
How to teach someone a lesson

Lydia and Mark are two people who are very desperate to be parents but cannot do so because their partners have different views from theirs. In this story we see how they both help each other to overcome this hurdle and maybe fall in love.

Kolobe · Urban
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17 Chs

Chapter 10: Finding lost keen

I quickly pack all my documents and jewellery and wait for Mark and his team to move my clothes to his parents house. I cannot strain myself with too much work as I just had a procedure and hope it is successful.

Soon Mark arrives with the moving team and they pack up everything I want to move and leave the furniture as it will be sold with the house. Mark then takes me straight to his parents place.

His family house is located in the outskirts of the city. As we enter the gate I see a row of pine trees along the road. We drive for about five minutes before I see a huge European style house before us. "Wow!" I exclaim in awe. "I saw this kind of house in magazines or maybe I dreamed of it, are you sure this is where I'm going live?" I ask Mark and chuckles besides me and confirm that yes that's his home.

We stop in front of the house and are welcomed by his parents and the staff. The butler came and opened the car door for us and we get off the car and walk to his parents. His mom and dad welcomed us.

They gave him a hug and his mom kissed him on the cheek. She then turned her focus to me and gave me a warm smile. "Welcome Lydia." She said that while giving me a worm hug. I do not know why but I feel safe in her arms. I close my eyes and remember my mom. She used to hug me just like this.

"Hey! Hey! Hey!... leave some for me!" I hear Mark's dad chuckling and pulling out of his wife's hug. I am dazed as I feel like I know this voice but cannot grasp it. He also gives me a warm hug and directs me in to the house while praising his son Mark for not bringing that woman home.

"Sorry dad I seem to have lost my bearings for a while there." He answered sheepishly and acting spoilt from where I see it. Marks mom Lucia then informs the butler where to take my luggage. "Lunch is served" Said an older lady who looks like the nanny. She then looks at me as if she knows me. I feel so uncomfortable from her gaze. Ms. Lucia see's this and asks her why she is looking at me like this.

She then looks at Ms. Lucia with a smile and tears in her eyes and then comes to me holds my hands. I am baffled at this time and everyone is looking at us expecting an answer from her. Nanny May then cups my cheeks and calls my name 'Lilly'. My mind goes blank. Only my family called me that.

That's my name. I look at her shocked to hear her call me Lilly. She then gives me a squeezing hug and continues to cry. I also join her and cry too. I thought no one in this world remembers my name. Ms. Lucia also joins in the crying chorus and we have group hug.

At this time both men are baffled at what is happening in front of their eyes. Ms. Lydia then lifts her head and told Mark to go fetch grandma. I am puzzled at that statement but I take it that its Mark's grandma that he going to call. We dismantle out crying group and the three of us sit on the couch with me nestled in the middle.

"Oh baby we have been looking for you for such a long time. We thought you died as well but did not find your body." Said Ms. Lucia wiping tears from my eyes. "Oh child you must have suffered a lot all this time"

She said that while squeezing me back into her embrace. Now I seem to remember her. She used to come to my house when I was little, yes, this is aunt Lu my mother's best friend from school. That's uncle Morris he and my dad were in the same class at university. Nanny May was my nanny. We were together when my family's car crashed.

Now I am back to my senses and call out their names, " Aunty Lu… Nanny May… Uncle Morris… Big brother Mark." After saying this out loud uncle Mo now remembers me "Lilly? Little Lilly is that really you?" "Yes uncle it's me" I responded when he held one of my hands. "All this while you are actually alive? We thought you also died after looking for you for a long time. We really thought you were gone with your parents."

Mark's POV

"Aunty Lu… Nanny May… Uncle Morris… Big brother Mark." After saying this out loud I see my father kneeling in front of her and call out "Lilly? Little Lilly is that really you?" "Yes uncle it's me" she responded when my dad held one of her hands. "All this while you are actually alive? We thought you also died after looking for you for a long time. We really thought you were gone with your parents." I have never seen my father this emotional ever. I mean I did see him cry when my grandparents passed on but never this emotional.

In my memories she had the brightest smile I have ever seen. My heart was shattered when I heard of her family's car crash and searching for her body for more than two years. She was then declared 'dead' since we never found her body. My heart was in pieces, … that's the girl I wanted to spend my life with but disappeared and presumed dead. You have no idea how happy feel right now.

I feel like I am soaring in the sky right now and pet my own back for picking her up at the clinic that day. Damn! I believe fate is really on my side for letting me meet her in this lifetime again, still alive. I am now feeling proud of myself for making an agreement with her to have a child together, and I am planning on making her my wife.

Yes, my original thoughts of making her my wife come rushing back to the surface. My girl is back. I have a stupid smile on my face until dad snaps me out of it. "Hey where is grandma?" I move my shoulders up and down indicating that I didn't find her. "She went out for a walk she will be back soon" that's nanny May responding on my behalf.

I stare at Lydia, I really can't take my eyes off her. She has been missing from my life for ten years. When I picked her up something moved in me but could not understand what it was. Yes I could see that she resembles Lilly but never thought she really was my Lilly.