
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs

Glimpse of Us

Two weeks passed since the kidnapping incident, either Amelie was really good at hiding it or she had gotten over the whole ordeal. I had talked with the mayor about what happened that day. 


"Amelie was kidnapped by an Original?" 


"Well yes, I managed to get her back though." 


"How do you get something back from an Original."


"Simple, you ask him for it." 




"No, I threatened his family with death and eternal torment."


"Seth, you are the only person crazy enough to threaten an ancient vampire like that."


"Got away with it too didn't I?"


"Are you sure they won't retaliate?"


"Mayor Lockwood, my father left them scarred and terrified of him. I don't know what he did," 'but I really did.' "But in the past he got them to avoid coming to this town." 


"I heard mentions in my uncle's journals saying that Seth Senior drove away an ancient vampire. That must have been one of them."


"Most likely," so Benjamin wrote about me. "What else did the journal contain? If you don't mind me asking." 


"Not at all son, my uncle just described the vampire threat. He detailed how to fight them and devices left by Dorian Gilbert and his father that helped them fight the monster." 


Just then his assistant entered the room with a spindly man with glasses. 


"Mayor Lockwood, this is Timothy Davis he has requested to meet with you discussing an urgent matter." 


"Oh, alright. I'll speak with you next time, Seth." 


Saying a quick goodbye I left his office and caught the start of the conversation. 


"Joseph Lockwood, I'm here on behalf of the Augustine Program." 


I cursed under my breath as I left the Mayor's building. I walked back over to my car and drove home thinking about what I should do next. I looked over at the passenger seat, the folders that contained the recently signed adoption papers were there. I parked the car in my driveway and took the folder. Amelie ran out of the door to greet me. 


"Papa! Welcome home." 


"Good afternoon sweetie, how was your day at school?" 


"It was great, we learned about the war and I got to tell my classmates about how you rescued me and Maman." 


Smiling at her we continued our way into the house and I sent for dinner to be prepared. Amelie kept telling me about her day and I observed the young witch. She hadn't started to display her powers yet. I knew it was only a matter of time before then so I took her to my office and set a candle in front of her. She looked at the unlit candle and then to me, confusion in her eyes. 


"Amelie, I want to try something. Focus on the candle and lighting it with fire, then say 'Incendia'."


"Is this because of what the bad Buveur de Sang said papa? 


"Yes and no sweetie, I just have some theory's." 


"Okay papa, I will help you." 


She looks at the candle and scrunches her face, it looked like she was holding her breath. She let it out and slowly said the spell for fire.




The candle burst into flames, like the whole thing, not just the wick. Amelie gasped as I quickly extinguished the fire by putting a dome of telekinetic energy around it. 


"It's okay sweetheart, at least we know that you can do magic." 


After comforting her she decided to go back to her room. When I walked past on my way to mine I heard her talking with her bear about how she wanted to make me proud and I felt a pang in my heart. It was physically impossible for me to care about her anymore than I already did. I smiled and I closed the door to my bedroom. Leaving it unlocked just in case Amelie came to look for me I sat in the corner of my bed and thought about the spell she just did. 


I didn't have magic myself, despite what everyone kept saying when I fought them. She would need someone to teach her, yet there was no one I trusted. I vaguely remember there being another Mikaelson who could do magic that wasn't Esther or Dahlia. Her name escaped me at the moment. Laying back in bed I closed my eyes and dove into my memories. It was another skill I refined as the years went on. Immortality did a number on a person's brain, centuries of memories buried or compartmentalized. I had learned to sift through the memories when I had been bored out of my mind in a trench several years ago. 


I swam through memories of my old life and stopped at a particular memory. It was the day that I had asked Nicole out on a date, it felt like a lifetime ago. Well maybe because it had been a lifetime ago. The date may have been in 2017 but that was nearly a thousand years ago for me. I explored the memories that followed it and stopped at one where we were watching the show on the couch of my apartment. 


Memory Sequence 


"Wait so their aunt is trying to get his daughter?" 


"Yes, she needs his daughter because their mom made a deal with her in the past."  


"Babe, that's convoluted as fuck."  


Nicole slaps me in the arm playfully.  


"Shut up, this is my show. Just watch it with me."  


I rolled my eyes and kissed her cheek before turning back to the TV, I watched as the characters started talking about what they should do. Mikael started to explain that their mother had been unable to have children up until she made a deal with her sister. In exchange for being able to have children she would need to give her sister the first born child of every generation.  


"That's a really shitty deal, who would make that deal?"  


"Seth, come on. Just watch the show." Nicole laughs. "We're getting to where they describe how to beat Dahlia." 


"Dahlia is their aunt?" She nods without looking away from the TV. "So to kill her they need special ingredients?" 


"Just watch the show." 


Sighing I turn back to the TV and half pay attention. The characters went on to list what they would need, as a blonde character entered the screen.  


Memory Sequence End