
Horror Movie Villain Summoner!

To be Decided This is a Fan Fiction. I own none of the Movie Characters or any part of their respective properties.

AnonAuthor · Movies
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13 Chs

A True Villain!

" Gross, but yes unfortunately I was ordered by the Guild Master to await the esteemed Mage who came to register earlier today. Damn that insufferable four eyes!"

An apparently annoyed Noëlle explained in a much less forced tone than before and her smile was nowhere to be seen. However if she'd blatantly disrespected the Guild Master with her previous lady like tone, that might've been a bit too much.

" I see, so do I just hand over the Troll's head to you out here, or...?"

" No, don't be stupid, all transactions must be completed inside the Guild... Sigh. Come follow me."

Mikael tightly gripped his sack and followed after Noëlle while simultaneously staring at her figure. Something her tight fitting uniform only enhance even further, subsequently gluing Mikael's eyes on her bewitching figure.

*Dammit, if only there weren't more pressing matters, such as eating and shelter to take care of... *

With Noëlle opening the Guild back up Mikael had another much closer look at the building. The majority of it was made of wood and wasn't all that big of a.small probably fitting 50 people at capacity. It did have a couple of tables and chairs although even those looked worn out by repeated use. The biggest thing inside was the reception desk as it covered almost the entirety of the Guild's background.

" What's behind those doors?"

He asked while pointing at several closed doors stationed behind the reception desk. Unsurprisingly Noëlle completely ignored Mikael's question, walked behind said desk and pulled out a large metallic box. Which she basically threw in front of him while she started looking through some documents.

" Place whatever you brought in, inside this metal bin..."

" Sure."

Mikael annoyingly muttered, before picking up the blood soaked sack he'd been carrying and dumping it's gory contents inside the bin. Spattering himself in even more blood, while simultaneously spilling blood onto the floor. Something that obviously didn't escape Noëlle's watchful gaze who quickly shouted at him.

" What do you think you're doing!!"

She exclaimed with a look of both disgust and anger as she was obviously not looking forward to cleaning that up.

" Sorry! I'll clean it up! Um, do you have like a mop or something?""

" Aren't you a Mage use Magic to clean it."

" We'll that's.. I can't use my magic for such mundane things, right?"

" There's one inside that storage closet, clean your mess while I inspect what you brought."

Noëlle exasperating said with a most wonderfully executed eye-roll clearly caught by Mikael. Who tried his best to remain calm and not shoot a verbal jab back at her.

*Damn this woman.. Does she not know how to treat someone as spectacular and amazing as I?- Sigh- That's what I'd like to say, but seeing as I'm totally dependent on the reward money let's keep calm.*

Walking towards the storage closet, from the corner of his eye Mikael noticed that Noëlle barely even inspected at what he'd brought in. Simply glancing at the metal bin before starting to write down something on a note pad.

*What's she writing?! Isn't the reward set beforehand...?*

Collecting the mop from the closet, Mikael quickly made his way back to the reception desk. As he started to "Clean" the mess he'd made he tries to sneak a peek at Noëlle's writing. In his favor was his tall height which allowed him to easily see over Noëlle but unfortunately Noëlle caught on fairly fast.

*I can almost make out what's written, Applying Adventurer, brought in a Forest Troll head along with several other monster heads... Personal Notes, Adventurer is extremely good looking and an expert mage... Oh man she thinks I'm Extremely Good Looking?! Huh? What's that next line say...? Too bad he's too stupid to notice when he's being fooled.*

" I'm not stupid!"

Mikael proudly stated with his chest puffed out while angrily dropping the mop. Only to be met with the very noticeable apathetic face of Noëlle who obviously looked down on him.

" Yeah, you are idiot. Now if you want the reward for the Subjugation Quest you better hurry and clean that mess up."

Having been made fun of and told off Mikael's face twisted into an unsightly smile who replied with a nod. As he knew he wasn't a match for her razor sharp tongue which shredded his confidence. Thankfully deep down some part of him wasn't ready to throw in the towel just yet.

*Damn her! Just you wait and see once I've gotten back on my feet from the shit hole the previous me threw me in you'll see! Heck I might even take pity on you and make you one of my many concubines! Woah, what's up with the (B) Movie Villain inner monologue?!*

Catching himself acting strange again, Mikael took a minute to take a deep breath before continuing to clean up.

*Man what's been up with me lately?*

Finished cleaning the bloody scene he'd made, Mikael went up to the reception desk. Where a clearly bored Noëlle welcomed him with a long and loud yawn.

" Finally done? Well I've gone over everything you brought in and after recuperating the processing fee your remaining reward is, 2 Silver Coins."

" Oh you've got to be kidding me! The processing fee can not be 50 damn copper coins!"

" Sir, please look at my face, did you take a long hard look? Well this is my not fucking kidding face!"

Hearing that, Mikael was completely gobsmacked with no other choice but to move on.

" What about the rest? I also brought in six goblin skulls and two of lizard monster heads. How much for those?"

" Goblins are weak monsters and the only useful part of them are their ears, which are 10 copper per ear. You brought in a total of 12 ears so that gives you an extra 1 silver and 20 copper coins. As for the Kobold's skulls their 15 copper an eyeball so an added 60 copper coins for you, bringing your grand total to 3 Silver and 80 copper coins."

" Woah, woah, wait hold on, wait a minute! Earlier today you told that guy that it was 30 copper coins for a Goblin ear! Don't you try to play me!"

" My goodness do I have an absolute dumbass on my hands, that was a HobGoblin ear. What you have here are regular Goblin ears the difference matters greatly, specially when it comes to their price."

" No! You specifically told him that it wasn't a HobGoblin... You lied to him! You swindled him out of 20 copper coins!"

" Did I? Oh well, too bad for him he already left. But speaking of earlier today, what'll it be, are you taking the 2 Silver and 80 copper coins or not?"

*This woman is a Villain..."

Sorry for the late upload but as you might imagine things are shitty worldwide and will affect the uploads. Sorry once again and I hope you'll be excited for the next chapter whenever that is..

AnonAuthorcreators' thoughts