
How to overcome the straggle of life

Jilki_Dtinlio · Teen
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3 Chs


He is handsame and good looking. After sitting l saw he looked at me one's. My heart started beating first.Our class began when teacher started teaching he put on a headphone. At that time a thought he is not a good student. The person who looks good all the time he is not a good person. so l start to do the class attentively.

when class is over some of my classmate came to me they said., "Will you hangout with us?" l said, "ok.,l will " l want with them. They were going to a shop to eat a special street good of this town. one of my classmate insist that boy also l think two of them are best friend.

when we reach that shop they ordered special spices noodles and we all four seat in a table.They started introduced themselves to me. Three of them are the best friend from Childhood they grow up together and they want same school. Among them the girl name chain Han is very cute. Chain Han said, "my friend Tan Yang is the top student in our class no one can beat him in any exam." At last l know his name is Tan Yang.Zang Tin said. "l am Zang ". Our order has arrive so we start eating.

l really enjoy good time with them. Now its time to return home l said goodbye to all of them and started walking for my home. l saw Tan Yang is also coming in this way.I asked him is his home in this side. He doesn't reply. After reaching near my house l saw he is my neighbour.