
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


I raise my arms up, the vampires all charged but stopped as my power froze them all in place. Sweeping my hand forward until they were in front of me I dragged the vampires through the air into a large ball in front of me. They all still struggled, the mess of limbs and fangs screamed in unison as I crushed them all with a flick of my hand. Blood sprayed everywhere as their bodies were crushed, some of them survived. I sent a blast of power that slammed the remain vampires into a wall before I heard a voice shout out behind me. 




Dropping my arms I turned around slowly, Klaus, Elijah, and Kol stood side by side on the balcony. Fear and realization hit Klaus and Elijahs faces. I smile and cross my arms. 


"What's the matter Klaus? You look like you've seen a ghost." 


"How did you get out?" 


"Of your little trap? Let's just say I have friends in very high places."


Kol blurs away and comes back holding Amelie, he had a hand on her shoulder and the other holding a dagger loosely by his side. 


"Niklaus, Kol, perhaps it is wise if we give the girl back to him." 


"Ah, Elijah… I see you're still the logical one." 


"Brother, let's just kill him." 


"Are you going to tell him Elijah or am I?" 


Klaus and Elijah freeze and look at me. Turning to Kol Elijah begins to speak. 


"Kol, this is someone we can not beat. Give him back the girl." 


"Oh come on, he's one witch. He can't be that hard to kill."


I glare at the youngest Mikaelson. "Why does everyone think I'm a fucking witch. Amelie sweetheart, I'll be up in a second." 


"Papa, I'm sorry." 


"Oh how touching, I'll relish watching her face when I kill you." 


I sigh, with a snap of my finger all three are frozen in place. I levitate to the balcony slowly and grab Amelie from Kol who's eyes conveyed anger and frustration. Amelie cry's into my arms as I levitate back down to ground level. 

Levitating the white oak stake out of my coat pocket I hover it right above Kols heart before unfreezing the brother. 


Kol looks at the stake dubiously, "Do you know what I am witch? You can't kill me with a simple stake." 


I push the stake with my power and Kol screams in pain as the white oak pierced through his clothes and into his skin. 


"First of, I'm not a witch. Second, that's a white oak stake, and thirdly, if you ever so much as think about my daughter again you will die." 


"Show my foolish brother some mercy, please." 


"Elijah, it's unlike you to beg. Hn, but since you asked so nicely very well." 


The pellets and the stake all returned to my pocket, I froze Kol and Elijah in place. 


"But you seem to have forgotten that you have wronged me." 


I flick my hand through the air and Klaus screamed. His left hand severed at the wrist.


"For your crimes, I take my pound of flesh. Let this be your final warning. Come after me or my family again and I will wipe you and yours from this world in a rain of fire and steel." 


I carried Amelie and I levitated out of the compound and flew back above into the sky. The sun had set, Amelie looked around in wonder. I hovered for a moment and looked at her. 


"Are you alright Amelie?"


"Yes papa, the bad Beveur de Sang tried to do something strange but Monsieur Lupin stopped him." 


"Your bear?"


She shakes her head. "No, Monsieur Lupin is the Angel that guards me papa." 


"What does your Angel look like sweetheart?" 


"He has hair like yours, tall. He is very tall. He also looks like this man Maman had a picture of." 


Pieces of the puzzle started fitting together. I had a sneaking suspicion that I knew who this guardian Angel was. Wanting to ease her mind and help her forget the trauma of getting kidnapped I turned to her. 


"Do you want to fly my little princess?" 




I smile at her, "Okay hold on for a moment." 


I extend out my power to hold her up next to me. She begins to float along with me in the sky and I hold her out at arms length. 


"You can let go now sweetie." 


She slowly lets go of my arms, as I slowly release her from my grip she hovers next to me. A wide smile stretches across her face and he begins to cheer and clap. 


"Let's go home Amelie." 


I start off slow, she looks around at the ground pointing at things far below us. She lets out sounds of wonder and awe. As I speed up she begins to laugh in excitement reaching out to me. I grabbed her hand and we flew alongside each other. We cut through the air and soon we were back home, Amelie jumped around with joy as we landed in the rear courtyard. She asked if we could go flying again another day. I agree and she happily skips to her room.

So far I had been able to keep at least one promise. Sighing, I stepped back into the doors and walked up to my study. I took out my outline book and listed out what Kol had planned to do. Yet another change in the story due to my intervention. I wondered if any other Mikaelsons were awake. There was still Finn, Rebekah was probably with Marcel. Elijah and Klaus, Kol who had tried to steal magic from Amelie who was apparently a siphoner witch. In a list of developments Amelie having been a witch was the least surprising, she had after all been talking to her bear. I had a feeling that she could see ghosts or at least some sort of apparition that told her things. Such as her mother being sick and me being a vampire. 


I listed down on the margin that Kol was trying to gain his magic back, which sort of made sense. Aside from Finn, Kol regretted becoming a vampire because he lost his powers. I only knew this detail because he had been my favorite character in the show. Up until he tried to kidnap my daughter in real life. Speaking of, I made a mental note to go into the town courthouse and officially adopt Amelie. I don't even know why I hadn't done so already. Closing the book I poured myself a serving of bourbon and went to my bedroom. I downed the drink and changed into my evening wear. The Salvatore brothers were god knows where. Stefan was probably in Chicago or San Francisco, wherever a blood thirsty vampire went. Damon was probably frolicking in every bar he could find. That left me being the only vampire in the town that I knew of. I vaguely remember there being a lab that experimented on vampires. I failed to remember where it was, had it been New York? All I knew is that there was a lab out there experimenting with vampires and Damon had been caught either before or was about to be caught. I let out a slow breath, I was nearing the start of canon and knew that I'd need to make more preparations.