
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


The funeral was a private gathering, some of the servants and Amelie were invited. They paid their respects and left. Amelie and I were the only ones left by the time we had covered the grave. Amelie had been silent the whole time. 

She looks at me with tears threatening to fall from her eyes. 


"I miss Maman." 


I go over to her and hold her as she begins to cry. 


"I do too Amelie, I do too," I carry her back to the car. "Let's go for some ice cream okay?" 


She nods. "I'm getting Maman's favorite today." 


"Whatever you want sweetheart."


We went into town, I got her some sweets and felt eyes on us. I looked around, the people were going about their business but I still couldn't help but feel like we were being watched. Spotting Joseph with his wife I took Amelie's hand and walked over to the mayor. 


"Mayor Lockwood, mind if I ask you for a quick favor?"


"What is it son?"


"Do you mind watching Amelie for me for a moment." 


"Of course, it'll be our pleasure." 


"Thanks Mrs. Lockwood. I'll just be a minute."


"Amelie, remember what I said about the bad Buveur de Sang?" She nods. "I need to take care of one right now."


"Are you going to fight it papa?" 


The mayor looks at me curiously. I turn to him and shake my head. 


"I'll explain when I get back." 


With that I followed my senses to the roof of a building close by. There was a woman crouching looking around the street trying to spot me. I had learned to mask my presence with my power while I was practicing to make a telekinetic shield around my body. I blur over to the woman and pin her on the floor, before she can scream my hand is around her throat. She struggles for a moment until she realizes it's an unwinnable fight and she lies still. 


"Who the hell are you?" 


I didn't recognize her, she was obviously a vampire, but I had never seen her before. Not on my travels and not as a character in the show, or so I think. She struggles to speak before I realize that I'm crushing her throat. Easing up she gasps and coughs for a moment before replying. 




"That doesn't cut it blondie locks. What are you doing spying on me?"


She remains quiet, "I'll give you a choice, tell me who you work for and why you're here," I shove my hand through her chest and grab onto her heart. She holds back a scream. "I think you get my point." 


"I-I work for Kol Mikaelson. He heard of a p-powerful witch living in Mystic Falls. He wanted me to check on-" 


I squeeze her heart hard, her face contorted in pain. I started to pull. 


"He, he's looking for a-" 


"Why is he looking for me, I'm not a witch." 


"He's n-not looking for y-you, he's looking for the girl."


Amelie. I growl and rip her heart out of her chest. The vampire immediately turns gray and veins spread from the wound in her chest. I hear the mayor shout and Amelie scream. I run back just in time to see another vampire grab Amelie and blur away. Joseph is on the ground holding his arm, his wife is unconscious next to him. 


"Seth, a vampire grabbed her. I'm sorry I couldn't stop them." 


"It's fine, inform the council that another Original has appeared. It's Kol Mikaelson, I'll have some men come to town to help with security." 


I helped the mayor and his wife up, she had a knot forming on her head but otherwise the two were fine. Joseph nodded and I bid him farewell as I ran back to my car and sped off back to the mansion. I came to a screeching halt in the driveway and jumped out, shutting off the engine. I ran to my vault and grabbed a white oak stake and some pellets made out one of the stakes. Stuffing them in my suit jacket I blur to the rear courtyard and shoot off into the sky tracing Amelie's scent. I flew hard and fast, the wind screaming past my ears. Whoever the vampires were, they were fast. I was hot on their trail, and yet they still managed to keep ahead of me. 


Hours later I was floating above New Orleans. Amelie's scent had led me here, I scanned the place and spotted the vampires that had taken her walking out of the Mikaelson compound. In the blink of an eye I snatched up one of them and was back high above the clouds. 


The vampire struggled against the hand I had wrapped around his neck. His eyes widened when he realized we were in the sky.  I grin at him, 


"As I told your friend Gabriela earlier before I ripped out her heart. You have two choices, tell me what I want or die. Do you understand?"


The vampire slowly nods. "Good, now tell me what Kol wants with my daughter?" 


"He didn't tell us, he just said that his witches discovered a powerful siphoner witch in Mystic Falls." 


"Siphoner Witch?" 


"Witches that can absorb magic, the-"


I tighten my hand around his throat. "I know what the fuck a siphoner witch is. What does he want with her?"


"He, he's planning on using her to get his powers back." 


I narrowed my eyes. "You can't be a witch and a vampire at the same time, unless you're a siphoner witch. How does he plan on doing so?" 


"There's a ritual, he needs to perform it to take her power from her into himself." 


I growl at the vampire, leave it to the Originals to ruin my day. Then I get an idea, smiling at the vampire I looked down at the compound far below. 


"How would you like to help me make an entrance?" 


The vampire looks down, understanding my intentions. Before he could do anything else I released him and watched him plummet thousands of feet to the earth. I shot after him, his body exploded as he hit the ground hard. Vampires in the compound jumped back, some even screamed. I landed lightly where the vampire had hit the ground. 


"You all have two choices. Run or die." 


They all stood their ground, some bared their fangs and growled. I smile,


"So you have chosen death."