
House-Elf in Harry Potter

SI transmigrated in a house elf. At the beginning he is going to look like any other ordinary house elf, but that will change in the future. He will also eventually become very op in the future. ============================================= English is not my first or even second language, and I suck at writing synopsis. So, read at your own risk. If you find any mistakes then please point it out and I will rectify it.

Angry_Sheep · Book&Literature
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11 Chs

Meeting a friend

Newt Scamander hated winter. Anyone, who knew him well, understood this fact. It is the season when many of his friends are forced to hibernate, not to mention he himself hated the cold. There was a time when he was in his prime, that the cold wouldn't affect him, but now in his 90s he could barely stand the chilly temperature. Due to the heavy snowfall last night, he could not even go for a walk. It was moments like this, which reminded him of the frailty of human physiology. He was wondering whether he should use his spare wand to melt the snow that was currently knee-high around his house. His neighbours wouldn't notice, since his house was warded.

Talking about the neighbours, he wondered how that sweet couple which moved in two years ago were doing. They have a sweet daughter of 7 years of age.

'Hmm, that brings back some good memories.' It was like just yesterday, when he found his newest friend Jerry the house elf, trying to steal some of the money from his neighbours. Fortunately, he was invited for dinner that night, or he might not have been able to meet him.

Jerry was quite a... peculiar house elf. He was the first house elf he had ever met whose hobby was not in any way related to his master. He had studied the behaviour of house elves before, but none of them hated working. He had met some elves, who wanted freedom just like young Jerry, but they all loved working. That was not the only thing peculiar about him though. He talked quite differently as well. Usually, he would talk like how a house elf should, but then suddenly, he will start talking like a human.

While he was reminiscing about his small friend, he heard a knock on his door.

'I wonder who it is, at this time of the day ?' It was just past 8 o'clock in the morning currently so he was a little curious about who it could be. Peeping through the hole in the door, he was only able to see a slightly green scalp and a few black hairs, but he instantly recognised who it was. Surprised over the identity of his guest, he immediately opened the door.

"Speak of the devil and he doth appear. I was just remembering how I met you, and here you are appearing at my door. Are you sure you are not the devil ?" He was quite surprised, and worried about Jerry appearing at his house at such an unusual hour. Usually, he is making breakfast for his master at this hour, so he thought that he was in some trouble.

"Heh, who knows, I just might be the devil" having said that in his squeaky voice, Jerry immediately entered the house.

"Hmm, you know, I am quite envious of you house elves. No matter how much cold the weather is, you don't feel a damn thing." he was speaking the truth. he really did envy the house elves in this matter. They could stand in a snow storm just wearing their pillow cases and be just fine.

"Well, I can't argue about that." replied Jerry in his weird - for a house elf - pattern. He couldn't figure out what made Jerry suddenly talk like a human, but he wasn't going to ask him about that now.

"So, what are you doing here, at such an ungodly hour ? Are you in some trouble ?" listening to the tone of Jerry's voice, he doubted it though. In fact he almost seemed happy for the first time in who knows how long.

"Hahaha, it be the opposite friend. From today Jerry finally be free!!!" here it is his weird change in speech pattern. I wond–

"Wait, what did you just say ?" Did he mishear something ? Perhaps his age was catching up to him.

"I bes free. Jerry be finally free." he repeated once again with a huge grin on his face. Who could blame him, he has been looking forward to this day for a very long time after all.

"What ? When ? How did you get free ? Did your master give you a cloth ?" That was the only reasonable explanation I could think of. Jerry himself had said before that his master was very healthy.

"Wow, such a good friend you are. You didn't even congratulate me." Jerry replied with a teasing smirk. He wasn't even slightly bit annoyed to see his smirk. His honesty was something which I have come to appreciate this past year.

"Anyways, to answer your questions, my master got himself killed by some people yesterday, which means that I am now free." Now that's something I did not expect. I know that being happy at the death of a person is not right, but I still can't help but break into a large smile. I was happy for my little friend.

"Congratulations, Jerry. I know how much it means to you." I congratulated him, while also leading him to the fireplace so that I could get some warmth.

"So, what are you going to do now ? Do you perhaps want me to introduce you to a new master ?" I had a few people in mind who will treat him with the proper care and respect he deserves. And I could also arrange for him to work at Hogwarts.

"No, I am not going to bond with another master anywhere in the near future. I instead wanted to ask you to not spread any word of this, since I don't know whether the attackers be coming after Jerry" he said with a serious expression on his face.

"You can count on me Jerry. Don't worry I won't tell anyone about you." his serious expression immediately softened.

"Thank you. I promise you that I will always help you in your time of need. You have my word." Somehow, I have a feeling, that this promise that Jerry made, is someday going to amount much more than anything in this world.

Writing a conversation between two characters is much harder than I thought it would be. Anyways please do point out any mistakes you encounter. Over and out.

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