
A Meeting

'Alright Sis can you roll the Gacha for me'

[Rolling Gacha. Host has been rewarded with:

Top Hat x1

Toothbrush 3 pack x1

Character Replacement Card x 2

Background Cards x 5

Laser Pistol with unlimited ammo (Fallout)

Bushel of Bananas x 1

Ability: Shape Shifting]

Well a bunch of those suck. I mean seriously who wants a top hat, toothbrushes, and a bushel of bananas when I can buy all that stuff myself! Still not all of it is bad. I mean the cards will be useful when I go to other worlds. A laser pistol with unlimited ammo will also be useful. But the best thing is the Ability to Shape Shift. I read the description of it and it basically states I can turn into any living thing, and partially transform into inanimate objects such as I can make my fingers like needles, if I want. I quickly use it and store the rest in my inventory for now.

Since today is my Birthday I expect a professor will be coming to get me to join Hogwarts. Maybe even Dumbledore himself. I really hope this is the kind Dumbledore and not a secret Dark Lord one.

I got up and prepared for his day dressing myself in a pair of jeans and a black shirt that says AC/DC on it. He checked his watch and saw it was 7 am so he had time before breakfast which is served at 8 am. So he left his room to start the day.

"Good Morning Harry and Happy Birthday" Said the orphanages Matriarch

"Good morning Madam Cole and thank you" I said with a smile that made her face brighten

"Your smiles are always so charming Harry. I bet you will have plenty of girls after you when you head to High School."

"Madam Cole you say that almost every day" I said still with the same charming and lovable smile

"And it is always the truth Harry. Now run along and do what you need to do oh and no going into the kitchen today"

"Aww but I like cooking"

"No buts. This is your special day Harry no need to do any chores or work today. Now shoo"

I shake my head lightly before heading to one of the bathrooms to release the beast so to speak. After relieving my bladder I check myself in the mirror. He had to admit with his jet black hair, bright green eyes, and his noble face made him look quite handsome and regal. I couldn't help but chuckle at this development as he looked like a 12 year old version of Raizel despite being 11.

He leaves the bathroom and greets everyone he passes as they all wish him a Happy Birthday. I go outside and began my routine stretches and have a jog around the coast of the cliffs around the orphanage. Before heading back to the orphanage as it was close to breakfast. I go to the dining room and wait for breakfast to be served.

After breakfast I was told to go to the Madams office as I had a guest. I smiled brightly and hurry my way to the office while wondering which professor would be the one to invite me into their world. I soon got the answer when I walk in and see Dumbledore sitting at the table in a blue suit.

"Harry this is Mister Albus Dumbledore. A headmaster of a school he is inviting you to join. Now I shall step out for a few minutes to let him give you his pitch" said Madam Cole giving me a gentle smile before exiting the room. Before I had a chance to talk to her.

"Hello Harry. As you were told I am Albus Dumbledore. I am the Headmaster of a wonderful magic school of Witchcraft and Wizardry called Hogwarts."

"Hello mister Dumbledore." I said as I sat in the empty chair opposite of him. "Whats this about a Magic School? This sounds like a prank" I say as if I knew nothing

"I assure you my boy that this is not a prank." he takes out his wand, the Elder Wand of course, and points it at a cup that turns into a white kitten

"Whoa that is awesome! Will I be able to do that if I go to your school?"

"Of course. This is just an application of Transfiguration which is taught by Professor Minerva McGonagall." he says before turning the kitten back into a cup

"Sounds interesting. Do you offer scholarships? I only have 5000 pounds on me right now and am unsure if that is enough for a school practicing real magic"

"We do offer scholarships to low income houses and muggleborns who aren't well off. But you don't need to worry about that as you have a family trust vault filled with Galleons, Sickles, and Knuts. Which are our currency. One galleon is worth 17 Sickles and one sickle is 29 knuts."

"Huh so do you know who my mom and dad are?"

He looks at me with a bit of guilt in his eyes "Yes I knew both your mother and father. Your father was James Potter. He was a good man though quite a prankster in his younger years. Your mother was the smartest witch in her entire seven years at Hogwarts."

My eyes lit up with tears probably because Harry always wanted his mother and father before I fully took over. "Where are they now Headmaster"

"Sadly my boy they are deceased"

"I see" tears silently ran down from my eyes but I brushed them away "I have a few more questions if you are willing to answer"

"Of course my boy I am willing to answer any question you have"

"How did my parents die?"

He sighs "I knew you would ask that. You have to understand Harry that before you were born we were at war with a terrible Dark Lord named Voldemort. He and his Death Eaters were terrorizing all of Britain targeting muggles, muggleborn, even other pure bloods that didn't join his side. Your father and mother were helping in the war until they had you and went into hiding. Sadly they were betrayed and Voldemort found their location and killed them both before trying to kill you. But his plan failed due yo your mother and her love for you. His body was destroyed by his own curse and you were left with that scar on your head. That is why people call you the Boy Who Lived"

"So Voldemort was the cause of their deaths" I said still playing as if I knew nothing "Wait you said they were betrayed, by who?"

"They were betrayed by James best friend Sirius Black." He said in a solemn tone

I clench my fist to show how much it angered me but I already know the truth so my clenching is just an act

"I see…" I said before pausing for as bit to act like it is settling in "Anyway my other questions are if I can bring some of my instruments with me, how big is the library, and what is a muggle?"

"You can bring some instruments if you like. The library is quite big with a thousand years worth of books. A muggle is the term we use for non magic people."

"Good well you answered my questions so what now?"

"Now we should talk to Mrs. Cole so we can go get your school supplies. Sadly I will not be joining you on your first trip to Diagon Alley but I will drop you off with one of my friends Rubeus Hagrid"