
HP: Heir of Salazar

The wizarding world is about to change. It is about to face a force that it had never felt since the time of the founding fathers. After all, this force is of the past. A past that will change the present. Current Update: 3 times a Week __________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Sorting Ceremony

Things felt as if they were moving too fast. As if he was being rushed, even forced.

"Professor Dumbledore said that you will understand the reason for it."

And he did.

He knew the reason Dumbledore was rushing and while he would have preferred exploring the world a little first, he knew that he couldn't afford that luxury just yet.

Being royalty had its perks, but so did its liabilities.

Sebastian looked at Hagrid, who looked a little embarrassed at his actions. But Sebastian didn't blame him and as such, he gave a comforting smile.

"Alright." He said, "Then let's go back."

And with that, he was handed the floo powder required for the teleportation.

He stared at the powder, still marveling at the genius of its creation.


And with a single chant, the marvelous powder changed the entire scenario for him.

The smell of herbs, cistus and moss changed to old wood, burning wax and a floor recently strewn with rushes of plants.

The cold air changed to warmth of magic and the pleasant sound of the mountains changed to the calmness of patience.

Patience shown by three individuals as they stood in front of the fireplace –waiting for his return.

"I hope your trip was a success, Sebastian." He heard the voice of Dumbledore, calm as well as void of the seriousness and possible anger that he expected to see.

"It went well, minus a few minor inconveniences."

The old man chuckled, "That's good to hear. But I hope you are aware that those minor inconveniences are turning into something serious."

As he said that, Sebastian saw his face morph into a much more serious look. The initial calmness, the playfulness he showed was not to distress the people and also not to make Sebastian feel blamed.

Dumbledore was a complex man and manipulating his emotions according to situations have been a skill that he always possessed.

Sebastian nodded as he finally turned his vision around from Dumbledore to the other two people present within the room.

Two people, definitely professors –a man and a woman.

The man was of quite tiny stature with a shock of white hair. But the most noticeable thing about his was his choice of clothes –colorful robes, much different from the full and single colored ones worn by everyone else within the room.

And for the woman, she was much taller. She wasn't elderly, but she was definitely mature – he could sense the aura of authority that she had. And the stern looking face that she carried, Sebastian knew that she was not someone who overlooked the rules.

Seeing Sebastian curiously looking at the two professors, Dumbledore said. "Since the sorting ceremony is usually held in the presence of other professors, I decided it was best that I called them."

He pointed at the short man, "He is professor Filius Flitwick, the professor of charms as well the head of the Ravenclaw house."

Sebastian wondered if the man was a dwarf, but he saw that the man didn't have the features exclusive to dwarfs, so he wasn't certain.

"It is a pleasure to meet the true heir of Salazar Slytherin, one of the greatest wizards to ever exist." Filius said, his eyes practically scanning Sebastian from head to toe in curiosity.

Sebastian might have been prideful, but he always paid respect where it was due.

Nodding at the man, he smiled. "I will be in your care, sir."

Needless to say, Filius was impressed. He expected the heir to be cocky given his heritage and his age including the years he was suspended in time.

But seeing a respectful boy, he couldn't help but smile brightly.

"Rest assured," Filius said, "Once you attend my class, I will guide you through the years of changes and developments in charms magic."

"I will look forward to it, professor."

"And to his right is professor Minerva McGonagall, the professor of transfiguration and the head of the Gryffindor house." Dumbledore introduced.

"I will look forward to your classes, ma'am." Sebastian said, lying a little.

Transfiguration was something that he never liked, changing your appearance to that of a beast wasn't something he considered necessary as the countless magic spells that were present already allowed for copying of the powers of the beasts and mythical creatures without having to morph into one.

But he was smart enough not to say that out loud.

"Likewise Mr. Slytherin." She said, expressing her wish to have him in her class.

"Now, there was supposed to be another professor for this event but she had to go on a certain emergency trip. So, she couldn't be here today." Dumbledore explained, "I believe you know who I am taking about."

"The Head of the Hufflepuff house?" Sebastian guessed and Dumbledore nodded.

"Her name is Pomona Sprout, who also happens to be the professor of herbology." He explained, "Unfortunately you will have to be introduced to her later in class and not today."

Sebastian nodded, understanding the importance of Herbology but not necessarily being interested in the subject.

He however was curious about the development of Herbology throughout the years.

"And you obviously know professor Severus Snape." Dumbledore said, finally pointing at Snape. "He is the professor of Potions and the head of the Slytherin house."

As he said that, Sebastian smiled. "I hope Slytherin is doing well professor."

Snape nodded, "It is a house that you do not need to be worried about, heir of Slytherin." Snape assured, "Throughout the years, Slytherin has managed to remain at the top for more than any other house."

This did put a smile on Sebastian's face, as while the family might have fallen –the Slytherin name was still going strong.

"And finally, you have Hagrid." Dumbledore said, a calm expression on his face. "He is the one that looks after all the magical beasts of the forest as well as protects them. And he also happens to be the Keeper of Keys and Grounds, so he has a lot of authority."

Hagrid already told Sebastian about his work so the boy gave the giant a smile.

"Thank you for accompanying me, Hagrid."

"Aye, I should be thankin' you," Hagrid chuckled warmly. "It's been ages since I've left the Hogwarts grounds meself."

Honestly, Sebastian liked the people of Hogwarts. Everyone was friendly, everyone was supportive.

And everyone was intelligent.

"I believe you already know why I gathered everyone and am rushing this sorting ceremony." Dumbledore asked, no, he announced.

"I do." Sebastian said, "I apologize for messing up the situation for everyone. But even I didn't expect grandfather to keep a basilisk as a guardian." He said truthfully, "Neither did I expect him to cover the graves with treasures and disguise it as a treasury." He said, mixing the truth with lies.

Dumbledore sighed, "It is a relief that you discovered your inheritance, especially when we and the Slytherin descendants failed to protect it for you."

Sebastian shook his head, "Wealth is not something I cared about even in the past."

"It will still be necessary for you in the future. So, be glad, Sebastian." Dumbledore said. "But now since the presence of the Basilisk is not masked and your treasury is being revealed –it is best to be prepared for what is about to come."

"The ministry is equally as corrupt as it is just." Snape said, "So, neither your treaure is safe nor your basilisk. It is best to be prepared for what is to come."

"Thus I believe it is best to host his sorting ceremony before more schools of magic flock you and harass you to join." Dumbledore suggested to which Sebastian agreed.

"I believe the same."

He had no interest in other schools. Hogwarts, to him was the only good choice.

"Very well then." Dumbledore said and looked at McGonagall. "Minerva."

The professor nodded and turned back to fetch what looked like an old hat.

"We will have your sorting ceremony right here, Sebastian." Dumbledore announced and looked at the old chair, signaling Sebastian to sit on it.

As Sebastian took a seat, Minerva walked closer to him with the hat, swatting the dust from it as a face formed over it.

"I believe you already know what this is." Dumbledore looked at the hat, at which Sebastian nodded. "The sorting hat."

The sorting hat.

It was once a normal hat that was enchanted by the four founders to be able to look through one's memory, their character and their beliefs –working as a perfect tool to sort students into the different houses.

"One of the marvels created by the four founders." Sebastian added.

"Indeed." Dumbledore said, followed by Minerva's words.

"Calm yourself, don't think too much and let the hat do the work."

Sebastian nodded and sat calmly, not bothered by the possibility of the Hat going through his hat.


Because one of the creator was his grandfather, so he had nothing to worry about.

"Now, it's time to see which house you will be in."

Saying that she immediately placed the hat over his head –followed by an echo that he heard inside his head.

'Oh, my my!' He heard, 'What is this!'

'Surprised?' Sebastian smirked at the hat.

'As expected of the Slytherin heir! This knowledge is not something that exists in current time and if revealed, it will cause chaos!' The hat immediately spoke inside his mind, revealing that he knew about the heir.

'Which I believe you will not reveal.'

'Of course not!' The hat yelled inside his head, 'I am someone created by the four founders and I was enchanted with secrecy.' The hat explained, 'Above all else, you are the grandson of Salazar Slytherin, I cannot disrespect him by revealing your secrets.'

Sebastian laughed in his mind, 'Perfect, now I believe you know which house to sort me into.'

'Of course!' The hat said proudly before speaking out loud.

"You possess knowledge of the past that many strive for, you are eager to learn even more –Yet you are greedy for even more! Your thirst for knowledge is unending!"

As the hat said that, Flitwick smiled as hope filled his heart.

"But you also possess the bravery of a true warrior! Facing a basilisk, jumping into a cave with unknown dangers and a heart that is unwavering even when facing situations that can bring death!"

And this statement made Minerva happy, the possibility of Sebastian being sorted into Gryffindor felt pleasant.

"And even during those situations you kept your cool, even when you knew you had no one in this world you remained your true self –not showing sadness and keeping a smile!"

Dumbledore knew that Pomona would have jumped in joy if she had heard this.


This drew everyone's attention.

"You are brave but you are not sacrificial, you are looking for new knowledge but you are cunning and greedy in its pursuit!" The hat yelled, "You keep a smile but only you know which is fake and which is genuine."

These lines made the professors sigh, a sense of amusement washing over them.

Yet they were already aware of this.

They were already aware of what the result was going to be.

"You are cunning! You are greedy! You are opportunistic!" The hat shouted, "There is only one house for a wizard that wants to succeed at all cost!"

All the professors knew, yet they still had a tiny bit of hope that Sebastian would be sorted into their house by a miracle.


Yet all their smiles faded, leaving one man smiling.

A man by the name of Snape.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

We are at the closing arc for Sebastian's semester 1 of Hogwarts in Patreon.

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