
HP: Heir of Salazar

The wizarding world is about to change. It is about to face a force that it had never felt since the time of the founding fathers. After all, this force is of the past. A past that will change the present. Current Update: 3 times a Week __________________________________________________________________________ https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog Discord: https://discord.com/invite/F3WSt9BwXZ

The_Greedy_Frog · Book&Literature
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30 Chs

Informed by Mistake

Sebastian, the heir of Salazar and the only member of the most ancient and most noble house of Slytherin sat on the grass –unaware of the hours he had spent within that place.

A boy who never felt his parents' warmth, was basking in the only warmth he could ever feel from them.

The silence yet comfort of being close to them.

Even after their death.

"I should get going."

He finally said.

"Grandfather left me with quite a lot." He smiled, "I need to protect what he left with me and rebuild this house. And yes, he left me with his magic."

He said proudly.

"I know it will not be easy to master his spells, but I will still do my best. The spells of the Slytherin family and the magic of grandfather, I will not let them be lost."

He promised.

"Through the spells and my blood, I will regain the glory of our house." He declared. "As the last true Slytherin, I will keep his dream alive."

He said, plucking a few flowers from around the meadow and placing them over the grave.

"I will visit you soon." He said, "But for now, I have to go. I have to buy books, clothes and yes, a wand for my school."

He smiled, "Grandfather's wand is missing. I don't know where it went so I cannot use it as mine and you two had yours made specially for you so I will not look for them."

He chuckled, "I will have a custom wand made for myself. I don't know how good the craftsmen of this era is, but I only need the wand because of the rules. Grandfather taught me wandless magic way back when I started, so it is not much of a worry."

He stood up, "But since everyone in our family had a wand, I will keep that tradition alive."

He took a few steps back. "Of course, I am joining Hogwarts. I cannot even think of joining another school. But well, Hogwarts has lost a bit of its glory, which I promise to restore as well."

His steps were slow, but calm. "Grandfather's work as well as the dreams of the other founders cannot be broken."

He gave the graves a final bow, "So with these promises, I will take my leave."

The sad smile on his face was prominent, "Stay well wherever you are, father and mother."

He said one final time, "Till then… this is goodbye."

Hagrid knew that it was not the best choice, but there was none.

He finally noticed that the note –the parchment that he was given had been filled with words. It horrified him as he realized his entire internal monologues were sent to Dumbledore.

He felt guilt at revealing Sebastian's secrets, including that of the basilisk. But he also knew that it was dangerous to leave a basilisk on its own without any supervision. So, he knew that he needed to inform the headmaster about the basilisk one way or the other.

He just did not expect it to be in such a manner. But alas, there was nothing that could be done.

It had been almost eighteen hours since he had been standing guard and considering the time before that, he and the Slytherin heir had been in the place for over a day –nearing two days, which was the deadline given to them.

But he believed that the boy would be out soon so he did not move from the place.

And that was the correct move as after another hour, he finally heard footsteps –followed by the familiar voice of the youngster.

"I don't know if I should apologize for making you wait so long or thank you for allowing me some alone time with my parents." Sebastian said, walking out of the passage and towards Hagrid, "I should probably do both."

"I jus' did what I was s'posed to do, Sebastian," Hagrid said with a grin, "But if yeh'd stayed inside fer another hour, I'd 'ave gone in meself."

Sebastian laughed, "But you didn't, for which I am grateful."

"It's been a fair while since yeh went in there, so we best be headin' back soon," Hagrid remarked, to which Sebastian simply nodded in agreement.

"That is true, it has been over a day and professor Dumbledore only gave me two days' worth of time." The boy sighed, "Not to mention I will have to explain quite a lot to him once I go back."

This made Hagrid a little uneasy.

"'Bout that..." The half-giant scratched his head, a puzzled look on his face. "The headmaster already knows, well, at least a bit of it."


Sebastian froze, not understanding what he meant.

"It is impossible, this cave is enchanted to prevent any form of spying magic. No one can see what goes inside." Sebastian frowned, "Unless…"

"Yes," Hagrid answered truthfully, a hint of regret in his voice. "I'm sorry, but I 'ad to let 'im know 'bout the Basilisk."

Sebastian was once again frozen, not understanding what forced Hagrid to take that step.

"Why?" He asked, simply curious and shocked.

"Basilisks, they're what we consider XXXXX rated beasts," Hagrid whispered in a cautious tone, hiding the truth that he revealed the information by mistake. He blamed himself for the mistake and thus made it sound intentional instead of accidental. "They're known as wizard killers, strictly off-limits by the Ministry, banned from breedin'. Thought to be extinct, they are. If anyone outside were to catch wind of this, not just me, mind you, but you too, we'd all be in a right mess."

Sebastian didn't speak, too stunned at the situation.

"The Ministry, even with some good folk, 'as its share o' rotten and corrupt individuals. They'd falsely accuse ya of hidin' and breedin' Basilisks and do everythin' in their power to snatch the basilisk and yer fortune away,"

"Oh…" Sebastian muttered a single word, understanding Hagrid's words but also trying to figure out how he was going to explain it further without messing up.

He understood that Hagrid did it for their own good but he realized how much he underestimated the presence of the basilisk.

Basilisks were rare even in his grandfather's time but they were nothing sort of what Hagrid explained. So, he understood that he had to come up with something to explain to Dumbledore and possibly to the authorities.

Because not only did he want to protect the treasures but he also wanted to protect Atlas, after all, Atlas was someone that protected his treasures for years now.

"I…" Sebastian tried to calm himself, doing his best to regain his senses. "Thank you." He finally said, surprising Hagrid.

"Yer are not blamin' me?" The half-giant asked, making Sebastian shake his head.

"I understand why you did it… and it makes sense." He finally smiled, "I cannot blame you."

"But before this matter is blown out of proportions, we should go and explain it properly to professor Dumbledore."

"We ought ter do that."

Saying that, the two made their way out of the cave and towards the Floo Network.

Only to realize that there was already someone waiting for them at the fireplace.

"Mr. Slytherin."

The moment the two stepped foot near the fireplace, they heard a very familiar voice.

A nasal voice.

"Professor Dumbledore is waiting for you." The person was someone that Hagrid and Sebastian knew very well.

"Professor Snape?" Sebastian said shock.

Snape, standing near the Floo Network said, "Once we reach at Hogwarts… We will immediately move on with the Sorting Ceremony."

A turn of events that Sebastian did not expect.


But an event that was necessary.


[[A/N: Read 100+ Advanced Chapters (summation of all stories) ahead of WN on Patreon.

25 Advanced Chapters for Harry Potter on https://www.patreon.com/Greedyfrog

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