
House of the Rising Sun

You know, I was fascinated with vampires when I was a kid. The thought of power and good looks made me want to be one. That is, until I actually became one. Suddenly Lestat’s musings of an eternity being lonely became too real. Waking up in a forest who would have thought I’d run into ‘that’ family. I’d strangle the one that sent me here if she hadn’t trapped me in a world full of bullshit magic, doppelgängers, and broody vampires. *Status: Complete* *Sequel Pending*

Vargr_the_Skald · TV
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75 Chs


[Freya POV]

"Why did I let you talk me into this again?"


I sighed and looked at him, we were making our way to the abattoir. Seth kept on trying to convince me of some other method of drawing out my aunt as we got closer to my siblings home. Eventually we were a few blocks away and I grabbed on to his hand before he could continue. 


"Maybe it's best if you wait close by. From how you spoke about them, I can assume that you and my brothers don't have a very good relationship." 


"Fine, I'll be out here if you need me. And if I sense anything going wrong I'm going in there anyways and people will have things to answer for." 


"Yes yes, big bad vampire Seth will come to my rescue. I've got it. Just enjoy the scenery for a bit while I talk with my siblings." 


Seth grumbled and walked towards a beignet shop. I smiled as I watched him order a few and sit down at an empty table outside. I made my way over to the compound and opened the gates. Vampires were on me the second I stepped through the threshold Niklaus and Elijah standing at a balcony overlooking the entrance as Kol and Finn came out of a room with Rebakah and a man I didn't recognize. This must be the 'Marcel' Seth had mentioned. 


I had kept up with my siblings as soon as I had heard of their existence from Dahlia. One of the reasons I had tried so hard to escape her had been to see my siblings. Sadly I was never able to interact with them as much as I wanted to. Finn still looked like the small boy she used to climb trees with albeit older and much taller. He still had her fathers hair and eyes. Rebakah looked so much like Esther as she had remembered her mother when she was much younger. Elijah was a combination of both her parents. Kol had inherited her father's hair but many of her mothers features, and Niklaus. Despite only sharing a mother with her siblings looked the most like Mikael. 


"Well, it looks like we've caught ourselves an intruder, and she smells like a witch. Kol you can decide what to do with her." 


Kol stepped forward with a smile on his face. Raising my hand I twist my wrist and he falls to the floor, neck broken.


"Niklaus, before you make any rash decisions, hear me out." 


Niklaus looked at Kol's fallen body before turning back to me. Elijah, Finn, and Rebekah were ready to pounce. I prayed that they wouldn't be foolish. I could practically feel Seth a block away itching for a fight. 


"I have a proposal to deal with a threat to our family." 


"Our family? I don't think I recognize you witch. And there isn't a threat in this city that I can't handle myself." 


"Oh Niklaus, we both know that's a lie." 


"What do you mean 'our' family? We have no other siblings." 


I turned to Elijah who had spoken before turning to Finn who stood rooted in place. 


"Who are you?"


I ignored the rest as I stepped closer to Finn. He cautiously took a step back as I got closer. 


"Of all people I thought you'd recognize me, Finn." 


Rebekah blurred over to Finn and took his side, Elijah took his opposite side. The three looked at me before Finn spoke again. 


"I'm going to ask you again before I ask much less nicely. Who are you?" 


"We used to climb into the trees when we were planning a bit of mischief."


Finn takes a step back as if remembering the memory. Elijah and Rebekah look at him confused as Niklaus checks on Kol. I continue to look at the only brother I recognized. 


"Never wanted mother to hear about what her little Huginn and Muninn were whispering about."


"Brother, who is this witch? Do you recognize her?"


"Now Finn, don't go breaking my heart telling me you don't recognize me."


Finn pushes past Elijah and Rebekah and stands in front of me and barely above a whisper he begins to speak. 


"It can't be… Freya?"


I smile at him as the others exchange various looks of doubt and confusion. Kol had begun to recover and stood with his hand massaging his neck. 


"Finn, it must be a trick Freya died long ago." 


"I was taken, by our aunt, as payment. So that our mother could bear children." 


"Our mother said you died in a plague. It's the reason we moved across the world."


"That was a lie conceived by our mother."


"Lies! You are a witch sent here to harm my family!"


"Niklaus, perhaps it would be wise if we heard what she has to say." 


"Elijah, thank you for your belief in me."


"Just because I accept your identity does not mean I trust your character. Do not make me regret holding my brother back." 


I sighed, this would take a lot longer than I had expected. I hope Seth was comfortable because at the rate this was going I'd be here for a while. The other vampires were dismissed and soon it was only my siblings and I remaining in the abattoir's center courtyard. Finn offered me a seat and I smiled softly at him. He was still silent since my revelation. I knew he was in his thoughts thinking about our childhood. We had grown up together despite the few years we had. I knew he'd still remember his older sister. 


"So what is it that you have come to tell us?"


"Our aunt," I looked at Finn. "She was the one who took me as a child. She has no doubt woken up and is now looking for the very family of the woman whose husband enslaved her people." 


"Why should we worry about some witch? We've dealt with plenty of witches." 


"Because brother, Dahlia, from what I've gathered over the years, made our mother look like a charlatan." 


"Kol do not speak as if you were not plotting behind my back. It is only by Rebekah's word that you remain undaggered." 


"Niklaus, your temper. It's very reminiscent of our fathers."


"Do not speak to me as if we are familiars witch!"


I smiled at him. "Point proven, your temper will be the end of you Niklaus." 


"Is that a threat?"


"No, it's a promise of what's to come if you do not rein in that temperament of yours. How many times have our siblings suffered because of your hotheadedness? How many times have you run from a city or a country because our father found you due to a tantrum that you threw?"


I didn't tell them now but once I had learned of their existence from Dahlia I had kept an eye on them. I don't think even Seth knew, I had been about to meet them but I had been sidetracked by the war that had happened while I was still asleep. Seth had told me about his participation in said war and how he started looking for me after. I had planned on waking up around 1912 to check on my remaining family only to realize that something was off when I felt all the death and destruction around me. I woke up a few years later only to learn that Seth had been looking for me and that my siblings were in New Orleans.


"Get to your point witch. Why have you come?" 


"Our Aunt Dahlia, she has been looking for me for a long while. She will eventually come for you too. So I have decided that I will destroy her before she can harm our family." 


"You have the means to destroy such a powerful witch?"


"I do, and with your help it would make things so much easier to find her."


"What do you need, sister."


"Finn! You can not be serious. We barely even know this witch." 


"She is our sister Niklaus, and the only one who can still possibly help us reverse this curse mother placed on us." 


"A sister we have never met."


"I know her and that is enough for me." 


"After one story! Finn, she could be conjuring illusions into your mind."  


This was going nowhere. I pulled out my mothers grimoire and threw it on the table. Everyone's eyes landed on the leather bound book. Finn's eyes lit up with recognition. 


"Mother's grimoire, but how. She said this was lost when we left to go across the sea." 


"Our aunt Dahlia took me back to our home while you and mother went to greet our father from the war. I snuck into her room and stole it before Aunt Dahlia could notice and hid it away." 


Kol picked up the ancient leather book and flipped through it. He handed it to Elijah who did the same. 


"It is indeed penned by our mother, I'd recognize her hand writing anywhere."


"It's true Nik," Rebekah flipped through a few pages before setting the books down. "I've read mothers other grimoire, the one that held the spell that turned us into vampires."


"So what? A spell book and some old stories. That proves nothing, only that you've followed my family." 


"Niklaus, she tells the truth, perhaps you should calm yourself. If this Dahlia is truly a great threat to us we must heed Freya's warnings." 


"Elijah I will not be ordered around by some long lost sister." 


"Fine, I only came to warn you. I do not need your help." 


I turned to Finn, "It was nice to see you again my little Muninn, you've grown into a fine man." 


As I turned to leave I felt a hand grab my shoulder. I turned around and to my surprise saw Kol. He had a look of desperation on his face and when he spoke I understood why. 


"Is it true? Is there a way for me to do magic again?"


"I won't tell you that there is because that would be a lie, but I will tell you that the possibility of finding a way for you to be able to cast spells again is highly likely."


"Then that's good enough for me. I'm going to help."


"And so will I." I turned to Finn who had stood from his seated position. 


"Whatever you need, sister, I can help you." 


"Oh for the love of god, the two of you?" 


"Niklaus, if there is a chance she can help us right mothers sins then I must take it." 


I sat back down on the chair and looked around. Rebekah was looking at her hands under the table. Elijah looked like he was deep in thought. Niklaus had started arguing with Finn. Kol sat down next to me, and looked at the arguing brothers. 


"It's always like this if you're wondering."


I turned to look at him, he motioned towards Niklaus and Finn. The two looked like they were a few words short of blows. 


"It's always family spat after family spat. One day it's about Rebekah wanting to live like a human and the next it's about Nik and his ever growing list of enemies born from his mistrust." 


"Don't forget he keeps daggering you the most brother." 


"Oh Bex it's so nice of you to join the conversation at last. Did you run out of fantasies to play out in your head?" 


"All right All of you enough!" 


Everyone stopped arguing and turned to Elijah, Rebekah lowered the wooden skewer she had been about to throw a Kol. Finn and Niklaus let go of each other's coats. 


"This squabbling is distracting us from the current issue." 


"There is no current issue brother."


"Niklaus, you know that our list of enemies only grows ever longer. One of them is bound to catch up with us eventually." 


"Fine, I will listen to this nonsense if it means that we will stop arguing over such trivial things." 


I looked at my half brother, he walked over to a chair and slumped down crossing his arms. 


"Our aunt Dahlia, continue what you were saying sister."


I retold my siblings the story of how I had come into Dahlia's service. About the years I had spent with her, and the countless atrocities I had watched her commit. Niklaus kept quiet the whole time as Elijah listened carefully. Finn had decided to sit closer and held my hand as I reached the point where I told them about Mathias and my unborn child. Then I told them the subsequent curse on our family's first born children. After I finished my story they were quiet for a moment before Rebekah spoke up. 


"So, what's the plan sister?