We all know the story of Harry Potter but what if someone else were to take him over. With two Essences and Three wishes see how Harry Potter the Archmage with a system lives his new life and cause a bit of chaos in the end. A Harem omniverse Fic I solemnly swear I do not own any of what is in here irl. I wish I did though. All credits go to the original makers of said storys, movies, and anime
"Congratulations! You my dear fellow are now deceased, dead as a door nail, pushin up daisies, you kicked the bucket, so on and so forth but you get my drift." said a being who was humanoid in shape but seemed to be composed of space and stars swirling in a vortex
"Wait… I'M DEAD!?" asked me, your protagonist in this story.
"Indeed you are! I am what you would call a Random Overpowered Being or ROB for short. I happen to be the ROB of Chaos, Mischief, and Space-Time"
"Huh, neat. Anyway since you are here I guess I am going to be sent to a new world like in the fanfics and novels I have read?" I moved on from being dead rather quickly at the thought of going to a new world as it had always been my dream
"Yep. Now before we get to sending you off you get the choice of two Essences and three wishes. You will keep your memories and the choice of replacing a character or choosing to self insert yourself with a character model of your own."
"Sounds good I guess. So do I choose the world I go into or do you choose or is it just random?"
"You will be going to the Harry Potter world! Though with a few changes here and there. You will start a month or two before you have to get on the train or if you choose to be Harry Potter you will start on your 11th birthday"
"I see and what do you get out of all this or do I need to do some quest?" I wasn't too worried about being in the Harry Potter world it was a low level magical world after all and the biggest issue was Voldemort, his Death Eaters, and Fudge for his incompetence
"Entertainment of course! But I also want you to do whatever you want to do. So long as it causes a bit of chaos and mischief in honor of me since I am giving you a second chance at life"
"Well that sounds easy enough. Just changing the plot already counts as causing chaos in the timeline."
"True enough now do you have anything else to ask or do you want to get started?"
I think about it a bit but I can't really think of anything I need to ask this ROB "Let's get started then"
"Good now remember only two essences and three wishes. I'll even give you advice. To get the most out of your wishes be specific. Aren't I generous" he said the last part quite smugly which kind of irked me but I didn't express it.
I merely gave a nod to the being "Alright first the essences. I want the essence of Blank to give me limitless potential and the ability to learn any skills I want. The second essence is I want the essence of the Archmage" The second essence was the most useful to me since I can learn any magic with it along with a few other perks such as being able to use other energies such as ki, chakra, and spirit power.
"Good choices now what do you wish for?"
"My first wish is a semi sentient gamer type system with Gacha, Store, Inventory and other commonly used gamer stuff. The gacha should contain everything in the omniverse such as those in anime, manga, novels, and even in fanfiction. The gamer part is mainly to record all the skills I will be getting"
"Yea I can do that but you only get ten gacha rolls on the first of each month and a certain amount on what I deem as special events"
"Ok my second wish is for my own personal dimensional space with it's own planet and unique biomes. I want to be able to have full control over that dimension. Where Plants, Mines and Animals maintain their peak while also accelerating them to said peak. Also this planet should allow me to add any plant, animal or metal in it to grow bigger. The added metals, gemstones, and etc will form new mines which will automatically restore the amount a day after mining even if everything is taken. The animals should be able to breed with no side effects and more plants should grow even if I only add one to it. Lastly I want the dimension to have access to all the power systems I have so that the world can be saturated with pure mana, chakra, natural energy and etc"
"Very specific but consider it done I'll also throw in a slower aging bit to it just on the chance you add people to this dimension of yours. People can only be entered into the dimension if willing or unconscious. Also you can't use the dimensional energies outside the dimension so no unlimited power for you."
Damn that last sentence ruined one of my ideas "Now my third wish is to be able to travel the omniverse without restrictions. I also want to be able to choose the time ratio of the worlds I go to. Such as a day in Harry Potter verse is a month inside the new world."
"Hm I can do that but just to make it more fun for me I am locking it to days. As long as you spend say 48 hours or more inside a new world it will still count as a day in the Harry Potter world but you have to do a full 24 hours regardless of how long you stay there. So you have to stay a full day in any world you go to before returning."
Well that sounds not so much fair but I don't want to annoy a literal God of Chaos with my pettiness "Alright that works too. As for my choice of character can I be Harry Potter but with the looks of Raizel from Noblesse"
"Hmm" the ROB thinks to itself "That is doable but you will still have Lily's eyes just because I say so. Now go and bring a little bit, or a lot of, chaos to the omniverse"
With that everything went dark. When I woke up I checked myself and my surroundings realizing that I wasn't actually in the Dursley's care. As there were two sets of bunkbeds, one of which I am on, and the other one had two kids, I assume boys, still sleeping on it. Suddenly memories fill my head of what was happening.
It turns out having a wizard in the house was too much for the Dursley's so they shipped me off to Wool's Orphanage, yes the very same one that Tom Riddle AKA Voldemort AKA Snake Man with no nose. I also have memories of being in competitions such as spelling bee's and music competitions of my own choice to help the Orphanage get more money since they treated me incredibly well.
Of course I had people want to adopt me but I refused for some reason so I stayed in the orphanage til today. I helped with cleaning, cooking, and watching after the other kids. It also looked like my Two Essences worked albeit at a percentage of capacity as I could remember everything from the time I was left with the Dursley's to now. My quick learning allowed me to learn the Violin, Ukulele, and Guitar as they all were instruments I could find in the orphanage from donations. I added more instruments once I started winning competitions from the money I saved but most went into the orphanage so now the orphanage is well off giving us new beds, toys, and even a television in the main room for us to watch cartoons.
[Congrats! It's your first birthday in a new world. You gained five new gacha draws.]
Well that was unexpected. Welcomed but unexpected. 'System' I think to myself
[Yes Host] it responded with a slight feminine voice
'Can you show me the system features please'
[Of course host]
Gacha Draws: 5}
'Open status'
{Name: Harry James Potter
Race: Human/ Wizard
Titles: Boy Who Lived, Horcrux, Music Master, Genius, Heir of Slytherin
Status: Healthy/Horcrux
Skills: Music Instrument Mastery
Abilities: Gamers Mind (On), Parseltongue
Perks: Essence of Blank, Essence of Archmage
Summons: None
Templates: None
Money: $5000}
'System. Wait, do you have a name?' I asked curiously
[No host]
'Well from now on I will call you Sis'
[Congrats! You named your system. Rewarded 2 gacha draws]
[Thank you for my name host] She sounded much more feminine now
'Your welcome. Now do titles hold any bonuses?'
[No Host they are just what you are known as]
'How am I the Heir of Slytherin? Is it because of the Horcrux?'
[No Host. Lily Evans was the true Heir but that title passed to you when she died before claiming Lordship over the House of Slytherin]
'Wait what?! How is that possible?'
[Slytherin House due to many of the witches and wizards being killed after Salazar Slytherin died. But the squibs were left in the muggle world and started a long line of squibs. Magic users for the house died out as did most of the lines of squibs til Lily Evans remained and awakened her abilities with her magic]
Must be something else the ROB changed. I wonder if blood test are a thing here if so I need to get one. 'What about the Gaunts?" I asked
[They are a minor branch family of the Slytherin Line]
'Alright then show me what my Skills and Abilities do'
[Music Instrument Mastery: Host will learn any instrument at an astonishing pace
Gamers Mind: Always remain calm. May dull emotions while in use
Parseltongue: Ability to read, write, and speak the language of snakes]
Makes sense. Though I didn't expect that Parselscript existed here but then again the ROB said there would be changes like my mother being of the Slytherin lineage.