
House-Elf in Harry Potter

SI transmigrated in a house elf. At the beginning he is going to look like any other ordinary house elf, but that will change in the future. He will also eventually become very op in the future. ============================================= English is not my first or even second language, and I suck at writing synopsis. So, read at your own risk. If you find any mistakes then please point it out and I will rectify it.

Angry_Sheep · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

The History

You know, I always wondered, how did House-Elves come to be. I mean, I have heard about elves in my previous life and have also heard some whispers about how there were once a species known as elves in this life as well. Apparently they all died out due to humans cutting down some giant-ass tree.

Allegedly though, that was not the whole truth. The Elves did not die. At least not all of them. Some of them were somehow kept alive by some mysterious means by a dark lord, who then used them to conduct some experiments, which led to the birth of House-Elves.

One might ask, How do you know that Jerry ? Well, I know that because I have been researching for a long amount of time now. Whenever my master was asleep, I would go out and steal some money and buy rare books related to magical creatures, mythologies, story books which I found interesting and books on house elves.

You might be wondering, Why would someone write books about House elves ? Well, turns out that not all people in the wizarding world are as awful as my master and some are in fact actually kind, and some of those kind people happen to be researchers who have written various books about different creatures. In fact, I have even met with one of them. His name is Newt Scamander.

I know some of you must be confused about how I came to meet with such an amazing personality. Well, the thing is, I met him in the muggle world when I was stealing some money. I was actually trying to steal from his neighbours house. And before you people rant about how I didn't know that he lived there, let me tell you that I am not Dumbledore, who can sense magic without even trying. I mean, I have to try reaaally hard in order to sense magic. And also, I didn't know that he even lived in Birmingham. Anyways, when he found me stealing money from his neighbours, he was at first very furious. I mean, here I was, a being who could use magic stealing money from some harmless muggles. It was like an adult stealing candies from little kids, just much worse, since I was robbing them of their livelihood. Now, I know that I could have robbed the criminals, but they were surprisingly, really hard to find. And once I robbed them, they would change their hiding place, or sometimes even move out of the area.

Anyways, back to the topic, when Newt first found me, he wanted to contact the authorities and have my master arrested, since he thought that I was stealing from the muggles on his behalf. But fortunately, I managed to stop him. I couldn't let him report to the authorities, since it would implicate my master which would expose the truth and would lead to a death sentence for me (rights for magical creatures are basically non-existent in magical Britain). Anyway, he asked me after calming down a bit about why I was doing such a thing. Now, I will admit that I am not the brightest of people when it comes to lying or making excuses, so I simply told him that, I like reading books, and wanted to find out about the history of House elves. Some might say that it's a fairly good excuse. But the thing is, if it were someone else instead of Newt Scamander, like a pure blood, then they wouldn't have believed me, since house elves are considered to be nothing more than slaves, who do not have the right to have a hobby or anything like that (at the time I didn't know of Newt's identity). Some people might disagree since, Newt knows more about almost every creature than anyone else. But, you see, Newt is an oddball. He believed me without any proof. In fact he was quite giddy when he found out that I had something akin to a hobby. According to him, generally house elves who even have a hobby, only like to do things that are helpful to their masters.

So, once again coming back to the topic, he introduced himself and offered to help me, and in exchange told me to stop stealing from people. I of course agreed after learning of his identity. After all he was a fairly known researcher. Anyways, it was him who finally connected the dots, and figured out about the history of the house elves.

Now, presently though, I was standing in front of Newt's front door. He and I actually became great friends, after getting to know each other a little bit. He was an enthusiastic person who cared about every life on this planet, whether they be of a human or of an ant. I wonder how he will react when I tell him that I am finally free.

In this chapter I wanted to write about him training with his magic and stuff like that, but once I started to write about the history and stuff I just couldn't stop. Anyway, please let me know how you like this chapter.

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