
How to teach someone a lesson

Lydia and Mark are two people who are very desperate to be parents but cannot do so because their partners have different views from theirs. In this story we see how they both help each other to overcome this hurdle and maybe fall in love.

Kolobe · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 11: I bought myself shares

I bought myself shares

"How did you survive?" my mom asked. "Someone fished me out of the river and took me to his home. He and his wife took care of my wounds and nursed me back to health.

I had no memory of who I was at first so they called me Lydia from the initial on my bracelet. They gave me their surname and managed to enrol me at school.

They could not have kids so they made me theirs and took me through school and university. I got scholarships from high school and they kept it for me.

When I was in my third year in university they were blessed with a pair of twins, a boy and a girl. The doctors confirmed both infertile so the twins were just a blessing.

Soon after the kids were born they registered a company and it flourished. I was bitter when they did that because they used my scholarships but soon got over it.

I then told myself that they are my benefactors and are raising me well and treat me like their own. On my birthday when I was doing my final year, they presented me with share certificates from three big companies.

They actually used the money I got from the scholarships to buy shares for me. This was done over five years. So during that year I copied them and bought myself shares from a small company that had a potential to grow.

I also started dating the guy who was pursuing me for quite a long time and got married soon after graduation.

They did not approve of him but I was too infatuated with him so they forced me to sign a pre naptual agreement with my husband and made me promise that I will never disclose that I have the shares that they bought for me.

Since he knew about the company that I invested in myself, he took over those share dividends as soon as we were married. I were married for three years."

"hugh!" she sighs. "Well…" she continues, "I now understand why they forced me to sign the pre- nap, I was truly foolish then. I found out that he was playing me since the first day we met.

He and my best friend are actually a couple and I was just a chess piece to them. they actually have a daughter together and I often baby sit her when she was busy with work, only to find out that they were just busy with each other."

"Oh my God!" I hear my mom gasp. "Shit" that's my dad next to me and I hear nanny May sniffing. I clench my fist then run my hand through my hair.

It still makes me angry hearing her say this part of her story. "What kind of friend is that? Why would a woman do this to a friend?" My mom asks feeling wronged and I hear Lilly chuckle a little bit and points at me.

"That's his fiancé…" I hear a "what?" and a "slap" at the same time. The 'what' comes from my mom and a 'slap' is from my dad delivered right behind my head. I look at dad with a wronged expression and he delivers another one.

"That's what you get for being stubborn; I told you she was a gold digger." "Sorry dad I won't do it again…" That's when I hear three voices burst out laughing. This is the best way of changing the mood.

"I'm hungry when is lunch?" "Grrrrrr…" That's someone's stomach and everyone burst out in laughter. We all head to the dining table and have our lunch.

The last time we were gathered and chatting happily was on the "twins" birthday. Ron is Lilly's kid brother and Nelly is my little sister. We treat them as twins because they were born on the same day, talk about coincidence.

I don't know if it's Gods doing or our parents planned it but hey who am I to complain? We took in Ron, nanny May and Grandma Sue right after the funeral.

It took Ron a while to open up to us but was able to click a lot better with Nelly and it has been almost impossible to separate them since then. Both Ron and nanny May were safe but in shock. Lilly was missing but aunt and uncle died on the spot.

I quickly take out my phone and them both a message to 'come home now'. Within minutes they respond that they are in class and ask what happened. I wrote back: 'cancel today's lessons and rush back'. Looking at everyone at the table, I feel happy that we are all here.

I then clear my throat and everyone stopped talking and faced me. Mom, dad, Lydia and I will be having a child soon, we had an in vitro procedure yesterday and waiting to see positive results.

"Why did you decide to do it?" My mom asked. "Well since we both want to have children and we both found out that our partners are using us and not planning on having a family with either of us as they are already raising one themselves. We then decided to raise one together and teach those two a lesson whiles at it".

I say that with a smack on my face as I can already see those people's down fall. My dad then pats my back and congratulates me for waking up from my stupidity and mom asks us when are we planning to get married. Lilly and I are stunned silent.

I don't think we thought about that and they all can see that from our reaction. "Smack" I get another slap at the back of my head.

I look at my dad with a wronged expression again and he looks at me and says "are you planning on having an illegitimate child? Lilly are you thinking the same way too?"