
HP: Heir of Salazar

The wizarding world is about to change. It is about to face a force that it had never felt since the time of the founding fathers. After all, this force is of the past. A past that will change the present. Current Update: 3 times a Week __________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Heinous Plots

The Ministry of Magic was in chaos.

People were running everywhere, letters upon letters were being delivered, aurors gathered around the cabinets and the authoritative figures sat together, looking at a certain document.

"This is possibly the best thing that has happened to us this year." One man, bald and quite fat to be considered healthy, grinned, "And as much as Dumbledore has been an annoyance, this time his school just secured us something magnificent."

"He used his authority to force us to hide the presence of Sebastian Slytherin." One man said in anger, "He knew he had power, connections and also a favor that the ministry owed him, so he took advantage of it."

A scrawny man added, "If not for the favor that we owed, we would have had the Slytherin heir! This is not the same as him obtaining the boy who lived! This is far worse."

These men were the high ranking councilmen of the Ministry of Magic, each responsible for a specific department and each salty at not being able to have their hands on the power of Slytherin.

"Not anymore." The fat man laughed, "We now have leverage! They cannot keep the basilisk and there are no records in gringotts to count the wealth and whatever the boy found in that cave! That by the law is not his wealth."

"That is a bit far-fetched." The scrawny man said, "Salazar Slytherin was considered a hero, one of the most authoritative figures in history and he most certainly has a will that proves the wealth is owned by Sebastian."

"But does it matter?" The third man asked, "We are THE law. It does not matter if there is a will. We can arrange for it to not hold any value."

The others looked at him in wonder but knew his words did hold some truth.

"You know that there is another reason we cannot be so casual about it." The scrawny man kept his frown, "There is a reason why despite having all the rights tools, we cannot just take it all from the Slytherin and Hogwarts."

This made the other men silent, they knew that the scrawny old man wasn't lying. His words held truth and it was the most bitter truth for them.

"We are the councilmen." The scrawny man said, "But we are not the leader."

The leader, the head or the one who had the final say.

They weren't that. They were corrupt members, councilmen, men with power and greed yet not the absolute authority to make their wishes come true.

There was someone between their dreams and their wishes.

"Cornelius Fudge."

The men muttered, they knew that he was the one man because of whom their dreams were just that –dreams.

"He is no saint."

Now, Cornelius was not the good guy as everyone believed. He was also corrupt, he was cowardly and he refused to believe anything outside of his perspective.

But he was still not the worst man within the ministry.

He wanted praise but he did not want it at the cost of others. He was neutral in his stance with Hogwarts and he was not going to side with the councilmen either.

"We cannot fail." The fat man said, his cheery tone changing to seriousness. "Do whatever is necessary. Make it so that even if Fudge rules it out, the facts and proofs we present should be enough to win."

All the men looked at one another and nodded.

"We will have the treasures of Slytherin." The fat man announced, "No matter the cost."

Sebastian unintentionally chuckled hearing the hat shout his house.

"Well, it would've been a bit odd for 'im to end up anywhere but Slytherin." Hagrid commented, aware that the other two professors were a little disheartened.

"That… is true." Filius Flitwick, despite the disappointment, agreed with Hagrid. "The heir of Slytherin is best suited for the house of Slytherin."

"As much as I would have loved another student in my house, I cannot disagree with you." Mcgonagall said, "Slytherin is best suited for him."

Taking off the hat, Sebastian looked at Dumbledore.

"So… am I considered an official student of Hogwarts?"

Dumbledore stroked his beard and walked towards Sebastain, a proud expression on his face.

"Indeed." He said, "You are now one of the students of Hogwarts, the most prestigious magic school in Great Britain."

Sebastian stood silent for a while.

'One of the things that you wanted is now a reality, grandfather.' Sebastain spoke in his mind. 'I am a student of Hogwarts and I am in Slytherin.'

Sebastian took a deep breath and looked at everyone present.

"Very well."

He stood straight placed one hand over his chest, put on a smile and gave a slight bow.

"I, Sebastian Slytherin, heir to the most noble and most ancient house of Slytherin, greet the professors and the headmaster." He gave a standing bow, "Not as a nobleman, but as a student." He said, "I will be under your care from now on and I expect to learn a lot under your guidance."

The professors were amazed, what Sebastian did was not something students often did.

"We will do our best not to disappoint you, Sebastian." McGonagall said.

"You can expect to learn a lot while at Hogwarts." Flitwick said, "The world has changed over the years, and you will experience it through your studies."

Snape who was usually quiet also decided to speak. "While we have lost the ancient magic, we have also developed new magic. Some better than the past, some worse. But you will learn something new in every class that you take."

This was when Flitwick walked forward a little.

"I know this might sound a little awkward and definitely not something asked to a new student," The short professor said. "But… As much as I will do my best to teach you about the current charms of magic, I hope you can teach me about the magic of the past, the ones that were taught to you by Salazar Slytherin."

Seeing Sebastian raise an eyebrow, Flitwick immediately clarified.

"You do not have to teach anything that can be considered a family secret, just whatever can be shared." The professor said with keen interest, "I hope you can do that."

Sebastian was honestly amused at the request.

However, he could understand where the professor was coming from.

Even he was interested in magic. He wanted to learn the newer magic and thus he could understand why someone would want to learn olden magic –magic that was lost and forgotten.

Seeing the enthusiasm as well as the puppy eyes of Flitwick, Sebastian could not decline.

"I will do my best, Professor Flitwick. But do not have too high expectations from me."

As he said that, Dumbledore coughed. "That was a good initiative, Flitwick. We should research a bit more about Ancient Magic. However…"

He looked and Snape who nodded in return.

"Currently, there is something else that has to be dealt with."

This sentence made everyone present within the room put on a serious expression.

And as Sebastian was about to ask a bit more about it, they heard a knock on the door to the chamber.

"Headmaster Dumbledore!"

Dumbledore looked at Sebastian and nodded, "It is time."

"An auror is requesting to meet you!" The man behind the door shouted.

"He calls himself Coleson!"

It was time for them to head towards the Ministry.

"Quicker coachman!" A man with hair longer than most women and eyes sharper than a snake said, "We do not have a second to waste!"

His breathing was hurried, he was sweating.

Not in fear or anger, but in excitement.

For the first time in years he had been denied a court entry. No matter how big of a matter it was, his wealth and connections were often enough for him to witness the hearings of the court.

But not today.

Today was different.

'So it was all true.' His eyes practically glowed in greed, 'He is the heir!'

Being a prominent figurehead of the wizarding world, Lucius Malfoy, the lord of the house of Malfoy had all the powers that he could wish for.

But today was one of the days where he was reminded that he was powerful, but not the most powerful.

There were people with more authority and more wealth than him.

This did not make him angry, instead, it made him more hungry –hungry for power.

'The world does not know about him yet. They will know soon, but not yet.' Lucius grinned, 'As a progenitor of most of the wizarding families, Slytherin has authority over most of the extinct houses.'

That was true.

While it was a hassle and something most were not willing to go through, people with blood relation to extinct and heirless houses could take control of those houses and even become the lord of those houses.

He knew that the young Slytherin was not capable of that, so that gave him a chance.

'He is young and no matter what relation he has to the Slytherin lords, he is still a child –a naive child.' Lucius was eccentric, 'As long as he even voices his agreement for the Malfoy to take control of the extinct houses… I can…" He was beyond ecstatic, 'I can take authority over most of those houses.'

Taking control over those houses were not going to give him any monetary benefit on the short run and for most it was a stupid decision to spend such fortunes to revive those houses.

But to Malfoy it was a genius idea.

He was not looking for short term benefit, he was looking for power and wealth in the longer run.

And for that, he was willing to go to any lengths.

"Draco… this is your time to shine my son." Lucius smirked, after all there was no greater approach to someone's wealth than friendship.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

Discord: https://discord.com/invite/2P96N3zurc
