

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Urban
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51 Chs


They had umbrellas as the rain was falling far too hard and much in the countryside and masks to hide their faces and also protect them from inhaling the nerve gas which they were going to use to make Ryleigh Georgia's men fall out.

They entered through the back door which was tar black, rusty and dusty. If not for the hinges,the door would have fallen a long time ago and forgotten. They know it would produce a sound but they tried hard not to alert any suspicion from inside but pulled it open slowly and carefully while hands shaking and trembling.

They had their sweaters on since it was cold and the lady who was apparently

Rylee Athena was in a the plaited skirt had put on a stocking to avoid getting cold throughout the mission.

The warm and safe surroundings of the van had changed to the cold and dangerous ones. Almost feeling like they were villians attending to a mission. They needed to be careful inorder not to die or get injured while still carrying out the mission and also make sure that Natalia Quinn was going to get out safe and sound since Ryleigh Georgia was an evil and unpredictable woman full of brawn.

It was dusty, rusty and moreover stinky and the mud was slippery and sticky, they almost slipped and kissed the dirty and dusty floor that seemed had not been cleaned for decades.

The old metal door after the entrance door let in a light which signified that was the room Ryleigh Georgia and Natalia Quinn were in since it was quiet and with lights on although a dim light.

Ryleigh Georgia was busy thinking of how she had been betrayed by her childhood sweetheart. She recalled of how she had continued to cut the photos of her, Ryleigh Georgia and Aaliyah Brooklyn happily smiling while still a bit young into strips and hold them in the candle's flame, oblivious to the pain in her fingertips as she destroyed all evidence of her childhood sweetheart and lover. The ash that was formed was thrown into the air and carried away by the wind like the memories of the old Ryleigh Georgia and Aaliyah Brooklyn as childhood sweethearts.

She had been very angry after hearing the announcement of the wedding ceremony and marriage of the two. She was pained of how she could just let Natalia Quinn,an anonymous person to win the heart of Aaliyah Brooklyn,her childhood sweetheart especially after trying so hard to get him on her side in the past years without having even a grain of success:

In kindergarten she used to buy for him a vanilla ice cream that he would lick on hot days or mocha latte which he would drink on cold days and in the evening a chocolate bar and a strawberry lollipop which was his favorite flavor.

In Middle School,a sandwich and cup of coffee in the morning,at lunchtime she would carry homemade lunch and share it with him only and in the evening she would buy for him an evening tart.

In highschool,they used to walk home together all the time and go to school together and she would always buy him his favourite Ice pop, the sweet and yellow passion fruit flavour and everyday was morning breakfast that she prepared for him before school and in the evening she would buy for him a piece of chocolate cake and a fresh fruit juice. Sadly,they went to different universities due to the large gap in their grades as Aaliyah Brooklyn was a very bright student.

From Ryleigh Georgia's side,the room felt like it was closing in around her leaving her no space to exhale and inhale. In her mind, she was growing larger and larger each ticking second, expanding with rage and fuming with anger. If she didn't do something, fast, to get herself under control, she would have exploded and taken out everyone and everything around me leaving only Natalia Quinn who was her captive. Before time had passed,her men had brought in a table and her phone to keep her company with food and drinks.

Ryleigh Georgia had gripped the glass tightly in her hand as if it was going to fly away any moment from that time. Her first thought was to throw it to the floor and smash it to vent all her anger on it, but she knew if she would have continued doing that, she wouldn't stop until every glass on the tray were all in shards. Her anger had grown and expanded it's limits.


They spotted the men while he was tiptoing to avoid getting the attention and then Assistant Kevin Smith took his place by walking to them since he knew they would ask him his identity and then chase him to clear the area avoiding the rescuing of Rylee Athena from the hands of their boss Lady Ryleigh Georgia from the Mason family.

It was time for Assistant Kevin Smith to do some exercise since he needed to ensure that the two hiding: Akira Aarush and Rylee Athena so as to carry out the next plan.

The men chased him into the next floor he was now facing them, his first survival strategy was to guard his face and if the men were trying to punch him or grab his from the front,he would then put his hands on his forehead to protect his eyes since they were his vital part in the fight.

As the first men approached him,he decided to go for the man's red berry eyes and his protruding nose. The eyes and nose were the most sensitive soft spots on the man's face and were vulnerable to elbows, knees, and his forehead. With the hardest part of his forehead, right near the hairline,he tried to smash the man's nose by tensing his neck and driving his forehead into the middle of their face. The man felt pain and twitched a little bit before regaining his stability although he had rubbed it before that to reduce the growing amount of pain that he had been feeling.

Focusing on his blows on other pressure points. Assistant Kevin Smith stroke out at the especially vulnerable parts of his opponent, which included the eyes, ears, temple, nose, chin, throat, neck, and groin. He decided to go for an uppercut to the jaw and under the chin that would twist the man's head quickly, potentially causing a loss of consciousness to the man who he took as his opponent in the fight. He laid on the ground drifting in and out of his almost done for consciousness.

The other man tried to kick him but unfortunately luck was not in his side and Assistant Kevin Smith was very flexible and so he leaned back when he got kicked as a way of wasting the man's energy ad he tried to throw more kicks.

The man's kick were being sent flying over Assistant Kevin Smith's head which have him an advantage to strike back and he momentarily threw him off his balance and he fell on the ground with a thud.

He then tried to punch the man who had already gotten back on the ground. He made a fist immediately by folding his four fingers downwards in his hand and placing his thumb on the outside of his fingers and avoiding placing the thumb inside so as to protect it from breaking or getting injured during the fight as it seemed to be a long one.

He then punched the man professionally by keeping his elbow bent at a thirty to forty five degree angle approximately in front of his face, and kept his hands up at all times. He extended the fist along with his elbow and shoulder, straightening his arm and then pushing his weight through his shoulder and into his arm, connecting the punch at the peak of his extension to get the most force for his hit.

He finally got into position to throw a punch with his right hand, placing his left leg in front of him and his right leg back. His knees slightly bending and then putting his left leg forward and then punched him hardly sending him flying in the air and landing on the staircase,he rolled down it and finally ended to the next floor with his head physically hurt,he lost his consciousness immediately. He needed an X-ray to assure no injuries.

Money could really make the crippled walk,one of the men that had attacked first had regained consciousness but Rylee Athena was already on the second floor ready to attack and fight back.

Although she was weak,her heart was strong and determined like a soldier's during war. She was an intrepid and lost all her fear that she likened to bubbles disappearing in foggy air during the nighttime. They are not invisible but no one can see them until the fog disappears.

Assistant Kevin Smith was tired and worn out and needed help and there was Rylee Athena's time to shine and act as a good friend to Natalia Quinn,she prepared her hand and sprayed the nerve gas in the area and man soon fell after struggling trying to keep themselves from breathing in the gas which had led to no breathing since it had spread far and wide in the area but not to the two, Rylee Athena and Assistant Kevin Smith since they had masks on and they soon left the room giving them an advantage as they went to breath in some fresh air in the ground floor.


I ,Natalia Quinn was still acting to be tied up when she heard a hooting of a car from outside,she had good listening skills so it was easy for her to notice it and since it was very quiet. My heroes and heroines had come for her rescue but if Ryleigh Georgia heard the noise then her rescuers would be done for so it was her responsibility as the captive to help them out by first, keeping my facial expression neutral so as not to arouse any suspicion from Ryleigh Georgia and second try to cover up the noise by starting a rather loud conversation with Ryleigh Georgia since the sound was fading due to the presence of the falling rainfall from the clouds since the rain had not yet seized, the glass pieces were still on the ground save for four that were on the tray as had come earlier with ten glasses, meaning that six of them had been smashed to the ground.

I was still cold from the spraying water and because I was nearer to the so called ' window.' It had surely been the longest rainfall to ever occur since the area was near the famous Ziema mountain.

" Why would you do that to me?" I snivelled miserably as crocodile tears rolled down her rosy cheeks. I then tried to speak, but I was choked with tears,which my acting was just perfect and I was thankful for that since I was sneaky and nerdy. I was very stubborn and never obeyed my parents,they complained too much about my attitude and behavior.

In school,my past teachers had complained that I usually arrived at school late but always made up a lie which sometimes landed me in big trouble although I was used to detention and punishment. It was easy done than said an exchange of what the scholars had said, easy said than done.

" Why are you so cruel?" I, this time round yelled bitterly as if I was about to cry for a probably longer period of time. Ryleigh Georgia then looked at me directly in the eyes as if she was looking for something and was about to find it. I kept my gaze firm and steady while ensuring tears were flowing like a river which had broken it's banks. Looking miserable and in pain which I knew perfectly that I wasn't in.

She rolled her eyes as if they were balls being juggled in mid air and then looked at me once more time. Even though it had been six months already, Ryleigh Georgia's face was still burned in the betrayal she had gone through when she thought of Aaliyah Brooklyn's betrayal to their blooming love while staring at me, probably to her I was the cause of all her problems.

The wound in her heart had formed a scar from all the bad events that had occured and that no one cared for her welfare.

Ryleigh Georgia looked away from me and slumped in her chair, crossing her arms across her chest while still looking at me.

I was tired of the bad eyes for they made me feel like a criminal in an investigation. I tried to change the mood of the room.

"Hey!" I raised my voice and wore a gigantic smile on my face, " Easy girl,no need to get worked up on tiny issues and there are more important things. Just let it go." I tried to encourage her but none seemed to work out the way I expected.

"Just let it go?" Ryleigh Georgia asked in astonishment with her eyes popped out of their sockets and with a sharp tone as if she had seen a ghost?"

" You don't know love,do you? " She started, " Either do you love Aaliyah Brooklyn nor do you know him personally like I do, I have watched him as we grew up together,why then would you opt to say, 'no need to get worked up on tiny issues and there are more important things. Just let it go.' She quoted my words in a sarcastic tone looking all serious.

Ryleigh Georgia then lifted up her mobile phone from the desk,switched it on, typed in her password and then went to her messaging.

Her heart raced in her chest as she looked at her phone almost crying and unwilling to let go of her memory. She willed her hand to stop shaking as she slowly read the text again again again and again as if she was being forced to do it. She then showed it to me. It had read, ' I'm getting married next weekend but two so prepare for it. Why don't we move on and forget about our stupid melodramatic childhood love?'

Her veins were now throbbing extremely hard, she had a flushed face and neck, a dry mouth and breathlessness and ruffled poise. She was struggling to breath freely,she took enormous breaths as she was having a hard time probably,she spoke with a lump of tears at her throat all the way and could not calm down.

Puffing out her chest, she had clenched her fists, spread her feet, straightened her back and loomed over me as she started conversing with me again after the long period of being quiet.

" You pretend to be in pain and hurt yet you cruel monster got Aaliyah Brooklyn all to yourself without even thinking about his childhood friend. And here I'm the cruel one?" She asked with her tone all changed and very angry as she screamed out aloud as if she was in pain and her eyes wandering around every corner of the room. I even felt pity for her.

She breathed in slowly and continued, " Give back my Aaliyah Brooklyn back to me,give back my Aaliyah Brooklyn back to me you-you cruel mon-monster! " She sorrowfully said as she cried while shaking and trembling as she knelt on the ground hitting the floor with one of her hand. " And I'll be kind to you to even let you live,you can't just get your cake and eat it you know, this is life and not a soap opera that's in the television and theatres. "

I changed my facial expression drastically and looked at her with an angry face that showed disrespect for her.

" You pretend to be the best out there and act like you're all a princess yet nobody knows you're other side, you are hurt by me?" I questioned and without even waiting for a reply and not allowing her to talk,I continued. "You should be knowing better that people who live in glass houses should not throw stones!! " I gave her a simple but clear warning.

"Why are you overreacting over such a small matter, kidnapping? Huh? Why act over such a tiny problem,wanna put a storm in a teacup? "

I straightened my back, my fists clenched by their sides, and rolling my shoulders back, glaring at Ryleigh Georgia with anger.

"Care to say that again?" I started my sentence because it now seemed like a joke of her likening kidnapping to a teacup and mostly she felt like she had done nothing wrong. " If it were you I'm sure you would have called 'Daddy' to come and rescue you, Papa's girl. " I said with mockery and full of disgust towards her.

My eyebrows scrunched together, foreheads creased, lips tightened, jaws tensed, nostrils flared. My nostrils flared as I stared at Ryleigh Georgia again. I could not believe again and again she had taken my kidnapping as a small matter and her romantic relationship with Aaliyah Brooklyn,her childhood sweetheart as more important than even the life of a living soul.

I gave her an hostile glare,my face contorted with rage,my eyes hardened and narrowed into slits as I watched Ryleigh Georgia talk abruptly without thinking about the upcoming severe consequences of her stupid actions, what if she got arrested, how would she get out of jail?

Ryleigh Georgia then slammed her phone down on the table and questioned aloud while screaming loudly, " How could you do that?"

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