As we all make our way down to the dungeons where Slytherin House is located, along with Hufflepuff House, I can hear the surface thoughts of those around me thinking about my Familiar, though some are still thinking about how I could be in Slytherin. I can merely sigh as eyes kept glancing at me. "Look if you all are interested in my familiar you can see her in the common room."
Speaking of common rooms we seem to be close now. I was right of course as we soon appear in front of a wall and the lead prefect says PURITY to it. What a surprise that Slytherin House has Purity for their password. What next PURE BLOOD? Seriously if I was making the password I would make it something like WIGWAM. You know something not easily guessed.
Anyway the wall opened allowing us entry so we do enter. The wall closed behind us. Soon the male prefect began to speak "Look around carefully. This will be your new home for the next 7 years of your stay at Hogwarts. Girls rooms are on the left and boys to the right. Boys don't even try to enter the girls rooms as there is enchantments in place to stop you so don't go embarrassing yourselves. If it is revealed you tried to enter the girls rooms your punishment will be decided by Snape our Head of House. Soon our Head of House will be here to give you a speech about the rules of Slytherin. Ah here he is now"
The prefects all line up to the side as Snape enters. His black robes bellowing behind him as if there was a wind against them. He stood before all the first years and began to speak in his drawl voice "I am Severus Snape, Head of Slytherin House, and Potion Master here at Hogwarts. Now as you might have been told I will now be giving you the rules of Slytherin House. Rule one is Unity. Outside the house we must put up a united front before the other Houses for they all expect the worst of us, especially Gryffindor. Two what happens in Slytherin stays here. We will settle all disputes between Slytherin here in the common room and nothing said or done in this house will leave it."
"Now some of you might think your name or your ancestry will give you a way to do things however you want but I am here to tell you that that thought process is wrong" He says looking directly at me for a few seconds before looking away "But if you must at least make sure you aren't caught or have an alibi." He addressed the rest of the first years.
"Tomorrow is a free day for all years so that the first years can know more about the whereabouts of the classrooms, rest rooms, and generally where to go. You may ask an older year to assist you in this as they will help guide you through the intricacy's of Hogwarts. For example there is a stair that will vanish when you try to step on it. Certain doors that will only work on certain days of the week. And the moving staircases."
"I expect you all too be awake by no later than 7:30am though for you who rise early you may go exploring the castle some more or get some exercise for quidditch or whatever but you are not allowed to leave the Common Room until exactly 7am. You are to be back in the Common Room by no later than 9 pm. Breakfast is at 8am. Tomorrow you will get your schedules for classes."
"Now before I continue I would like to ask Mister Potter to show us all his Familiar so that we may all get to see what it is before the other houses"
I nod my head and grab my pokeball from my pocket and release Sara. Though now that I think about it she would grow quicker in my world. Ugh stupid brain why didn't you think of this sooner?! Their are gasps, oohs, and awws at the others seeing my Charmander for the first time of course the most Awws came from the girls. Even the so called 'Ice Queen', Daphne Greengrass, had awwed. But then again she had no real presence in the Movies or Books so all I know about her comes from fanfiction.
"Char!" She was enjoying all the attention
"Before you ask questions she is a she not an it. Her species name is Charmander. Which is her first evolution form. Her name is Sara. Yes her tail is on fire. The fire represents how healthy she is the larger and brighter it is the healthier but if the flame grows smaller and dims she is either sick, wounded, or in case of it going all the way out, dead. Now any other questions? One at a time please"
"Where did you find her?" asked who I can assume is Tracy Davis
"Found her as an egg near the orphanage that I lived in for the past ten years" they gasped
"You were left in a muggle orphanage?!" Someone said, probably cannon fodder. As for why they know it is a muggle orphanage is because there are no orphanages in the wizarding world. Most magical orphan children get adopted by their closest relative like Susan Bones got sent to her aunt Amelia Bones after her parents died in the Blood War.
Speaking of Orphanages I still don't know why Wool's is still operating when orphanages were closed about 20 years ago. Maybe magic is involved. The reason wizards don't know this is because one they are still stuck in the 1940's when it comes to muggles. Two they just don't care enough.
"Yes, apparently Dumbledore sent me to live with my mothers aunt who was a muggle and she dropped me off at an orphanage with only my name pinned to my blanket."
"That's a travesty! Any wizard family would have happily taken you in" Said Draco
"Yes, but then they might use my fame for their own benefit or some left over death eaters might have found me. At least that was the reason Dumbledore sort of gave me. I also think he didn't want me to become addicted to my fame or something. You know becoming an arrogant prick who thinks that the title Boy Who Lived made him super special and better than everyone else. Anyway back on topic any more questions about Sara?"
"C-can I hug her?" asked Millicent
"Uh sure if she allows it"
"Char!" (Hug!) She lifts her little arms up to get a hug which Millicent happily gives.
"She is so warm~" Soon the other girls and the female prefects come over to give Sara a hug too
"Enough!" Said Snape "Prefects back in line first years look at me. Now as some of you know there are prefects through your 5th and 7th years. But in Slytherin House we choose a first year prefect who will remain prefect for 7 years unless stripped of that title. How do we decide this? With a duel between the first year boys and first year girls. So if you think you have what it takes to lead for the next seven years then step up to the dueling platform. Boys first"
Myself, Draco, and Theodore Nott step forward at the same time. We all look at one another for a moment before facing forward. I step up to the dueling platform as I was closest to one of the ends. Nott also steps forward to the other side. Snape merely nods at the choice. He hasn't really 'attacked' me yet so I assume it has something to do with how I do not look like my father, my mothers eyes, and the fact I am in Slytherin. Snape always was biased with Slytherin students in the series. Then again it could be my friendship with his Godson Draco.
"First bow to your opponent" We both do so, wands at the ready "Now… Begin!"
Before Nott can even cast his spell I had already hit him with a silent Tarantallegra spell making him start to 'dance' erratically before using a Glacius spell at the floor near his feet causing him to lose balance and fall as he slipped on the ice. His wand falls from his hand as he fell his legs still erratically moving. I simply use a simple Finite to stop the jinx I placed on him
"You ok there Nott?" I said walking over to help him up
"Y-yea I am fine. Thanks" he says as I help him off the icy floor "What spells did you even use? I didn't hear you cast anything"
"Tarantallegra the dancing spell and Glacius the ice making spell. Combined they make someone slip and fall over."
"I see, thank you for explaining it to me" he said before moving back to the group
"Draco, you coming up" I say to Draco
He shakes his head "I would rather not be embarrassed. Besides you know silent casting a skill we won't learn for years"
I nod and Snape looks at the crowds "Anyone else" he says before getting a variety of head shakes and no's. "Then Mr Potter will be the first year prefect for the boys. Girls your up"
Tracy Davis stepped forward "Professor we already discussed it and we believe Daphne will be our representative"
"Fine. Ms. Greengrass is the first year prefect for the girls. Finally my office is open for any of you that need to talk to an adult, I am normally there between 8pm and to 12am unless it is my day to roam the halls for troublemakers. Now go to your rooms. Each room has the name of the person it belongs to on the door. Your belongings will already there." With that he left into his office and we headed to our rooms that we will be staying in for the next 7 years.
Sorry for it being so late but we have been packing up the house so we can move next week. I have little time to write