

After briefly talking to Madam Cole I received permission to go with Dumbledore for my school supplies. After walking a bit from the orphanage I finally asked "So how are we getting to Diagon Alley Headmaster? Do we go by car oh what if we can fly? Can wizards fly? Oh how about teleportation! I read in some fantasy books about magic teleportation!"

Dumbledore chuckles "You have quite in inquisitive mind my boy. No we will not go by car. Wizards can fly on broomsticks. We will go by apparition which is much like teleportation." after getting out of view of the orphanage "Now hold my hand Harry and brace yourself" I take his hand and suddenly it felt like I was being squeezed through a straw before we arrived in Front of a pub called the leaky cauldron.

After getting my balance back and my head from spinning I instinctively know how to apparate thanks to my Archmage perk. "Well that was something" I say out loud

"Yes it does take some getting used to. Welcome to the Leaky Cauldron. Muggles of course can't see it because of the muggle repelling charm on it unless a muggle is lead in by a wizard then they can bypass the charm. That is how muggleborns bring in their parents or Guardians."

"Neat thing to know" I said as I look at the pub but notice a rather large and stocky looking man with a big bushel of a beard standing before the pub. Who was now looking at us.

"Professor Dumbledore! And this lad must be Harry. Why I haven't seen you since you were a wee little thing." He said looking at me gently

"Ah Harry this is Hagrid Keeper of Keys and Groundskeeper of Hogwarts. He will be your guide in Diagon Alley. Hagrid I leave him in your capable hands" Dumbledore says before apparrating away

"Come along Harry" Hagrid said before patting me on the back as a gesture to follow him, though his pat nearly had me stumbling forward. Anyway I do follow the giant of a man into the Cauldron

"AH hello Hagrid. Do you want your usual?" asked Tom the owner of the Leaky Cauldron

"Not today Tom. I gotta take a new student to Daigon Alley"

Tom looks at me and sees my scar partially hidden by my hair "My word it's Harry Potter" Soon I was swarmed by wizards and witches and even Quirrelmort. Though I tuned them out smiling and shaking hands automatically when I got a random thought

'Hey sis. Why didn't my World Travel ability show up when I checked my system menu?'

[Error Found... calculating … Updating… Update Complete. For this error we sincerely apologize and award you with 5 free gacha spins]

Sweet! Five more gacha spins for pointing out an error! 'Sis roll the gacha'

[Rolling Host. Host is rewarded with:

Liar proof blue pen (Liar Liar)

Perk: Alchemy God (Multiversal)

Ability: All Speak (Enhanced)

Baby Rattle x 1

Mystery Egg x 1]

Ok lets check these out. Ignoring the Pen and baby rattle I got

Perk: Alchemy God (Multiversal): Enhances users learning of Alchemy by 10000%. Innate Understanding of all Alchemy type products and ways to enhance them. From Alchemy from Full Metal Alchemist to Cultivation Pills and everything in between such as Potions or Magical Devices. As long as it uses the term Alchemy somewhere in the Multiverse you can learn it with the ease of a God.

That has to be the most lucky thing I will ever get from the gacha. Like seriously now I can make magical items, use FMA alchemy, and it helps with potions too?! Like this is a really REALLY good draw.

Ability: All Speak (Enhanced): Can Read, speak and understand any language from Humans, Aliens, Animals and every language in between. Does not include how to write the languages.

Huh now I can speak any language not just English and Parseltongue. This will be a great use in studying Magical Creatures and taming them too.

Mystery Egg: An Ostrich sized egg that could contain any creature in the omniverse! Or it could contain just yolk or even nothing at all! It's a complete mystery! To use either heat it, incubate it, or smear some blood on it. All methods differ what is in it so if one doesn't work try the others.

I'll have to keep this one for later use. If I try to use it now or at the orphanage who knows what it could bring me.

Hagrid eases me out the crowd and into the back "Now remember Harry three above and two over from the trash can" he says showing me how to get into the Alley pressing the break. Soon the bricks start to move out the way leading to the Alley and I have to say it is amazing. Like watching the movies is one thing but seeing it in person is entirely different experience.

"Welcome to Diagon Alley!" he says joyfully

"It's amazing Hagrid" I say truthfully. Still in awe of everything I am seeing.

"First stop is Gringotts."

"What is Gringotts?"

"It's the magical bank. Run by nasty little things called Goblins."

"Goblins? Like fantasy goblins? I didn't know they were intelligent in real life. Most stories depict them as lowly creatures with only basic understanding of how to use tools"

"Don't let them hear you say that or else both of us well be in big big trouble"

"Alright Hagrid" I say as we walked to the big white building up ahead. I hear many people yelling about their wares like dragon liver. Or kids talking about the new racing broom the Nimbus 2000

'Sis do blood test exist in this verse?'

[Yes Host]

Perfect seem I have a blood test to do. But I can't just know about it. I need a bit of cunning.

As we walk through the doors and to a free goblin Hagrid began to speak "Harry Potter would like access to his vault"

The goblin looks up and then his eyes are set on me "I see. Does Mister Potter have his key?"

"Oh I got it" he reaches into his pocket pulling out various things including a pair of door mice "Aha it's right here" He says pulling out an intricate gold key "I also got a letter from Dumbledore for vault you know what" he says handing over the key and the letter

"I see… GRIPHOOK" another goblin rushes forward "Take Mister Potter and Hagrid to the vaults" He said and then spoke in goblin language which I heard perfectly but won't bother to talk about since it was essentially just speaking about what vaults to go to.

"Follow me" says the new goblin, Griphook. I remember him being a back stabber in the story.

We follow him to the cart and board it. I think it was a rather fun ride but Hagrid looked a bit sickly.

The goblin inserts the key into the large door causing the doors to slide open. I stood in awe of the vast amount of Gold Silver and Bronze coins therein. "Well you didn't think your parents would leave ya nothin now did ya?"

I merely smile at him "So how am I going to carry any of this to go shopping"

Griphook spoke up "We offer enchanted bags to our more wealthy customers. The bag will automatically draw money from the vault when you speak of how much you need. The bag is also enchanted with anti theft spells so no one can use it but you. It will cost you 100 galleons and gringotts does not offer refunds if it is destroyed."

"Alright I'll take one please."

Griphook produces a bag "A drop of blood on it will register it to you." I bite my thumb with my sharp canine tooth and smear my blood on the bag. It glows briefly before settling down in my hand.

"!00 galleons" I say to the bag and it fills up with one hundred. Griphook produces another baag that I dump the galleons into before we board the cart again and head to the vault Hagrid spoke of. He goes inside and picks up the only object in the vault. It was wrapped tightly in what looked like brown parchment. Then we ride back up

"Hey Hagrid I want to ask one of the goblins something if you don't mind."

"What do you want to ask Harry?"

"Well I want to know who my family is so I am going to ask if they have any lineage files on my family history."

His eyes lightly glisten with unshed tears "Alright Harry. I'll wait for you outside the bank."