
House-Elf in Harry Potter

SI transmigrated in a house elf. At the beginning he is going to look like any other ordinary house elf, but that will change in the future. He will also eventually become very op in the future. ============================================= English is not my first or even second language, and I suck at writing synopsis. So, read at your own risk. If you find any mistakes then please point it out and I will rectify it.

Angry_Sheep · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

A Free Elf

You know, sometimes I wonder if I'm trapped in a dream or if I've actually transmigrated into a miserable House elf. But moments like this remind me that, no, I'm not dreaming.

Currently, I'm being punished by my 'beloved' master for being annoying to look at. Fortunately, today's punishment is relatively light—I only have to hold my hands above a candle flame for half an hour. And yes, that's considered light in my master's twisted world.

Now, some might question why I can't just leave. The truth is, I simply can't. Whenever I entertain thoughts of rebellion against my master, an unnatural guilt quickly overwhelms me, preventing me from taking any action.

Suddenly, I sense my master calling me. I attempt to apparate to his location, but encounter some sort of ward that immediately repels me. Trying once more, only to face the same result, I simply shrug and sit down on the ground, closing my eyes. Now, I know that if my master returns, he will punish me severely. However, that is only a possibility "if" he returns.

Through the bond I share with him, I sense that he is in serious trouble and unlikely to escape the situation alive. I am currently utilizing every bit of Occlumency I have learned to resist the urge to go and save him, not that I could since the ward is astonishingly powerful.

As I try to disregard the overwhelming guilt that is nearly consuming me, I suddenly feel all tension leaving my body as the link between my master and me is severed. I brush off the rising sense of loneliness that urges me to find a new master and leap up in joy.

Master is dead. No... that piece shit is dead. I won't have to suffer anymore punishments. I can finally do whatever I want. I am finally free!!

"Jerry is free!!!" I shout out loud for the first time in who knows how long. I want to go and sleep on that piece of shit's precious rocking chair just in order to spite him. But, I have an even better idea.

I click my fingers and suddenly a portrait of a fat middle aged man appears in front of me. The person in the portrait seeing me immediately starts to shout something, but I cut him off by pissing on his face. Now, I would not usually do something like this since I am a person who can't ignore even a single speck of dirt, but the emotions displayed on his face more than makes up for it.

After pissing on his face I quickly set the portrait aflame, and start collecting all the money, artifacts, and other valuables in an expandable suitcase. I don't have much time left since I don't know whether the attackers will come here or not.

After quickly collecting all the valuables, I apparated in a secluded alley in the muggle area and make the suitcase and myself invisible. Making the suitcase float and follow me, I started to search for an abandoned house. After finding one and quickly cleaning it with a click of my fingers, and warding it, I started to plan for the future.

I needed to find another 'master' soon, since the unnatural feeling of loneliness that was currently negligible, would only rise as time passes. Thus I either needed to find a new 'master' or find another solution to this situation. I had a few ideas for potential new masters, but I would only go that route if I don't find any other solution. I also needed to conduct some rituals, since I don't really like the appearance of this body. It would no doubt be dangerous, since I don't think any other elf has ever done any ritual on themselves. There's a chance that I will die, or loose my magic, but I have to take this risk.

To achieve the most optimal result I have to conduct 3 rituals in total. The first would be to increase my height, the second will increase my body mass, and the third one will make me more aesthetically pleasing. Now, some might question, Jerry why would you take such a big risk just to look more attractive. Well, the answer to that question is, I am ugly as fuck. If ever there was a survey to determine the most ugly humanoid in this world, then I would definitely be in the top 3. Remember when I mentioned, my master punished me for being annoying to look at ? Yeah, that was him punishing me for being so ugly. Honestly, even I can barely look at myself in a mirror for more than a few seconds.

For now, though I am going to sleep like a baby in this very comfortable looking bed.

So this is my first time publishing a story. If you find any mistakes please do point it out so that I can rectify it.

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