
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


Turns out Freya was excellent company. I had expected her to be snarky and a little stuck up like Klaus. But I was proven wrong, she was pleasant to have around the house while we plotted murder. She had spent the better part of a few hundred years planning on getting rid of Dahlia, she didn't have the means until now. We had Viking ash and we had Norwegian soil. With her blood she had all the ingredients to enchant a blade that could actually kill Dahlia. I offered my sword and she accepted it, stating that a longer reach was optimal when it came to her aunt. 


Two weeks passed, then a month. We never brought up that night but there was tension in the air. I caught her stealing glances at me while I honed my swordsmanship with wooden swords. She joined a few times, even beating me once or twice. Soon we developed a friendship based on understanding and respect for one another. She often asked questions about me, I hadn't told her about my telekinesis just yet, I had seen enough movies and shows to know that anyone bound together would have access to each other's minds. I wanted an extra edge with Dahlia, sure I was magic resistant but Dahlia seemed unpredictable. 


"Have you found where she sleeps yet?" 


"Not yet, I'm getting close though. You know we could always bait her." 


"Freya, I'm not using my daughter as bait."


"I'm just saying, once she gets wind of a siphoner witch with a vampire for a father she'll come running." 


"Freya, I have a confession to make." 


"What? That your daughter isn't really your daughter?"


"You knew?"


"I had my suspicions, and I remember glimpses of that night we talked. You mentioned adopting her and seeing her as your own." 


"You mean the night we clearly had some amazi-" 


"Finish that sentence and I will hurt you." 


I raised my hands in surrender. "You sound like someone I know."


"The one who turned you?" 


"Did I mention her too?" 


"Yes, among other things." 


"Was any of it embarrassing?"


She smiles. "Wouldn't you like to know."


I rolled my eyes at her and got up from my seat, walking over to my shelf. I took out a grimoire I had found several years ago while exploring Utah. Placing the spell book in front of Freya, I walked out of my study and into my bedroom to change. 


"I'm going out for a bit, try not to destroy my house with any spells you find in there." 


I was in my bedroom getting changed into a new suit before she could reply. A while later I found myself walking through the busy streets of New Orleans. I could smell fresh baked beignets in the air, along with a familiar scent. In a flash I was at the Mikaelson compound, I fought back the anger threatening to build as I watched several vampires pulling Amelie along towards one of the rooms. Without any hesitation I was on them just as they opened the doors. The vampires flew back into the compound's walls with their hearts ripped out. I pull off the bag they had put on Amelie's head and scanned her for any injuries. 




She threw herself into my arms, tears in her eyes. I heard more vampires stirring in the compound and I acted on instinct. Grabbing her I was out of the doors and in the air just as a dozen vampires burst into where I was just standing with Amelie. I flew back to my home with Amelie in tow, she had stopped crying a moment ago. Landing in my courtyard I opened the doors and led her inside. Freya greeted us at the door, Amelie hesitated when she saw the blonde. 


"It's okay sweetheart she's on our side." 


"Is that?"


"Yes, this is my daughter Amelie, Kol must still be trying to take her power."


"Take her powers?


"Out of all your siblings, Kol regrets losing his magic the most. He kidnapped Amelie once when she was a child to try and transfer over her magic to him in a ritual."


I looked over to Amelie, she was in her evening wear, she had no shoes on, and she was shivering. 


"Speaking of, what happened dear? School was supposed to be safe."


"I was going to bed. I had just got ready and was about to turn out the lights when I heard my roommate call out to me. There was a Buveur du Sang, he had somehow gotten into the dorms. I tried to fight but they threatened to kill everyone if I didn't come along." 


I pull her into an embrace. "It's okay love, you're safe here. No one will be able to harm you here." 


Amelie nods, I kiss her forehead and she pulls away. 


"I need another shower, do you mind if I use the guest room papa?"


"Not at all, this is your house too love." 


She gets up from the couch and heads off. Freya is looking at me, I could practically hear the gears turning in her head. 


"I never thought I'd see the day, a vampire, being a loving father."


"I wasn't always this way. There was once upon a time where I was just a normal human too."


"I would have never thought so, you seem more comfortable being a vampire than a human."


"The lines have become blurred over the centuries. Some days I have a hard time remembering things about my human life."


"I can understand that, having to sleep for hundreds of years at a time. I cannot help but to feel like I've missed a great many things in life."


"How are we on that by the way? Dahlia has to be awake by now."


"She is awake, she has been searching for me ever since I came to New Orleans. It's only a matter of time before she finds me."


Freya had been actively tracking her aunt since she woke up. It's been like that for them ever since the Middle Ages. Freya had put a great distance between her and Dahlia. Somehow the old witch could still find her no matter where she was. This time however, would be the last. We had finished enchanting a dagger with Freya's blood, the soil, and Mikaels ashes. I had put forward that I could be the one to kill Dahlia, Freya insisted that she be the one to end the witch. Something about magical backlash. 


The the sun set hours later and moon took its spot in the sky, Freya and Amelie had gone to my small library together. Amelie had been interested the moment I had told her that Freya would have been the one to teach her magic had I found her sooner. They were practicing a few simple spells together the last I checked on them. I was in my study sipping bourbon with a few drops of blood in it. I had recently finished editing and going through the outline book. I heard the curtains flutter behind me and I spun around. Morgana was leaning against my shelf with a smile on her face. 


"I was beginning to wonder where you were." 


"I've been busy Seth, ruling a world isn't just sunshine and daisies." 


"Mmm, and I don't suppose this is a social visit?"


"Who said you can't mix business with pleasure." 


She was almost purring when she said that sentence. I downed the rest of my drink and looked at her. Nothing had changed about her. Still the same dangerous aura, the same shimmering black dress that hugged her figure, the same dark curls she had neatly tucked behind her ear. 


"Oh Seth, if I didn't know. I'd think you were checking me out." 


"Morgana we had sex once, that doesn't mea-"


"Yet it still happened." 


"Why are you here Morgana?" 


"Well, no foreplay. Straight into business? I like it."


I looked at her dubiously and her grin widened. She began to walk around my study looking at various books and paintings. 


"I came to warn you, you'll fight a powerful opponent soon. The one wearing your girlfriend's face. She's going to be in danger, and so will your daughter. You'll have a choice to make Seth. Save one and lose the other, there's a third option but you won't like it."


I felt myself begin to panic before the emotion was subdued. I didn't like where this was going, I looked at Morgana who's face had turned somber.


"Why? Why warn me at all?"


"Because you're my first creation in millenia Seth, and despite what you believe. I do care about you." 


"You dragged me from my world to this one, turned me into a vampire, killed my girlfriend, and dulled my emotions." 


"The alternative was worse, you would have eventually gone mad from the curse the book put on you. You would have gone on a rampage killing hundreds, and you would have eventually killed her in a blind rage." 


"She's still dead!"


"Are you going to listen to me or not?" 


"Fine, what's the other option?"


"Turn one of them into a vampire."


I remained silent for a moment, the words rang in my ears. Turn one of them into a vampire. Curse one of them with eternal life, dooming them to watch loved ones grow old and die. The alternative was to watch them get hurt, even potentially die.


"And there's absolutely no other way to prevent whatever puts them in danger?" 




"Then I will have to talk with them. Tell them their choices." 


"That's fine, I do wish there was another way Seth." 


"Me too, thanks anyways Morgana. For coming to warn me." 


"You're always welcome Seth, it was nice seeing you." 


She faded into nothingness and I sat back down in my chair. Noise came back to the world and I looked around, Morgana had frozen time while she was here. Probably to prevent Amelie or Freya from seeing her. The blatant show of power was not lost to me. She was showing me that she could, if she wanted to, really screw with my life. I poured myself another drink and downed it. Finally working up the nerve I made my way over to the library. 


I smiled at the sight, Freya and Amelie had fallen asleep. Amelie had her head on Freya's shoulder. An open book between them. Closing the book I grabbed a spare blanket from an unused room and draped it over the two. Freya sighed as my hand accidentally brushed against her shoulder. Freezing, I held my breath waiting for her to stop moving around. A moment later I snuck back out to my room and closed my door. I got ready for bed and sighed as I closed my eyes. 


"I'll tell them tomorrow then."