
How to overcome the straggle of life

Jilki_Dtinlio · Teen
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3 Chs

First day at my school

lt is a sunny day today is my first day at my new school. Definitely l am very exist to meet my new classmate. After taking my breakfast l said goodbye to my mother and start walking for my school. Yesterday we come here from our previous town my mother is a doctor. After my father's death she brought me up alone. Most of the time she remain busy in her hospital but she tries to take good care of me.

l reach the door of my school. l am feeling very nervous because today is my first day. After interning the school l search for my class teacher. He took me to class to introduced me to them. my teacher said them, "she is your new classmate her name is yan chan. " l said hello to them and take seat. l saw beside me there is a boy how looked very attentive and handsame.