit and our dogs have fun with each other and at around 7:00 we head back locking the door tight. When we get in I say. "I am going to message Stoick saying that we have some interesting neighbors. I am going to do that now, is there anything you guys want to add?"


 "Yes, have him check up the names Eugene Lionheart, Tuffnut Thorston, and Ruffnut Thorston. We don't know if they are friendly or not." Hiccup says and I nod leaving to my room. I enter and open up my personal laptop and go to my Gmail. I was already going to say the thing about the Thorston's but he is right about Eugene.


 I left-click compose and write to SVHaddock@gmail.com. "After the open house today we learned we have some interesting neighbors. Can you look up these individuals, 1. Tuffnut Thorston, 2. Ruffnut Thorston, and 3. Eugene Lionheart. And can we get flip phones because most people here have phones and I know those are only for calling and texting." Once I finish writing I hit send and go to bed.



 When I wake up I do my normal routine. Once I get dressed I head to my computer and open it up. I go to my Gmail and look for new messages to find one from SVHaddock.


 I open it to find a message from him and it reads. "I will be looking into Eugene and send you a message in a day if I find anything. His family is kinda hard to figure out anything on him. Now for the twins as they are if you didn't know. They are easy to figure out more than Eugene. They come from a family who have 1-2 letters before uffnut. They are clear, they just moved out of their parents house because they are Loki worshippers. They love to play pranks so they got kicked out and the child services got them a house so they did not destroy or hurt other people or things. Though they do fine in school. As for the phones I will have them set up and sent as soon as possible. They should be there in less than 3 days."


 As I finish the message I leave my room to tell the others. "So guys, for the people we met yesterday. Do not talk to Eugene till SV gets back to us on it. As for the Twins they are ok, just don't let them near anything unreplaceable and valuable. The reason is they are pranksters and tend to destroy stuff."


 "Alright, well we know what classes they have but not what periods. They are in Band and Gym as usual though so we should watch out for them. Continuing on, On the phone front we should be getting flip phones in the next 3 days. Texting and calling only from what I understand." I tell them to which they all nod and the pets bark.


 "Which reminds me, I want to get a pet dog." Snotlout says.



Inside AI6 Headquarters



Narrator Pov:


 We see Stoick doing normal paper work when Phlegma phones in saying. "Sir, do you have a second?"


 "Yes, what is it this time, don't tell me he found them?" Stoick asks sarcastically. "No, but, 2 or more of the kids want dogs or pets."


 "Ok, who wants pets and what animal, breed, age, and when?" Stoick says seemingly sucking up to them to which he may never in the future.








 Seeing how I am the oldest I ended up having to send the message to Stoick about the pets. They are set to arrive any minute and since our only safe place where we could get them was discovered, maybe, its harder to get stuff here.


 I am sitting on a bench we have set up in the corner of grass by the driveway. Looking at the houses nearby, 698 belongs to the twins and is a older house as to not destroy new ones. And looking at 702 it seems to be an older house as well. It also looks like the house Jake built but reversed.


 It was built in the same orientation but its back is the front. There is a door by the dining room, its driveway continues behind the house and down to the cellar. They may have an underground garage.


 Just as I am about to examine the house more the truck with the pets arrive. I open the driveway gate and they drive in and park. The man gets out and it is the Peter guy Jake mentioned from before. I take my phone and send the message for them to come out slowly. Which they don't.


 "So, lets see, For Scott I have a reddish black malamute and for Astrid a Rare breed called a Deadly Nadder. Now be careful as these are aggressive breeds of dogs. The Deadly Nadder especially, even if it looks harmless being blue, its tail furs can turn into spikes." Peter says as he brings them out.


 When he goes to let them out of their kennels the Deadly Nadder's tail does as he said it would. It try's to attack him but he jumps back in time. "Now the best way to train a Deadly Nadder is to comment on it, they have a high sense of..." He doesn't get to finish as Astrid goes up and hugs it.


 Peter thinks it is going to attack but the second it looks at Astrid it locks her. "How?!" A dumbfounded Peter says looking in astonishment. "Now for the malamute just follow the normal training methods. I will be back in a month or so to record them, though be careful if it is not me." He says as he gets in the truck and leaves. Unknown to the faces looking directly at the scene that just transpired from Viking Avenue 705, The Lionheart Residence.