
HP: Whispers of the Wizards

In Ainsworth village, a boy named Rey, Awakens with no memory, hands astray. Crippled and burdened, he faces each day, Yet harbors magic, talent to display. In Hogwarts' halls, his struggles unknown, His hands betray him, a battle to own. Bullied and taunted, his spirit's not blown, For magic within him, a power unshown. With wand in hand, he defies the odds, Though hands falter, magic applauds. Through blood and tears, he finds his gods, Unleashing talents that defy all facades. Amidst the darkness, a light shall ignite, Rey's magic shines, a beacon so bright. Bullies retreat, their torment takes flight, His strength and courage, an inspiring sight. Through Hogwarts' halls, Rey claims his place, Mastering magic, with grace and embrace. His crippled hands, a challenge to face, Yet his talent soars, a magical race. In the end, Rey's story unfolds, A tale of resilience, as fate unfolds. From hardship, he rose, his spirit remolded, A shining example, his magic untold. ----- The cover is not mine. THERE IS NO MC CHEAT GAME SYSTEM. This is Harry Potter Fanfiction but explains a full magic system that actually has logic and some mysteries behind it. You will follow the main character as he learns new knowledge and how the world around him works, his struggles, and his courage.

Watertime · Movies
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Hogwarts Express

In the next few days, Rey trained with his wand. The training mainly consisted of him trying to hold the wand as long as he could. During these days, his mother also fed him some magical plants with physical healing effects; she bought them from where she worked.

While the plants didn't fully restore the feeling in Rey's hands, they did clear his mind and improve his focus, which ultimately helped him.

Despite persistent rumors in the village, Tim and his family didn't bother Rey anymore. However, Rey's fear kept him from leaving his house.

Rey had progressed and could now hold his wand for a minute or two without letting it go. Although his hand control hadn't significantly improved, he had found a technique to stabilize his hands. Midnight, his companion closely watched him during training, perched on his shoulder or nearby furniture, seemingly offering support and encouragement.

Today was the 1st of September, the day school started.

Rey had already packed all his belongings, except for one thing. He had been building a little wooden claw from the sticks and wood Midnight managed to collect.

The wooden claw could be strapped around his left arm, allowing him to pick up or hold things other than a wand.

Rey decided to position the claw part on his wrist and then tested if it worked. Although it was crude it worked.

When he activated it it could hold what he wanted. Not anything heavy but could hold some clothes and other things.

Although it wasn't big it was easily noticeable by other people. Rey wondered if there would be any side remarks about this.

He used his claw to take the handle of his luggage and with his mother, they left the house.

It didn't take them long to reach the King's Cross station, and as written in the letter they located where the platform 9¾ should be.

Rey's mother knew that she could not pass the barrier that led to platform 9¾. She also got more in touch with the magical community and learned many things about the magical world.

She hugged Rey tightly, her eyes were filled with a mix of pride and worry. "Rey, my dear, you're going to do great at Hogwarts. I'll miss you so much while you're at school, but I know you'll make friends and have fun."

Rey smiled at his mother, touched by her words. "Don't worry Mom. I'll be fine. Besides I have midnight with me. I promise to write you every chance I get."

As they stood by the barrier between Platforms 9 and 10, Rey felt a surge of excitement.

He took a deep breath and stepped forward, pushing his trolley with the claw-strapped luggage forward. With Midnight perched on his shoulder, he went through the wall.

There was a jolt going through him as he was now somewhere completely different than he was before. He was now on platform 9¾.

Rey curiously glanced around taking everything he saw and heard in.

The sight was astonishing. The platform was bustling with other young witches and wizards, accompanied by their families, saying their goodbyes.

Unlike Rey, they had the luxury of saying their goodbyes next to the train.

The Hogwarts Express, a magnificent scarlet steam engine, was waiting to take them away to Hogwarts.

Rey noticed that there were some stares directed at his wooden claw that was holding his luggage right now. He was really uncomfortable being stared at like that. He bowed his head down a little, trying to be unnoticed by others.

He walked toward the train, and with a deep breath, he boarded the Hogwarts Express.

He found an empty compartment, and he settled in, making sure to keep his wand and the wooden claw close by. Midnight jumped off his shoulder and found a cozy spot on the seat beside him.

Rey was happy that no one wanted to sit in his compartment even though he wanted some friends. He was really scared of any conversation that might happen.

His only conversation with someone of his age was that of Tim, which seemed to give Rey a small trauma, or rather a fear of confronting anyone.

The train quickly took off with a loud noise, accompanied by the excited screaming of students wawing to their parents.

Except for a girl that seemed to be first year as well that seemed to be trying to find a frog, he didn't encounter anyone for the time being.

For an hour or two Rey just sat there and played with his wand trying to make something move, unsuccessfully.

However, when Rey was resting and prepared to read a book ahead of school so he could be prepared, he saw someone.

A child with longer black hair reaching to his shoulders was slowly walking in the train corridor observing things around him, almost like looking for someone.

He could be considered tall compared to Rey, but that was not the reason why Rey noticed him.

It was Tim. The moment Rey noticed Tim, Tim also noticed Rey.

Tim showed a confident smile. And walked towards Rey's compartment.

As Tim approached Rey, Rey's heart started pounding in his chest. The memories of his past encounter flooded back as he remembered what Tim said.

He instinctively tightened his grip on his claw and wand.

Tim stopped just outside the compartment and leaned against the doorframe, still having that smirk on his face.

"Well, well if it isn't our coma boy." Tim said mockingly, "What are you doing here, Rey? I thought you'd be too scared to come to Hogwarts."

Rey tried to muster up some courage, trying not to show how intimidated he felt. "I have every right to be here as you do," Rey replied, his voice slightly shaky.

Tim chuckled, seemingly amused by Rey's response. "Oh, I'm not here to ruin anything," he said, crossing his arms. "I just wanted to see how the village loser fares in a place like Hogwarts. But let me give you some advice: don't embarrass yourself by trying to make friends. Nobody wants to be seen with a cripple like you."

Said Tim as he looked at the wooden claw that Rey had made with wood, together with Midnight.

Tim clearly noticed that Rey seemed to be disabled, but he doesn't know that Rey lost his previous memory as well.

Rey felt a mix of anger and hurt at hearing Tim's words. He didn't want to show his emotions to Tim as that would surely make Tim happier. Instead, Rey focused on Midnight, who had sensed the commotion and moved closer to Rey as if to provide comfort.

Ignoring Tim's taunts, Rey decided to take a different approach. "Look, Tim, we don't have to be enemies," Rey said, trying to sound calm and reasonable despite his fear being up his throat.

"I just want to enjoy my time at Hogwarts and learn magic. You can do your thing, and I'll do mine. Let's just leave each other alone." Rey smiled awkwardly and hoped Tim might change his mind.

Tim's smirk turned into a more sinister one. "Oh, how touching," he sneered. "The little cripple wants to make peace. Well, I'll tell you what, Rey. Stay out of my way, and I might consider leaving you alone. But one wrong move and I won't hesitate to make your life miserable."

Rey's fear finally faded a little with relief, he hoped that Tim would keep his word and not actively seek problems.

Tim gave one last mocking laugh before turning to leave. "Good. See you around, loser," he said, disappearing in the train's corridor obviously satisfied with himself.

Rey let out a sigh of relief, grateful that the encounter hadn't turned violent. However, he couldn't shake the feeling of unease that lingered.

He was extremely scared of Tim, if he attempted to kill him before, why won't he do it again with magic?

For the rest of the train journey, Rey only glanced out the window or read a book that was about what mana consisted of.

Rey couldn't quite understand the content of the book and only crudely understood that mana is a mixture of countless elements that can vary in potency and quantity.

These particle elements then create mana that wizards then can unconsciously absorb and use through countless ways using their will.

Rey was excited about how he will learn all this knowledge and then use it to become a great wizard like his mother wants.

He knew that Tim will probably make more trouble but he believed that with enough strength he won't be able to do that.

The train started slowing down after a long ride. It was already after sunset as they got out of the Hogwarts Express.

He looked around and saw countless people, most of them wore a student outfit just like Rey did, however, they had a tie that indicated which house they were from.

Most of them had yellow or red ones, the ones that had yellow mostly moved in groups like sheep, or at least that was what it looked like.

The ones with blue or green moved in small groups of three or five.

Rey noticed that Tim was talking with one of the students that already had a green tie. It seemed that Tim already had some connections to the people.

Rey knew about the four houses, Gryffindor, Slytherin, Ravenclaw, and Hufflepuff. It was in one of the magazines that he bought from the lady selling sweets. She offered him candy but Rey was more curious about the magazines and the information they had.

He learned about some of the qualities that each house had and what you need to be sorted there. The magazine mentioned that the way students are sorted is a tradition that is mostly a public secret for students.

Those who knew didn't care enough to tell others. Rey learned that a magical item would sort them based on their qualities and memories.

Rey knew that it might be a little problematic for him since he lost his memory.

Suddenly a big man shouted loudly taking everyone's attention.

"First years! First years, over here! Follow me to the boats!"

Rey looked around trying to find the source of the booming voice and saw a large, bearded man with a lantern standing by the edge of the lake. It was Hagrid the gatekeeper of Hogwarts.

He was there to guide the first-year students across the lake to the castle.

Feeling a mixture of excitement and nervousness, Rey joined the group of other first years as they followed Hagrid to the boats. He tried to avoid eye contact with Tim, who seemed to be observing him from a distance.

Tim's friends from Slytherin had already left as they took a different route to Hogwarts.

Rey went into a random boat with 3freshmen already sitting there waiting since they needed the fourth one.

They set off as everyone was amazed by the atmosphere near the Hogwarts, you could even feel it on your skin that the air there seemed to be more magical and profound.

The sight of Hogwarts Castle came into view, and Rey couldn't help but feel awestruck. It was a magnificent, towering structure with a magical aura surrounding it. As they approached the castle, the boats docked, and Hagrid led them to the entrance hall.

A professor with a long green robe stood there, it was Professor McGonagall. She had a stern face as she examined the state the freshmen were in.

"Thank you Hagrid, I will take them over from you." Said professor.

"Of course professor. My pleasure." Said hagrid little dissatisfied but overall happy.

Hello guys, first I wanna apologize that I didn't post a new chapter yesterday as I wasn't able to write one due to time issues.

Also don't worry about Rey being a coward the whole story, it is called character development and Rey will surely grow and become more confident over time.

That's all for me, enjoy the story.

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