
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


I walked through Mystic Falls taking in the sight of the town. It had come a long way from 1864. I chalked it up to the supernatural presence in the town. I didn't know who they were but I felt them, witches I mean. Morgana and I were a totally different species of vampire it seemed because they didn't seem to notice me. Not even Emily had been able to tell when I had asked her years ago. 


The Gilbert's were still in town, Dorian had fathered a daughter to some unknown woman. Samantha Gilbert from what I knew, would go on to murder several council members. I hadn't paid attention to the show all those years ago so all I remembered was that the Gilbert ring had caused her to go insane. I watched the woman walk around town, I wondered if Elena was related to her through John Gilbert. I remembered Jonathan talking to me about an estranged relative of theirs, Christopher Gilbert, who they hadn't heard from in years. I sipped my coffee as I continued to watch Samantha Gilbert go about her day. The Gilbert ring glimmering on her finger. Having been made a member of the founders council through my 'father' it was only a matter of time before she would attack. There had already been several murders recently. 


Joseph Lockwood had hired a few people to investigate the murders. He had pulled me to the side one day and asked me what I thought. 


"What do you think, Seth?" 


"It's all rather suspicious isn't it? The victims were killed with a stake. Yet they weren't vampires. They weren't even supernatural."


"Your father was a hero in this town before he passed. Did he leave any notes on the supernatural?" 


"I'm sorry Mayor Lockwood, Seth Senior was very secretive. He only taught me how to fend for myself. Whatever secrets he had, he must have taken them to the grave." 


"That's unfortunate, well son. Tell me if you spot anything suspicious. My door is always open to the son of the man who helped put this town on the map." 


"If that's all mayor, I'll be taking my leave. My daughter gets a bit antsy when I don't bring her a snack when I come home." 


"Kids these days, you take care Seth." 


Nodding I left his office, closing the door behind me. I step back out into the slowly darkening streets. I turn the collars of my coat up and begin to walk back to my Ford. As I drew closer to the vehicle I felt a presence behind me. Turning I spot Samatha Gilbert with a stake in her hand. Her eyes had gone dark, she seemed like she was in a trance. Not waiting for her to strike me I immediately moved behind her and put her in a choke hold. She slashed at me with the stake in her hand and I slapped it out of her hand while still choking her. The mayor came running out of his office having heard the commotion. 


As I lowered Samantha to the floor unconscious he looked at me with concern on his face. 


"Dear god, are you alright? I saw everything from my window." 


Feigning shock I looked at him while breathing heavily as if the fight took more out of me than it really did. 


"Sh- she just came at me out of nowhere. I-I think she was possessed. Her eyes were completely pitch black." 


Police officers soon came and carted off Samantha's unconscious body, I tried to point as much attention away from myself and towards Samantha. I mentioned to Joseph that the ring on her finger had been a Gilbert family heirloom and the possibility of it being the cause of her problems. I tried to hint that the ring was special as much as I could without telling them outright that it was enchanted. 


The next day I heard that when they interrogated Samantha at the police station that she had confessed to killing multiple people. Due to her not being wholly sane they put her in an asylum for treatment. 


I sipped my coffee as I read the annual reports on my desk. There had been an attempted robbery at one of my branch banks. I still hired veterans as security so the would-be robbers had been dealt with rather quickly if not a bit brutally. An illness had struck my farm and took out half my harvest of corn. The barley and hops had not been touched. I thought about growing some grain and made a note to send an inquiry to the family I had running my farm. They had been put incharge of crop rotations and running the day to day on my farm. In exchange they got paid and were allowed to live on the farm. The profits from my investments in telecommunications had been slow but fruitful, as well as a private security company I had started. Police officers and old military buddies had been hired as guards and they often went on jobs for high profile clients like diplomats and politicians. 


Overall I had made a good choice in starting my empire early. The gold from the tomb had helped immensely, I still had a large chest of gold coins that I was planning on holding on to. The gems had been cut and set into various pieces of jewelry. I had my own 'crown jewels' sitting in a display case in my vault. If I was going to rule the world one day I might as well do it in style. On the topic of style I began to see why Elijah wore suits every day since they became available to him. Nothing screamed influence and power like a well tailored suit. The fact that it was stylish just added benefits. I had an entire room dedicated to multiple different styles and colors. Dozens of pairs of shoes in different styles and materials. My house had also gotten a makeover. I tried to get the inside to look like a grand castle as much as I could. A Dazzling chandelier in the great hall along with suits of armor lining the wall, marble fireplace, exotic wood paneling, granite countertops, large windows framed with dark wood draped with fine cloth and silks. Overall my estate was an extravagant palace I made for me and my guests to enjoy. 

I had all the finest things money could buy and my wealth only grew over the years. 


I heard a plate shatter in the kitchen followed by a body hitting the floor. I ran to the kitchen and found Anais collapsed on the floor. Her heartbeat was frighteningly weak. I lifted her in my arms and carried her out the door and into my car. I drove us to the hospital and immediately grabbed a doctor. They took her away and I got back into my car slumping into the seat. I knew it was her disease, I could go against her wishes and turn her. But I also knew that it wasn't what she wanted. I sped to Amelie's school and apologized to the teacher as I took her out of class. 


"It's your mom, she's in the hospital." 


Amelie was silent, I could tell she was processing what I had just said. 


"Is Maman going to be okay papa?" 


"We're going there to see her now sweetheart." 


"Can't you do something? I don't want to lose Maman." 


"I wish I could, she has made me promise not to." 


"B-but, she- papa you have to do something." 


I pulled up at the hospital and looked at Amalie.


"Let's speak with your mother okay? I want you to speak with her first before I help." 


"You promise?" 


I couldn't reply, how could I? Her mother wanted to pass on, she wanted her to stay. I cared about both of them greatly and yet didn't want to betray the other by helping the other. I carried Amelie to the waiting area until we were called. We were led to a room by a nurse, there laying in a bed was Anais. Her skin was pale and clammy, her lips had lost their color. Amelie ran to the bed and jumped in. I could tell she was crying. I made eye contact with Anais and nodded. I took a step back out to the front to give the mother and daughter some time alone to speak. 


I sat on the bench and pulled a pack of cigarettes from my coat pocket. I had never been much of a smoke, even before I got turned. The cigarettes wouldn't do any damage to my health now but they still somehow gave me a sense of relief. Letting out a puff of smoke I retreated into my thoughts. Anais was clearly dying, I felt it in the air. Taking another drag from my cigarette I thought about when I first met them. They had been affected greatly by the war and yet once I sat down with them they showed me kindness. Something I had never been offered in this world. Everyone had always been after something, not Anais. She gave me tea and comforted me even if she hardly knew me. After the war when I brought her to my home she had become a close friend and confidant. She showed me that she was a great mother to Amelie dispute having had to raise the girl in a war torn country. Finishing my cigarette I snuffed it out with my foot. Popping in a breath mint I made my way back to the hospital. 


Amelie had fallen asleep in her mothers bed. Anais looked even sicker and I sat next to her bed. I took her hand in mine and covered it with my other hand. 


"Anais, please… Amelie, she will be devastated. Let me help you." 


"Everything must die Seth, it is my time." 


"Not everything has to die, I can save you." 


"Just keep your promise Seth, watch over Amelie for me. Keep her safe and love her as your own." 


"Fucking hell, just let me save you Ana." 


"Your promise Seth." 


"I- I promise Ana." 


She closed her eyes smiling and I knew that she had passed on. There was a smile on her face, Amelie woke up with a start and started crying. I carried her away as the nurses and doctor came running in. I held Amelie as she cried, I comforted a girl who had just lost her mother. Feeling the sadness get suppressed I sighed and continued to hold Amelie. She had cried herself to exhaustion and was now asleep in my arms. 

The doctors made a note of the time, they apologized for my loss and offered condolences. I nodded them away and signed a few documents. A nurse gave me a blanket and I wrapped Amelie in it. The girl was still sniffling, a few stray tears running down her cheek. I brushed them away and kissed her forehead as I set her down gently in the passenger side of the vehicle. Anais would be sent to a mortician to be prepared for burial. I had bought a family plot in the graveyard. She would be buried in a week next to an empty grave with my name on the stone. 


Arriving at home I sent for a servant and carried Amelie to her room, laying her down in her bed. I tucked her in and whispered good night. I retired to my room and changed into sleep wear, the servant came in a moment later with a bottle of blood and a glass of bourbon. The servants didn't know what was in the opaque bottles. With how much they were paid they didn't care to ask. I drained the whole bottle of blood before downing the strong liquor and laying back in bed. Anais had passed on today, I lost a friend, Amelie lost a mother, and this house had lost some of its warmth.