
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs

Forcing my Hand

We ate breakfast silently, Freya savored the food with every bite. Amelie excused herself to her room after I told her I'd need to speak with her after breakfast. As the servants started Stef to clean up I led Freya to my study while I went to fetch Amelie. She had gotten dressed in some spare clothes laying around in the house. Once the two were seated at my desk I sat down opposite them and sighed. 


"I have some news that involves the both of you." When they remained silent I continued. 


"Some information from a source has informed me of the dangers to what you and I are about to do Freya. The costs are higher than we expected." 


"Whatever the cost, I will gladly pay it to be rid of Dahlia." 


"This cost will be putting the other in serious harm." 


"What do you mean papa?"


"I mean, that one of you will be in terrible danger. Whether it's from Kol or Dahlia. The chances are that one of you could die." 


"I- Who, who told you this?" 


"The one who made me like this, she also possesses very powerful magic. She visited me last night to warn me of the dangers in our quest." 


"But she can't have, I would have felt her magic." 


"She froze time Freya, it's one of the many things she can do." 


"Time magic, that is unheard of. No one can do that, not in the last thousands of years."


"Well she can, and apparently she can also see the future." 


"What did she say papa? I want to finish school and I don't want to look over my shoulder everytime I come out of my room." 


"She gave another option," the two perked up. "But you won't like it." 


"Well what is it? Anything is better than being Dahlia's slave and personal battery." 


"I turn one of you into a vampire." 


They went silent, I didn't know how much time had passed. Amelie stared out of the window, Freya was looking down at her hands. A few more moments passed before they looked back at me. 


"I'll do it." They both said at the same time. 


They look at each other and I look between the two. This was getting more and more complicated as time went on. Freya stood up, looked at Amelie and then to me. 


"I don't know if time will rush to catch up on all the years I have stolen. Once we kill Dahlia I could have but moments to live. As a vampire I will get to continue living, and I will finally get to experience life without having to worry about how much time I have left."


That felt like a reasonable enough reason, I was about to reply when Amelie also stood up and looked at me with a determined look on her face. 


"Turn me, I miss Maman. But I cannot bear the thought of leaving you alone papa, let me be the one to spend eternity with you." 


I looked at the two, the woman who I had raised as my own. The one who was forced to live her life one year at a time. 


"Being a vampire is not all fun, the thirst might be worse for you than it is me, and I don't even know if my immunity to sunlight will pass on to you." 


"I can make daylight rings. I learned the enchantment when Dahlia came into possession of my mothers grimoire."


"That still leaves the question of who to turn. I can not bear cursing one of you to eternal night." 


"It will be a blessing to be away from Dahlia." 


"I cannot decide who to turn." 


"Then turn me." 


I looked at Freya, she glanced at Amelie. "She is young. I cannot bear taking away the best parts of her life from her."


I couldn't help but to silently agree, turning Amelie would doom her to outliving her friends and future family. She would have to live like me, moving every few years to avoid suspicion. 


"Then turn the both of us, because I will not take no for an answer papa." 


I nearly fell off my chair, I stared wide eyed at Amelie. She had her arms crossed as she looked at me calmly. Freya was equally shocked at what Amelie had just said. Turning both of them, that was an even crazier option than just turning one of them. I'd be unleashing two more vampires into the world, they probably would be like me. A whole different species of vampire. Morgana had her magic while she was a vampire, but maybe she was a special case. Freya and Amelie could lose theirs. A smell drew me from my thoughts. Looking up I see Freya with a letter opener in her hand. A small shallow cut above her right breast, a droplet of blood running down her porcelain skin. 


"If you don't make the decision then I shall make it for you." 


She raises the letter opener to stab herself but I was on her in a blink of an eye. She had knocked Amelie unconscious with a spell. Amelie was back in her chair breathing softly with her eyes closed. I looked at Freya who's eyes were wide with anticipation. I had caught her hand before she could stab herself. Pulling the letter opener from her hand I looked at her. 


Her lips quivered lightly, chest heaving, I could smell the fear and worry rolling of her. My eyes were drawn to the cut above her breast again. I felt my fangs involuntarily extend. Her blood smelled absolutely divine, I leaned lower and she closed her eyes. Licking the droplet of blood I felt her shudder in my arms. The small taste of her blood pushed me over the edge. Baring my fangs I sank them into her neck and pulled hard. She gasped in pain, I pulled her closer molding her into my arms. Her blood was like nectar straight from the table of the gods. I could taste her magic, so powerful and pure steeped into the crimson liquid. Hearing her heartbeat grow slower I released her and she slumped into my arms. Her eyes barely open. I bite into my own wrist and offer her the bleeding appendage. The first few drops of my blood dripped onto her chin before her lips found the wound. I felt her tongue dance over my wrist as she drank. She fell backwards and lay on the ground, the wound on my wrist closing. Her eyes turned a golden color as she began to convulse and twitch while occasionally gasping as if something was caught in her throat. 


Soon she was still, I carried her to her room and wiped the blood from her face. Pulling the blankets over her resting form I went back to my study. Amelie was just now waking back up and she looked at me.