
How to die at Marvel

The usual basics: a guy dies for his beloved Truck-Sama, meets Kami-Sama, gets some cool powers that will lead to a lot of trouble. He wakes up in Marvel super happy, but discovers that the world is very dangerous and to survive he has to find different ways of dying to get stronger. That's the life of Theodore Stark.

Monk_of_Souls · Movies
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9 Chs

Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters

Theo sat at the table in his favourite bar, enjoying a moment of peace and a nice shot of whisky after the stress of the X-Men's visit and the arrival of the Shield agents.

But what he didn't want to happen was about to happen.

Someone came again to disturb his peace.

"I don't suppose you've come for a drink, have you?" - He asked without turning around, knowing that behind him was the sexy redhead, Jean Grey, who had accompanied Professor Xavier on his earlier visit.

Jean laughed at Theo's question and was also surprised that he had noticed her so quickly. "No... I didn't come. Drinks and Logan's hobby, do you prefer him for company?" - She asked, pretending to be sad.

"Him? No. The company of a beautiful woman is much better" - Theo turned to admire the beautiful woman. "Sit down" - he offered Jean the seat next to him.

"Thank you" - she thanked him as she sat down. "You must be a very powerful mutant. The Professor urgently gathered the team to visit you" - she explained.

"Powerful? You could say that" - Theo laughed at her question, knowing that there were many beings stronger than him at the moment. But only for now" - he thought about his powers and how he would become more and more powerful.

"What do you want?" - He asked the redhead bluntly.

Jean noticed that Theo didn't like to beat around the bush and got straight to the point. "We really want to invite you to the school, your help would be very welcome," she said sincerely. "I came alone to show our sincerity," she explained with a smile.

"Alone?" - Theo laughed at the comment. "Are you sure?" - He asked in a questioning tone.

Jean was surprised again, they had underestimated Theo's power. "Not so alone, you might say" - she laughed, not losing her composure.

Theo was thoughtful, he didn't want to have the Shield after him all the time, so it wouldn't be a bad idea to be with the X-Men.

And he considered that there were many beautiful women like Jean in the X-Men, so it would be a combination of the useful and the pleasant.

"All right... when do we leave?" - He agreed to join Xavier's group.

"Really? That was so easy," she replied in amazement. "We can go now" - she got up.

The two of them left the pub to find Cyclops and Storm standing outside.

"Alone, huh?" - Theo laughed, making Jean blush with embarrassment.

Cyclops, seeing the two of them together, wasn't happy, since he was pursuing Jean as a love interest. "Do we have to take this guy with us?" - He asked Ororo.

The brunette just rolled her eyes at Scott's jealousy. "Yes, we do. Teacher's orders," she replied briefly.

While they were talking, Theo had already boarded the jet with Jean. "Are we going or not?" - He called to the two of them who were still outside.

Scott clenched his fist in anger, he didn't like taking orders. Ororo just sighed impatiently, this kind of teenage drama wasn't something she liked to deal with.

The ride in the jet wasn't as smooth as it could have been, Scott kept losing control of the plane when he heard Jean laughing at something Theo said, while Ororo just kept her eyes closed and ignored the child drama.

The jet flew through the sky for a while before Scott announced their arrival at their destination. "We're here," he said angrily.

"You should take some lessons before you fly again, mate" - Theo, seeing that he was annoyed, decided to tease him even more.

This made Jean laugh sweetly and Ororo sigh again.

The door of the jet opened to reveal the huge mansion that was the Xavier School for Gifted Youngsters.

"Not discreet at all," Theo complimented when he saw the school.

"The teacher gave up his house to take in special kids like us" - Jean explained. "Come on, he'll be waiting for you" - she grabbed Theo's hand and pulled him out of the jet and into the villa.

"This is a bad idea," Scott muttered quietly.

Ororo had lost count of how many times she had sighed during the journey. "I'm not old enough for this" - she got off the jet as well, leaving Scott alone.

"Welcome to school, Theo" - Xavier came out of his office in his famous wheelchair and greeted the young Stark. "I hope you enjoy your stay here, we can learn a lot together" - The teacher was happy to welcome him, but also cautious as his power had no effect on Theo.

"I hope so too" - Theo didn't show much enthusiasm. "Can you show me around?" - He turned and asked Jean, who was still standing next to him.

Jean agreed - "Sure, no problem". She enjoyed Theo's company. "See you later, Professor" - she took his hand again.

"Young people" - Xavier sighed, but smiled at the interaction between them. Jean had become more and more closed and reserved about her true feelings in the last years and it was very nice to see her smile.

"Let's go to the main room first, many of the students like to hang out there," she explained where she was taking Theo. "There are even some students your age" - she was very excited about the new member.

When they reached the room, they heard a big commotion.

"Really? A new student?" - Someone asked loudly.

"Yes... they say he's a beautiful boy," a female voice commented.

Jean unceremoniously opened the door and revealed himself to the gossiping students.

"Oh! Jean" - one of the students was surprised to see Jean and ran over to hug her.

"Hi Kitty" - Jean accepted the hug with affection, as Kitty was younger and Jean considered her a sister.

"I've brought the reason for your gossip" - Jean stepped aside to reveal Theo standing there, still watching.

" Beautiful" - Kitty let the word slip out.

"Thank you" - Theo laughed and thanked her, making young Kitty Pryde blush with embarrassment. "You're very pretty yourself" - Theo also complimented her.

"Wow, you're cheating on me already" - Jean pretended to be angry with him.

"It's not cheating if we're not dating yet" - He said to embarrass the redhead, it was a good thing he was born a Stark, all Starks knew how to flirt.

Scott, who was coming up the corridor behind him this time, couldn't contain his anger and exploded as he lunged at Theo from behind.

But Theo's senses were always on and he noticed what was happening.

He turned and grabbed Scott's approaching fist. "Good night, mate," he said to Scott, who was surprised by Theo's reaction.

Theo clenched his fist and struck Scott on the chin, sending him to sleep with a single blow.

Kitty, who was further back, was stunned by Theo's attack and, without realising it, shouted in celebration. "K.O." - she jumped up to celebrate his victory.

Theo laughed when he saw the girl's reaction, he realised that this school could be quite interesting after all.


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