
HTTYD Modern

Follow the journey of Hiccup, his family, and friends as they are constantly getting into trouble, being betrayed, and more. Hiccups family consists of Him, His father Stoick, and his Younger sister Hannah. Jake is Hiccup's best Friend. They have one Older brother Hunter and one Younger Sister Emma. The other characters are Astrid, Snotlout, Tuffnut, Ruffnut, Fishlegs, and a few others from HTTYD. My own characters like Jake and family are also in here. Note that once they become old enough in the story, this will turn into R18 and become 18 and up. Note that this will update to 17 and up when the first R-18 event appears. This setting was inspired by "In The Archipelago's Secret Service" by Harrypanther, Rest In Peace, but do not in any way think that R-18 events happened in that because they did not. If anyone does I will completely remove this section when I first see it. Note that Harrypanther is not someone I knew, I found out about them after their death and is not the one I am currently mourning. Note that I enjoy HTTYD and will create other Fanfics when I have time.

Night_Survivors · Movies
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62 Chs

Chapter 12

Chapter 12


Hannah Pov:


 After we find the band room we get ready to leave when we run into 2 twins. "Can we help you?" Jake asks to which the one says. "We were looking for 7D hallway." To which the other one finishes. "Do, you know where to find it?"


 Are they Idiots I think as we all face palm. I guess they were all thinking the same thing. "Follow me." Hiccup says leading them around the band class to the hallway.


 We go past 7A, 7B, and 7C after turning the corner before reaching 7D. "This is 7D." Hiccup says to which the male answers. "Ok, now where is the Spanish classroom?" "Yeah." The female answers.


 "What were your guy's names again, I don't think you told us." Hunter asks. "Well you never asked, My name is Tuffnut, Tuffnut Thorston, and this is my idiot sister Butt-elf." He says insulting his sister. "Is not, it is Thorston, Ruffnut Thorston. And your guy's names are?" She says trying to play a James bond and pointing out a fact.


 "Well my name is Hailey, this is my smart-alec brother Harry. That is Aaron, Scott, Hudson, Jackson, and Emma." I say pointing to everyone


 "Well follow us, we can show you to the Spanish classroom after lunch." I say leading the way to lunch. When we get there we get in a line and I grab a Cheese Pizza and a side of broccoli along with some milk.


 After we sit down we dig in and when we are done we throw the disposable trays away. I lead the way as the twins follow us to the Spanish class. As we do I remember that Night and Summer haven't eaten yet. "Hey Harry, Emma, Don't you guys need to feed your dogs?" I alert them.


 "Your right, I forgot! Come on it will only be a minute." Hiccup says as he leads the way outside. When we get out he and Emma take out matching containers. Looking closer I realize it is the containers that I put the leftover meat in. "Why did you grab my leftover meat?!" I yell since I was saving it.


 As they feed their dogs they say. "Sorry, we didn't know. Plus we thought you wouldn't mind." I am about to yell at them some more when I am interrupted. "Look at how they are enjoying it. I wish we could have some for our dogs." Tuffnut says and his sister continues for him. "Yeah, look at the craftsmanship its amazing. Barf would definitely enjoy it more." "No, Belch would!" Tuffnut argues back and they get into a fight.


 "Wait, since when do you have pets?!" I ask since I did not see any with them. "Well we normally take them with us but they love to bump heads so we left them behind to stop them from hitting us." Ruffnut says as Tuffnut continues the fight forgotten. "Yeah, though it is kinda fun to be honest."


 Are these two crazy! "Well follow us we will help you find your classes." I say volunteering us to be their chaperones. "Ok, lead the way." They say and we lead them around the school.






Hunter Pov:


 "Well, lets just get going it is almost 3." I say looking at my watch when we hear driving. We look over to see the bus's leaving. "NOOO! we missed the bus. Now we have to walk back!" Snotlout complains.


 "Come on it won't be that tough. All we have to do is find the street our house is on. Though that may be hard since we are new here. We better get going." I finish as we set off and notice the twins are following us. "Can we help you?" Jake asks them.


 "I don't know, our houses may be in the same direction." Tuffnut says and Ruffnut continues saying. "Yeah, do you know what street it is on?"


 "I don't know it." Hiccup says and before anyone else cans ay anything Jake and Hannah buts in saying. "Its on Viking avenue!"


 "Your going to Viking avenue, I live there to. Though wouldn't it be hard since only the rich can live there?" A man from behind us ask. We look to see a man with white hair, black fur cape, a lion symbol on his chest of his white outfit. From the looks of it he could be royalty.


 "I don't know the orphanage that we come from pays for the house, and its pretty old in my opinion. My guess a hundred years old. What is your name anyway?" Hiccup says covering us up.


 "I see, well then follow me and my name is Eugene Lionheart is you were wondering. I also missed the bus but I know this place better than you. You were transfer students no." Eugene asks to which Emma responds. "Yes, we only got here last week so we don't know the neighborhood that much."


 "I see. I got here about a month ago since my parents wanted me to go to school here." He says as we cross the bridge over to the main island. "I never did get your guy's names anyway? What are your names." He asks.


 "Mine is Harry, this is my sister Hailey, That's Aaron, Scott, and the 3 siblings are Hudson, Jackson, and Emma. An those 2 are following us for some reason, their names are Tuffnut and Ruffnut." Hiccup says pointing everyone out. "And this is my dog Night and that's Emma's dog Summer." He points out the 2 dogs.


 "I see, nice dogs by the way. What breed are they anyway?" He asks being a little to nosy as we round onto Viking avenue. "We don't know, we rescued them from a bear trap in the forest. We had them registered as pets and that man figured out there breeds for us. Though he forgot to tell us." I say covering for them.


 "Well I think we can find our own way home from here. See you at school." Hiccup says as we wave goodbye and go to our house seeing the twins follow us. "Don't you have to get home?" I ask.


 "Yeah but." Tuffnut starts to be cut off by Ruffnut. "We kinda live." "On this street to by a house that is white with a brick stone flat roof. And a pool in back with a campfire, no cars." They both say describing our house.


 "Your our neighbors?!" We all shout to them at the same time.