
Horror Movie Villain Summoner!

To be Decided This is a Fan Fiction. I own none of the Movie Characters or any part of their respective properties.

AnonAuthor · Movies
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13 Chs

Success! Return to Silvern

With Chucky getting rid of the Goblin trio, it was now time for Mikael to test out his secret ability. However before he could, there was still something in his way, Chucky, who'd regained his sentence. Which usually entailed him hurling nasty insults and threats towards Mikael. So before things got too out of hand, Mikael gave him a complex order, to move the Goblins corpses. Specifically to separate them, as they were currently all close to one another.

" Chucky, move two of the Goblins corpses over there and when your done stand guard. If you notice anything strange inform me right away.. Alright, I'm about 15 feet away from that one, so let's see if my theory is correct."

After taking a deep breath to calm his nerves, Mikael took one step toward the isolated Goblin. He waited for his Mark to react but there was no change, so he took another. Again nothing, the same way for the third and fourth step, causing him start start doubting himself.

" Was I mistaken.. No, not yet let's keep going."

Taking the fifth step towards the corpse, what Mikael had been waiting for finally occurred, his Mark dimly glowed.

" Yes! The first stage has been cleared, next the moment of Truth. Just like before, I should take my time and fully analyze how this while thing works."

Taking another deep breath, Mikael started counting the steps he took and how the Mark reacted.

" One, two, three.. The glow has intensified but nothing more. Four, five, six.. I'm standing almost close to the actual corpse but I haven't felt anything new. If I remember correctly I was standing directly over to Trolls corpse the previous time. There's still four more steps until I match that distance..."

With, four steps remaining Mikael found himself hesitating, his legs were shaking and he body trembled. The reason for this to him was obvious, if his theory was proven true then his potential would be virtually limitless. For he would easily be able to conceal the biggest flaw his Magic possessed, Mana.

Unlike many of the more traditional Magics found in this Kingdom, Mikael's Grimoire consumed vast amounts of Mana. At his current limit, he was only able to cast Empowerment for around three minutes. Those three minutes were crucial as the second they ended, Chucky reverted back to a Doll. One which can't ever possibly match up against a Rank (D) monster and win. So what he desperately needed was to expand his "Mana Pool" as fast as possible.

Mikael (Former) who'd devoted his life studying Magic, knew the three known ways this was possible. The first and easiest of the three was to simply drink specialty Mana Potions. The second was to continuously exhaust your Mana which forced the expansion. The third was to meticulously meditate and absorb the world's natural Mana into your own body. These three were regarded as being the only three functional ways to expand one's Mana Pool. Unfortunately for Douglas he was in possession of a broke, shut-in's body, so his options were limited from the get go. However that's where this ability of his fit in, as he was certain his Mana Pool expanded when his Mark absorbed something from the Troll. That said he didn't have any proof of this actually occuring, that's why he had to test it out.

" These next four steps are it, either I'm right or I'll have to slave away for Mana Potions like everyone else."

Seemingly reassuring himself, Mikael took the the first of four steps, the Mark now shining brightly. At the second, like with the Troll before it the Goblin corpse released a thin red mist that was subsequently absorbed by the Mark.

" It's real, I can feel my Mana regenerating it's not as fast as with the Troll but it's working! As for my Mana Pool it's also expanded albeit again not nearly enough as before. I guess the quality of the monster is taken into account, Forest Trolls are Ranked (D) while Goblins such as these are probably much lower. Either way, this more than solidifies my theory about my ability, it simultaneously regenerates Mana and expands my Mana Pool, by absorbing that red mist from slain Monsters. Which I don't have the slightest clue as to what it could be.. Ah, who cares! Now that I've unlocked this new awesome ability, it's time to get killing!"


> Present Time <

Making such a monumental discovery, Mikael went hunting as many monsters that he could find. Now as his blood soaked figure exited the woods he carried with him eight more trophy's besides the Troll head. Six came from a larger group of Goblins while the other two were from a pair of reptilian creatures. Luckily for him, Mikael managed to loot a sharp dagger to collect the trophy's and a sack to carry them in. As for Chucky he got Banished when Mikael found the exit as he wanted to keep everything connected to his Magic a secret.

" Damnit, I took far longer than expected finding the exit.. Hopefully the Guilds still open, because if not then I'm screwed for sure."

Contrary to earlier that same day, Silvern was now filled with life and most importantly people. People who wore faces of sheer horror at the sight of the bloody Mikael. With some screaming in terror while others wanted to defeat the bloody monster.

" M-Monster!"

" Aaaiiee! Somebody call the town guards!"

" Hey, Marty weren't you always going on about how you'll be a famous Adventurer one day?! Now's your chance kill that monster!"

" You're out of your fucking mind! I ain't getting close to that thing, who knows what horrors he has inside that bloody sack."

Mikael meanwhile slowly dragged himself and his trophy's towards the Guild. He did think about clearing things up with the townsfolk but his priority was to complete the quest. Without the money he'd get for it, he would have to go hungry tonight, something he wasn't going to let happen.

" Stupid weak body, c'mon we've got to reach the Guild before they close, I will not go hungry tonight or any other day!"

Pushing himself even harder, Mikael was soon crushed as he saw the Guild building had closed.

" Oh, c'mon! You've got to be fucking kidding me! What type of Adventurers Guild closes at sundown?! Man, fuck the Guild and fuck this tow-"

Mikael was going to continue to cuss out but that's when a very familiar voice called out to him.

" Oh, so you didn't die, I guess I'll have to reevaluate homeless people. Although that could be your blood and you've come back to beg for another chance."

With a tone like that, who else could it be than the Smiling Snake, Noëlle. Who was seated on a nearby bench seemingly waiting for something.

" Hey, were you waiting for, me?"