
Hot Secretary Mistakenly Falls In Love With CEO

Hannah Snow: the poor secretary They met for the first time when she accidentally caught him having passionate sex with a hot woman. Since then, their fates have been sealed! After graduating from college, her soft heart led her to be deceived into working like a slave in his company. She had never seen someone so shamelessly promiscuous, changing girlfriends more frequently than clothes—he was basically a playboy! As his indispensable secretary, she not only handled daily tasks but also endured being slapped by his occasional flings. On top of that, she had to memorize all the birthdays and preferences of the ladies in his dating roster! She even had to prepare hotels for him and clean up all the messes he left behind. Late at night, she would receive his calls and rush to hotels without a single complaint, handling his rendezvous affairs. Look around the entire secretary world, and you won't find anyone as versatile as her! Enough was enough!!!! This time, she was determined to say goodbye to him. Charles Smith- the CEO He was the CEO of Universal Pictures, a playboy who never rejected any beautiful woman. No matter what type of woman, they all fell for him easily, surrendering to his charm. However, there are exceptions to his charm, and this cold-faced secretary was simply born to be his undoing. A bet gave him a reason to pursue her! This woman he had been eyeing for so long, he had finally taken her for himself!

Bellalovesnovel · Urban
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18 Chs

Chapter 012: Which Brand Tastes Better

Already the third day, and she could still laugh? She must be crazy!

Hannah Snow's words made Charles Smith's face turn pale and then red. Her description of the scene was more venomous than her unabashed laughter! It completely stirred up his deep-seated resentment, and his large hand on the steering wheel turned...

"Charles Smith, you bastard! I'm going to strangle you!" This was from Olivia Smith, her perfectly styled hair now in disarray.

"Charles Smith, you pig! I'm going to kick you to death!" This was from Hannah Snow, who was hit by scattered documents all over her head and face.

The shiny black Mercedes drove on the road, swerving in an S shape occasionally, and no one knew what was happening inside the car.

Poor Charles Smith, you've got yourself into quite a situation!

After Charles Smith and Hannah Snow dropped Olivia Smith off at her home, they returned to the company and ran into the head of the Human Resources department, who hurriedly came over with an anxious expression. "CEO, Secretary Hannah, you're back, and that's good! Chaya and florence are having a big fight in the dressing room, and no one can persuade them. If it continues like this, the reporters will definitely catch wind of it."

Charles and Hannah exchanged a glance. Chaya and florence were both top stars of the Global Entertainment, and if news of their fight spread, it would not only impact other matters but also disrupt the filming of their annual blockbuster drama "Intrigues of the Harem," in which they both starred. The company's losses would be significant.

They quickly headed to the artist's dressing room and from a distance saw a mess and heard two sharp voices.

"You shameless fox! Just because you slept with Charles Smith, you think you're something special!"

"What's so special about you? Even the director wanted you?"

"You're just jealous of Charles Smith. After you got tired of playing, you came looking for me..."

Hannah Snow crossed her arms, looking cold and indifferent, which scared the two disheveled women.

"Do you want to continue fighting to determine a winner, or do you want to go to the HR department and settle your salaries? Choose for yourselves!" Hannah Snow's voice was cold. Just because they were the leading actresses didn't mean they could act so arrogantly!

"What right do you, a mere secretary, have to speak to us like that?" Chaya, confident due to her high ratings in Global Entertainment's dramas, believed that the company wouldn't dare to do anything to her. She had long been fed up with Hannah's aloofness!

"Just because I'm Charles Smith's confidential secretary, you think you can be arrogant?" Hannah raised an eyebrow. "Oh? Mr. CEO, she said I'm just a mere secretary. How about you handle this?"

She pushed Charles forward, but he refused to face the two women acting like madwomen.

"Who said Hannah Snow has no authority? If I'm not around, she'll be in charge of the company!" Charles declared.

Seeing Chaya's face change dramatically, Hannah Snow was satisfied and released her grip on Charles, then looked at the crowd with a serious expression. "You're all public figures. No matter what you're fighting about, have you considered that your quarrel may attract reporters and expose your scandals to the public eye? How do you expect to survive in this industry with such a negative image? The company can nurture you, elevate you as leading actresses, and at the same time, it can demote you to secondary or tertiary roles. There are plenty of people eager to take your positions. Don't let me hear about any more internal disputes among our artists! If it happens again, just go straight to the HR department!"

She surveyed the room, and as her gaze met theirs, everyone returned to their work with a downcast look. Watching the audience disperse, Hannah finally left in her high heels again, all for Charles Smith's sake!

Charles Smith was a troublemaker! Fortunately, she had already given up on him long ago!