
HP: The Secret Heir.

I get transported into the world of Harry Potter I am going to become the most powerful and influential wizard of the time.

confused4you · Movies
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59 Chs

Ch.53 The fated meeting between Nephew and Uncle.

Back to the present.

The sun was out and shining but still it wasn't able to touch the Nurmengard Castle, the mountain alps that shrouded the Nurmengard castle. They hid the Castle in the base Austrian Alps, well hidden from anyone and everyone who were looking for it. We had gained a contract to protect Nurmengard Castle.

It was hard to gain the contract, but since the Baltics region wasn't the most financially well. They weren't struggling by any means, but when there is a cheaper option that gives as much, if not more security, than why not use it?

But that wasn't the only hard thing to do. I was always on the watch from the ministry of magic from Britain and from Austria as well. If I was ever seen here, it would cause a huge stir in the magical world. So how am I here? Well, I am not.

I travelled to Germany and "Stayed" in Munich. For all intents and purposes. While I travelled to the Nurmengard castle with the help of the invisibility cloak. It was a little tiring to do so but I managed it in the end.

I was in a carriage accompanied by Alyssa and some higher officers from Odin. They were told to protect Alyssa during her trip to Nurmengard and to make the entire trip a little less suspicious. We stationed Thomas at Nurmengard. When we finally arrived there. The entire aura of the place spelled Dred.

Alyssa opened the door, and I followed her out. I saw a large, slender rectangular tower. Which was attached to the main building. The entire building only housed one prisoner. They built the Castle with dark stones and black iron.

We walked into the building, and they searched Alyssa for anything. I just moved around her and got past the guards. I waited for her check to be over and it took like 40 or something seconds and this was when she had one bag. The other officers were even more heavily checked.

After the check was done. They escorted us into the warden's office. It was in the main building and on the second floor. As we reached the office. Alyssa turned around and said to the guards, "Wait here." They nodded and stood by the door. We walked inside and Alyssa closed the door and put on privacy charms.

Thomas saw his little girl and walked up to her and picked her up and hugged her. They started the pleasantries.

I sighed and pulled the cloak. It was getting heavy under there. He saw me and tilted his head and asked, "What the hell are you wearing?"

I raised my arms and said, "What, you don't like it?"

I was wearing a long black jacket under which was a matt greyish vest and white shirt and emerald cufflinks. I looked at him and asked, "Is it the hair? Should I lose the slick back style?"

Alyssa said, "It doesn't go with YOU, actually?"

I ran my hands through my hair and ruffled them up and set them and asked, "How are they now?"

Alyssa smiled and said, "Ah, that looks nice on you."

Thomas sighed and said, "Whatever, you wanted to meet him… I can do it, but you will have to wait till the company outside leaves the place."

I looked at him and said, "Oh, okay…" I then sat down and I said, "Looks like we have some time to kill, so let's talk about Delacour, shall we?"

He looked at me and said, "It wasn't me."


After spending like an hour with Thomas, Alyssa left with the officers. Thomas also went to see her in the carriage. I stayed behind with the cloak. After he came back. We stayed in his office for a little more time.

After like half an hour passed, Thomas got up and looked at me and said, "Follow me." I got up and put on the cloak and followed him out. Even to get out of the main building, there were three gates to pass.

After we passed the threshold of the main building, we entered the tower and as we were about to go up. I saw stairs going down below, but the entire basement was filled with water. We made our way up and there were like 7 flights of stairs for us to climb and on the seventh floor we found the holding cell, which was possibly used as a watchtower.

Thomas mumbled, "You sure about this?"

I nodded and whispered, "Yes, I am."

He sighed and nodded and opened the cell, and we entered the cell. Inside the cell, laid a man on the floor. He had no hair on his head. He was sitting with his legs close to his chest, looking out the tiny window and humming some song.

He looked at Thomas and said, "So, you are the new guest in my home?" He looked at me. I was under the cloak and he could see me, or at least felt my presence. And smiled and said, "And looks like you have brought me a present."

He looked at me, chuckled, and waved. I took my cloak off, and he looked at me from head to toe and he noticed the ring in my hands and he said, "Huh, never thought that boorish girl would tie up the knot."

I shook my head and sighed and said, "She didn't."

He looked at me and clicked his tongue and said, "So you a half-breed?"

I chuckled and said, "Ah, I was expecting this from you." I shook my head and said, "No, no, I am not."

I walked closer to him and Thomas tried to stop me and he said, "Ah, come on. The boy came to meet his uncle… I promise I won't bite."

I introduced myself, "I am Jonathan Grindelwald House, but you already knew who I was. How?"

He sighed and rolled his eyes and said, "It's those eyes of yours, those amber eyes they burn with the same passion as your mothers, that little brat." He then looked closer, and he softly said, "Looks like you have a hint of poison in them as well. I assume it is from your father… Who is he?"

I sighed and said, "I don't know."

He calmly said, "No reason to lie to me, boy. No one comes to visit me anymore."

I chuckled and said, "It's kinda hard to believe with your level of popularity."

He chuckled and said, "Looks like you get your mother's tongue as well."

He then looked at me and asked, "Why are you here, boy?"

I grabbed his grimoire from my bag and I threw it to him and I said, "You left these for me…" He caught it and he said, "Not specifically for you." He then looked at me and asked, "Have you learned it all?"

I squatted down and took out the other book and the key and asked him, "What are these for?"

He exhaled and rolled his eyes and said, "If you can't figure it out then, what kind of wizard are you? That cloak is a waste on you. Do you even know what it is?"

I smiled, and he looked at me with pride and he said, "At least you are not all disappointed." He then took his grimoire, and he tore it down. And he said, "I won't tell you where it is, but I will give you a clue to find it."

I asked him "Find what?"

He continued to tear it down, and he said, "The cave, the temple, the knowledge. It's all there waiting for you." I looked at him and he said, "It is there where you will have the answers to your questions, but I am sure you will have even more questions in return. As he was about to tear the last page, he turned to look at me and he asked, "Have you learned this?"

I smiled and nodded and he elated and he laughed and said, "Finally, someone can do it."

I asked him, "Wait, you can't do it?"

He laughed and said, "If I could, do you think I would have lost? The spell is the first of the trial boy. There are many to come your way, each gruelling and mind numbing in their own right." He tore the last page and put them over the grimoire and he said, "Burn it."

I didn't know why he asked but I complied and I took out my wand and I burned it and as the pages burned, the ashes of the pages stuck to the cover of the grimoire and there were letters that strung together and it traced a map of somewhere. I asked, "Where is this?"

He grunted and grabbed onto my collar and said, "Don't ask for everything. Greatness and Glory are not given, they are earned. If you get here. You will go down in history as the greatest wizard of all time." He looked me in the eye and said, "Find it, claim it and become the Grand Wizard like him!" He frantically laughed and Thomas grabbed me and pried me away from his grasp and said, "Put on the cloak we, you are done here."

I grabbed my stuff and put them in the bag and opened up a portal to the hotel in Munich and he saw that portal and he had a spark of joy and wonder and admiration, and I saw him once more and went through the portal.


The segment with Cotton 🐍

Greetingssss readersss, I hope you enjoyed the chapter. This quest of sorts is like another end goal of the book. The part where it says that words string together, a poem or clue needs to be made and I am still in process of making it.

Second, the hairstyle will be more like Aizen or any variation of Johnny Depp unkept hairstyles pick your choice.

Third, I finally answered one question I had forgotten to write in my first chapter: what is MC's eyes are like and now here they are. It is brown with some specks or hints of green in them.

Lastly, if you like the chapter, leave a comment, throw some spare stones and I will see you guys in the next one.