
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


[Freya POV]

I had been running from Dahlia Hagen for centuries now, I had finally escaped but we were still bound together. We could only remain awake for a year while hibernating for centuries. I had recently awoken months prior and heard that Niklaus had killed my father. I was heartbroken that my father had been taken from me before I could properly get to know him. Frustration piled on as I learned that someone had been searching for me. Whoever it was had been careless, using one of their agents I was able to track them to New Orleans. I had heard my siblings were in this town. 


This mysterious stranger who had been searching for me took precedence however. Not many people knew of my existence, not even my own family. Except maybe for my darling Finn, he had been the last to see me along with my father. I had been but a small child when I was taken by Dahlia. 


I used my magic to sense around the city, when I brushed into an anomaly I felt the hairs on the back of my neck stand up. Most people had an aura of some kind magical or not. This person had no such thing, it was as if they were concealing it. I climbed onto a roof and looked around the crowd of people just in time to see a man get pushed out of a building. The man dusted himself off and put on a hat. But that was not what caught my attention. He was the anomaly, I observed him as he looked through the various stands with trinkets. I go back down to the street and feel for any sign of a magical amulet on him that blocked his aura. Feeling none, I continue to follow the man pulling on the hood to a cloak I was wearing. He seemed to not notice my eyes on him as he continued through the city. I lose track of him a bit later and curse under my breath. 


I looked around the stands failing to spot him, I felt around with my power again eventually finding a strange blank spot in an alley. 


"Found you." 


I walked quietly so that I could sneak up on him and incapacitate him, but he was fast. Much too fast for a human. He pins me against the wall and I see his fangs. 




I curse and try to cast a spell on him to burn his skin only for it to fizzle out as it makes contact with his skin. He growls and yanks off the hood to my cloak. His eyes widen when they see me, he releases me and takes a step back. I prepare to cast another spell. 




I pause, 'did he mistake me for someone else?' 


"Who are you?" I see him scanning my face and body before his eyes are back on mine. 


"Nicole, it's me Seth." 


"My name is Freya." 


His eyes widen, before I notice his shoulder slump. He mutters something under his breath that sounded like. 


"Of course this happens to me, why can't things just be simple." 


"Are you the one that's been looking for me?" 


He nods, "I am, do you mind if we take this somewhere more private though? Your siblings live in this city and I'd rather not fight them and protect you at the same time." 


Fight my siblings? The original vampires? Who was this man that had confidence that he could fight an original vampire and live. 


"Yes, do you have a place in mind?" 


He doesn't reply, he grabs onto me and pulls me into his arms. Before I can protest we are shooting off into the sky. The wind roared past my ears as we flew. 


'A vampire, flying? This raises more questions. Who is this man? What is he? I have never met a vampire with the ability to fly before.'


A moment later we landed in a home in the French Quarter. He leads me through the doors and I take a look around the house. My siblings lived in luxury, but this house made them look like paupers. Gilded fireplaces, gold and diamonds decorated the chandelier, the floors were paved with marble and the walls paneled with exotic woods. A servant hands the man a glass full of blood, the servant disappears as the man turns to me. 


"To my study," he led me to a new room. "The chairs are much more comfortable here."


He takes a seat and I follow suit, I felt like I had just sat on a cloud. I fidgeted for a bit before settling down, he finished his drink and pulled out a box from his desk. 


"I'm sorry, it's strange for me. You look a lot like someone I once knew." 


"Were you close?" 


"You could say that, she introduced me to this world." 


"What happened to her?" 


"Killed, by the one who made me like this." 


'So a vampire had killed this Nicole person and I apparently bear a resemblance to her. That still didn't explain why he was looking for me.'


"So why are you looking for me?"


He sighs. "It's a bit too late now, I have a daughter. She's a siphoner witch. I needed someone to teach her magic but she's off to university now."


'A vampire with a witch daughter. That would draw Dahlias attention especially if she was a siphoner.' 


"I would have loved to help but unfortunately my au-"


"Dahlia right?" 


"How did you know?" 


More questions blazed through my head. How did he know, I had never heard of him before. Dahlia was even more obscure than I was, the only person that could claim a more obscure title was Silas. He was the first immortal, he had been entombed where no one could find him. Dahlia and I had discovered text about him before she cast the longevity spell on us. 


"I have a way to beat her, let's just say I have Norwegian soil, and Viking ash, all I need is your blood."


I could be free, centuries imprisoned by my aunt, I could finally be free. I turn to Seth and check him for any signs of dishonesty. Sensing none I look at the box on the table. 


"I take it you had a hand in killing my father?"


"I did, I do apologize for that, but he was a bit of a cunt."


"You didn't even know him!" 


He stares at me, sighing as he pinches the bridge of his nose. 


"Look, Freya, I knew him well enough. Did you know that he beat Niklaus for wanting to paint, or that he nearly struck Rebekah for wanting to learn to defend herself?"


"I-I, he was still my father." 


"And I'm sorry he's dead, but he would not have stopped hunting your siblings." 


"Don't act like you care for my siblings." 


"I have forgiven your siblings for several transgressions, Klaus tried to kill me, twice, Kol kidnapped my daughter, and who knows how many plots they've schemed up against me." 


"So why have you brought me here if it's too late to teach your daughter?"


I gave up trying to argue with Seth, it would lead me nowhere. So that left me wondering why he had brought me to his home, he looked at me as if I had grown a second head.


"Were you not listening? I can free you from Dahlia."


"I have been with her for centuries now, where would I go? Without my father to vouch for me, and with the only brother that would recognize me missing, I cannot go to my siblings. No coven will take me in once they realize that my mother was involved in creating your kind. So where would I go?" 


"You can stay here, there's plenty of room. Besides, I have a few grimoires here that I've gathered over time." 


"That easy? You hardly know me, aside from the resemblance to the woman you mentioned I am a stranger to you."


"I've put my faith in much worse before, and you would be close enough to your siblings here. Their compound is just across the city." 


"I will have to think about it." 


"I may have all the time in the world Freya, but you do not. Don't wait too long." 


"What do you mean? Is that a threat?"


I begin channeling magic to my fingers in case he tried something. 


"I know about the spell, the one keeping you and Dahlia bound. I know how you can only remain awake for a year at a time every few centuries."


Feeling my blood go cold I looked at the strange vampire. 


"How do you-"


He interrupts before I can finish. "I know a lot of things Freya Mikaelsdottir. How? That does not matter at the moment, maybe I'll reveal it to you one day. All you need to know is that I can free you, and that mean you no harm." 


That only left me with more questions. I try to think of something to say but her gets up and walks to the door. Turning before he left he leans against the door frame. 


"You can stay here while you make your choice if you'd like, or you can find your own way. You know your way out. Goodnight Freya." 


With that he turns and leaves me alone in his study, I look around at the shelves stocked with hundreds of different books. I sighed and slumped down on the chair, I had not expected my day to turn out this way. 

[POV Restored]

'Fuck me that was awkward as shit.' 


The damn fortune teller had been right, Freya ended up finding me instead. What's more is that she was a splitting image of Nicole. The same wavy blonde hair, bright green eyes, athletic figure, legs that went on for days. It felt strange talking to her, then again it would always be strange talking to someone who looked like your long dead girlfriend. 


I closed the door to my bedroom and collapsed on my bed. The conversation with Freya had dragged on longer than I had expected. She was understandably upset that I had a hand in killing her father. I admit thinking back it had been impulsive, killing Mikael had cleared some obstacles but it also created just as many. It hadn't put the siblings in my debt as I expected. Instead I had been double crossed and entombed. If it hadn't been for Morgana I would probably still be in that mausoleum. I thought back to my conversation with Freya and cursed. I couldn't help but feel an attraction to her. 


"God damn it, in turning into Stefan. Girl pops up who just happens to be identical to your ex. Suddenly you want to do things for her. Fucking idiot." 


I facepalm and jump up from my bed. I walk back out to the hall and head to the living room. There I poured myself a big serving of bourbon and down it before pouring myself another. 


"Mind if I join you?"


I turn nearly spilling my drink, Freya is standing at the doorway looking as if she just had an internal battle. I pour her a glass and hand it to her. She downs it in one go and I pour her another. 


"Thanks, I really needed that." 


Nodding I begin sipping my drink while occasionally glancing at her as she walks around the room. She looks at the various paintings while sipping her drink before turning back to face me. 


"Do you have anything stronger?" 


"Woman after my own heart, wait here." 


I go to the cellar, it's much smaller than the one in Mystic Falls but it has enough space for the refrigeration units and three racks for wine and other liquors. I returned later with a bottle of my custom blend. She had downed the rest of her glass and was looking at the bottle in my hand. 


"What is it?" 


"Moonshine, bourbon, with just a drop of neutralized nightshade sap." 


"Well what are you waiting for, pour me a drink." 


I grin and take her cup. This night was getting intresting. 


The night continued and we finished the bottle, she began opening up and telling me about her life with Dahlia. In turn I share with her what I had been doing for the past thousand or so years. We shared some more stories until eventually I blacked out. 


Waking up the next morning I felt a light throbbing in my head. I was in my bed, in alarm I tried to sit up but realized that there was a weight on my chest. Panic began to fill me before being subdued by Morgana's spell. I spot a blonde head of hair nestled into my shoulder and a slender arm on my chest. Closing my eyes I cursed myself in my head. 


'In hindsight drinking overly strong alcohol with my dead girlfriend's lookalike was probably a terrible idea. Kinda wish I remembered it though.'


Freya scoots in closer to get warm and I lay as still as possible. I could feel her breasts press against my side underneath the sheets. I closed my eyes and took slow breaths trying not to wake her, but it was all for naught. I feel her breathing speed up, I look down at her and she is looking right back at me. She looks down underneath the sheets and back at me before quickly jumping out of my bed taking my sheets with her. Grabbing a pillow I quickly covered myself as she ran out the door. Sighing, I looked around the room. Our clothes were scattered on the floor leaving a trail to the bed. The bed itself had been pushed further against the wall, with the headboard sporting a few claw marks. There were a few drops of blood on the pillows. I quickly focused on anything else other than the aftermath of the night I had spent with Freya. 


I washed up and quickly got dressed, folding up her clothes. I left them in a neat pile on a chair next to my bed. I heard her cursing in old Norse several rooms over and I winced as I heard something being thrown at the wall. Quickly making my way over I knocked on her door and waited. Opening the door she glares out until she realizes that it was me. She tried to slam the door back shut but I stopped it with my foot. 


"Freya, let me in, we need to talk." 


"Go away." 


"Not until we talk about what happened last night."


"What happened last night was an accident, a complete mistake. I was drunk and so were you."


"Can we do this face to face? I feel like I'm talking to the door." 


She sighs before opening the door wider and letting me in. She still had the sheets wrapped around her shoulders. A faint blush creeped onto her face as she watched me inspect her form. 


"Stop staring, I'll blast you with a curse." 


"I apologize for taking advantage of you last night." 


"Taking advantage? You don't even remember what happened. Let's just keep things professional while we work together to stop my aunt from hurting anymore people."


"So is that your answer?" 


"Yes, let's work together. But only temporarily." 




"Once Dahlia is done I'd like to join my family. Maybe there's still something salvageable there." 


"Very well I can respect your choice."


She nods, and sits back on the bed. 


"So, where do we start?"