
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
Not enough ratings
75 Chs


I must have sat outside the compound for what felt like several hours. Whatever she was doing in there she was taking her time. I decided to listen in on her conversation after the first two hours. She was retelling her entire life story from the beginning. I sighed and leaned back on my chair. I ordered another cup of coffee and a few more beignets. This was going to take a while, and I was slowly becoming bored of idly sitting around. 


I watched as a dark haired woman sat across from me, there was something familiar about her but I couldn't quite place a finger in it. 


"Can I help you?"


"I am looking for my… family, do you happen to know where the Mikaelsons may reside." 


Alarm bells began going off in my head at the shady answer. I looked at the woman and bit back a sarcastic answer. 


"What are you to them? They've never mentioned anyone like you."


"Ah one of their pets then, that makes it easier to do this." 


She grins and snaps her finger, I look down at myself and then back to her. She now had a look of shock on her face. 


"What are you-" 


Before she could finish I grab her by the hair and blur into the compound dragging her screaming behind me. I burst into the courtyard, the siblings jumping up in alarm. Freya looked at me annoyed until she saw the woman clawing at my hand which still clutched at her hair. 




"I suspected it was after she snapped her finger at me expecting me to burst into flames or something." 


"Seth, I left you alone for a few moments." 


"A few moments, love you left me alone for nearly four hours."


"Whatever, how did you even find her?"


"You wouldn't believe me if I told you."


"Try me." 


"She sat down in front of me and asked where your siblings lived."


'Speaking of siblings' Klaus froze before he could reach me. Elijah quickly offered me a look of apology before dragging away the frozen Klaus. 


"Will someone explain what the bloody hell is going on here?" 


"It's simple sister." Freya looked at Rebekah. "My boyfriend has just made our job so much easier." 


"Wait? What" 






I rolled my eyes as I looked around the room. "Seriously, I captured one of the most powerful witches in this world and you lot are more shocked at Freya having a boyfriend?"




Dahlia broke free from my hand and I sighed before freezing her in the spot with my power. Her eyes grew wide and she opened her mouth to shout only to find that she couldn't move her mouth either. Klaus came back into the courtyard Elijah in tow. He glared at me and pointed a finger. 


"You have a lot of nerve coming back here." 


"Ah my dear Klaus, I see you managed to reattach your hand."


"No thanks to you."


"Wait, you cut Klaus' hand off?" 


"You two know each other?" 


Klaus looked at Freya, a wealth of emotions running through his face. 


"He's Freya's lover according to her." 


"You got your grubby sausage fingers dug into my sister?!"


"Oh so I'm your sister now Niklaus?"


"I- well- Yes you are! And I forbid you from seeing this man."


I sighed and sat down as Freya and Klaus began to argue. I kept my hold on the still frozen Dahlia as her eyes darted around the room. Kol sat next to me, I got ready to defend myself should he attack but he didn't. 


"Listen Seth was it? I apologize for abducting your daughter all those years ago."


"And recently." 


"And recently," He nods. "I was desperate, but now our long lost sister has come and informed us of a way for us to get our magic back. With that now being an option I really have no desire to harm anyone else that doesn't deserve it." 


"That's a strange way of apologizing Kol, but I've done my fair share of fucked up things to your family. Besides, why have enemies when you can have friends."


"So you forgive me?"


"Well, it'll take time. But since I am courting your sister I don't have much of a choice." 


"How is that, she reminds me a bit of our mother in that manner both were incredibly headstrong."


"You have her to thank that I don't want to kill you anymore."


"Oh, well that's… that's a relief."


We turn back to Klaus and Freya who were still arguing. Finn, Elijah, and Rebekah had taken their seats much like Kol and I and were watching the argument as if it were an entertaining television show. 


"This happens all the time…. The squabbling I mean." 


I looked at Kol who was looking at the arguing siblings disapprovingly. 


"Why do I get the feeling that you've already explained that today?"


"Because I have," He points at Freya. "To her." 


"Hmm, I see." 


The shouting match ended and everyone looked around after their impromptu show ended. Dahlia was still frozen and hovering close by, Freya walked over to me and kissed me not caring that Klaus and Finn glared at me while she did so. 


"Do you mind unfreezing her and leaving her to me for a moment?" 


"Not at all, are you sure you'll be able to keep her restrained without me?"


"Look if she escapes I'll let you put it in my ass when we get home."


I grin at her and she slaps my arm. "Stop it with the stupid half smile. You know it's effect on me." 


"Fine I'll be mingling with your siblings." 


"Just don't go cutting off any more hands." 


I kissed her one more time and smiled as I heard Klaus growl. I watched as Freya slapped on a pair of cuffs on Dahlia before I unfroze the ancient witch. She started to curse at everyone before Freya dragged her off to an unused spot in the back of the compound. I sat back down and crossed my arms just as Klaus came over and slapped my feet off the table where I had kicked them up on. 


"What are your intentions with my sister?"


"Why Niklaus, to love and to cherish her of course. That and having sex with her as much as possible."


"Lies, you must be after her power you stay away from her." 


"Klaus, seriously you need to take a step back and calm yourself. I am not out to hurt your sister." 


"I'll be watching you Seth Williamson." He stomps off only for his spot to be taken by Finn.


"I remember you, from that day in the woods. I never thought I'd see you again much less a thousand years later. I saw how you froze Dahlia, are you by chance a witch?"


"Unfortunately I am not Finn, I'm a vampire, though I am a different kind. I am immune to the sunlight and everything else your siblings are weak to, I just happen to have a rather powerful ability that lets me manipulate things with my mind." 


Finns face darkens. "So you are as much a monster as my siblings and I." 


"In some ways I am, and in other ways I am much worse."


"How so?"


"I do require blood, but it is not wholly necessary for me to drink it. I slept for nearly eight hundred years to pass the time and I woke up with barely aching joints. That being said, I have been given ultimate power, my maker assured me that nothing in this world could kill me aside from themselves, it takes a great deal of will power to restrain myself from wiping everyone out and taking over the entire world. At the moment I just want to live my life in peace, with your sister if you believe it or not." 


"You have given me a lot to think about. But you have also brought back the sister I once thought lost. So I thank you for that Seth Williamson." 


I nodded to him as he stood up and walked towards a set of stairs. Klaus still hadn't returned from his outburst earlier. Kol had snuck off probably to spy on Freya having her 'heart to heart' with Dahlia. Elijah and Rebekah had left earlier. Elijah returned but Rebakah wasn't with him. 


"I apologize for my brothers behavior earlier." 


"Which one?" I looked at him as he sat down on an open chair. 


"The both of them, Klaus for his temper and Kol for the incident with your child." 


"Think nothing of it Elijah, you need not apologize for your brothers wrongdoings." 


"I fear that I must, they never would on their own." 


"That's what made you the most noble of your siblings."


"I still watched Niklaus commit such vile acts of violence."


"Well better late than never Elijah. You are the voice of reason in this family. Just remember that should question your decisions in the future." 


He remained quiet for a moment before we heard the sound of glass shattering, it had come from where Freya had dragged Dahlia off to. I cursed and ran towards the room Elijah trailing shortly behind me. I kicked open the doors and rushed over to Freya who was on the ground clutching a bleeding wound on her stomach. She grimaced as I placed a hand over her wound. Everyone soon burst into the room. Finn took Freya's other side as Klaus looked around the compound for Dahlia who had disappeared out of a window. Freya stood up once her wound healed and Finn looked at her in shock. 


"What happened here sister?"


"What happened Finn, is that our dear long lost sister let her get away after they gathered enough information on our family." 


"Niklaus I'm in no mood for your baseless accusations at the moment." 


"They are not accusations if they are the tru-" 


Freya snapped his neck with a crunch that made half the room wince. Elijah caught his body before he hit the floor. 


"Seth, the dagger didn't work." 


"What do you mean, we had all the ingredients right." 


"One of them must have been off."


"What ingredients?" I turned to Kol who disappeared before returning with a grimoire.


"Soil from her native home, ash from her captors, and the blood of the one that broke her heart." 


Kol flipped through the book and pointed out the spell. 


"I knew it sounded familiar, it's a spell that our mother made a note of." 


"Seth, I think I know where we went wrong." 


I turned back to Freya who had a look of realization on her face. 


"What is love, what did we miss?" 


"The blood of the one who broke her heart. We always thought it was me. But what if it never was?" 


"But that would mean that-"


"The blood we needed was my mothers."