

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Urban
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51 Chs


I was left speechless by the sudden question,it had started me mainly because she was quiet for a bit of time. And then, my mind only ringed with the question, ' Do what?' like what did I do that was wrong from her perspective. She is the one who said you cannot get a cake and eat it and here she is going back on her wards. How can she be so silly?

Ryleigh Georgia then assumed that I never heard the question and continued to the next level by wanting to suck out the venom in the spider.

She firstly of all pulled the plunger back on the syringe. She then remove the needle cover. Then she inserted the syringe needle into the spider. Using a straight motion as she pushed the needle into the top of the spider. Pushing the plunger of the syringe down. She then pulled the plunger back. Using her dominant hand she pulled the plunger back to the line marked on the barrel of the syringe indicating the chosen amount of venom. A small amount of venom squirted in the air but she had gloves and she avoided getting into contact with it. She held the needle in position,ready to inject me.

I then stood up from the seat and untangled the ropes. " Surprise!" I told her with a gigantic smile on my face ready to fight back. She was stunned beyond words and stood rooted to the ground as if she had suddenly become a statue.

I decided to ask her what she wanted to try and stop the situation from getting worse than it already was and through this way, I could evade the venom.

"What do you want from me? Huh why are you so gluttonous over my life,I'm in really that special?" I started my sentence all cared about the welfare of my life. Since love really can't blind one's eyes to that extent. That's what I thought to myself and did not understand the meaning behind the scenes. " I said all that once,took a break after which I had planned to continue later.

Why did she want me dead,to her blinding thoughts she was telling herself that she will be loved by Aaliyah Brooklyn.

I just thought that it's such a great opportunity to be alone since lover also increased bills and expenses and that's not just for sour grapes because she didn't get the love she wanted from Aaliyah Brooklyn.

"Why are you trying to kill me,I'm I that of a threat to your life?" Was I really a threat to her life? So stupid thoughts.

I was all set to attack and also scared at the same time. My legs trembled at the view of the venom in the syringe and at the thought of me getting infected,I was afraid of needles and I hated being a puppet or a marionette as one may say.

"Why ask a question when you know the answer?" She questioned me while letting out an evil laugh that engulfed my fear making me tremble even more.

"Why.... Why ask it? Don't be silly dear,just think it through and you will get the answer easily. Okay? Just be obedient, it will not hurt, it's just a little sting. Not much."

"I..... I.....I.... I" I stammered before finally arranging my sentence. ' I am afraid of needles and I hate medicine,I hate being given lectures and being told what to do."

It was a rather ironical situation since I seemed to be so brave and strong. Who knew? Everybody has their weakness.

Why would I fear anything just because I'm different. That would be hypocritical.

She was not going to give up easily and was approaching me,so I took out my knife, unsheathed it and held it in position.

She kept her syringe down and grabbed my wrist. It was a dangerous tactic as I could attack and cut her easily. She grabbed my wrist firmly and gave me control of the knife's direction which she headed it to the left and then she kicked me throwing me to the floor. I got a cut by my palm but never gave up. I soon stood up and got ready to fight back.

Her second tactic was very simple actually,she just captured my attention and kicked the knife out of my hand and reach.

Which gave her time to get the syringe and prevented me from attacking and from grabbing the knife easily and coming after her. I guess she was better off.

We were now fighting tooth and nail,I was trying to evade the venom while she was evading the knife like we were playing a game of cat and mouse.

She had already turned around and was now looking at me with disgust and envy, her eyes fully open and letting out an evil laugh.

" I should have just sent my men to have asphyxiated you to death or assault you until your end and I'd never have to see you ever again. " She said and then let out an evil laugh once again this time so loud that it almost got me deaf and then she added " But then I would have not been able to see you struggle to fight for your life like you are now. " Her face was now dark and tinted with blood shed, anger, disgust and envy ,she took her chance and out of my confusion she kicked the knife off my hand again leaving me with a cut at my palm although it was not that deep but the searing pain was stubbing my nerves.

" Likewise!" I told her trying to make her more angrier while laughing trying to imitate her. " Who would not like to witness his or her enemy suffering? Of course I'm also very happy seeing you struggle to kill me,my wounds do not hurt even a bit" I said sarcastically as I smiled heavenly trying to displeasure her.

Strands of hair were hanging down her face, she was now looking like a witch. Her beautiful hairstyle was no longer there.

The dark room made her face look even more scarier compared to how she would look in a room with at light glowing.

She was now ready to kill me and came running to me with a blood curling speed but a young man dashed in and kicked the syringe off her grip kicking it off her reach. It fell down and then rolled on the floor several times before it came to a halt. He then hurriedly picked it up and directly shot it to the main vein at her neck. Wow! She was given a taste of her own medicine.

She then took her chance,she picked up the knife and stabbed the young man at his stomach while he was not noticing.

The wound was deep and seemed to hurt a lot. He was bleeding profusely at the rate of a leaking pot. I was paralysed with terror and narrowed my eyes in an unexplainable astonishment. Torrents of tears were rolling down my rosy cheeks, Akira Aarush was hurt and in pain all because of me. I was the reason.

I blamed myself for everything. Cursing myself wondering why was I ever born.

" Why did you have to come? Why did I have to be created? I was about to rescue myself? Why.... Why.... Why?" Was the question I asked him while I wailed bitterly. When he looked at me I'm sure he saw misery was written all over my face. " Why would it even happen,you monster!" I groaned in misery,my loud clear and full of sadness.

Ryleigh Georgia was only laughing while blood dripped down her neck that is after she had pulled out the syringe,I wondered whether or not it was painful. She was supporting herself with the wall because she was feeling dizzy and lightheaded.

"Now you feel how I feel." She said while laughing mysteriously.

My tearstained face was puffy and swollen with grief of almost loosing a loved one. I had a lump in my throat and was blinking away the tears that were almost flowing out. I could not even control my emotions and tears. All were now out of control. I was so confused.

Pangs of shock surged through me as I tried to calm down and help Akira Aarush.

Ryleigh Georgia then quickly grabbed her phone and called 911 for an ambulance.

After placing her phone on the table,I quickly reached for it and called 911 for an ambulance too.

She was still supporting herself on the wall breathing heavily with her hand on her chest drifting in and out of her consciousness. She drew an audible shuddery breath trying to say alive and also ensured she minimized movements so as not to let the venom spread and had already asked her secretary to get her an antivenom and send it to her as soon as possible.

Ryleigh Georgia also sat down to avoid moving around trying to keep her body still stopping spreading of the venom. Trying to keep her neck still. She was taking deep breaths to stay calm as keeping stress levels low would slow the venom while still focusing on her breathing. She then removed her pearl necklace that was around her neck and also her matching pearl bracket, earrings and her stilletos. And unzipping her dress since it was tight,she did it before the swelling had started so as to slow down the spreading of the venom.

I laid Akira Aarush down and tried to attend to his stabbed wound while I was still in my poor state making it easier to stabilize him as he was starting to feel dizzy and falling unconscious.

I removed took Ryleigh Georgia's coat which she had placed behind her seat because I knew she did not need it but I did and placed it a jacket or backpack under the victim's head and tried to talk to him while still doing it as it would be soothing to the victim and would help keep him calm.

Since I did not have gloves,I borrowed sanitizer from Ryleigh Georgia's purse and since it almost our last meeting,she lended it to me. I tried so hard to minimize me touching his blood so as not to contract any type of disease. I then unbuttoned his shirt,he was very well packed,a six pack, pale skin that was now dabbed with blood and then he was left bare since I had to it. It was not my will also although that was not the time to admire his body.

After that I had to identity the area where he was stabbed and applied a bit of sanitizer to clean it up although he groaned in pain, it was his own benefit. I then proceeded to check his ABC'S: his Airway, Breathing, and Circulation. I had to make sure that his airway remained unobstructed. Turn listened to the sound of breathing and watched his chest for movement.

' How do doctor's in the ER department survive? When seeing such handsome men?'

That's what I asked myself all the time while still helping him. I then checked for his pulse to make sure the heart was still beating.

I tried to keep him calm and helping slow his heart rate. I also tried to keep his eyes averted so he could not see the wound.

I also kept him as still as possible and also reassured him and monitored his current condition. I also checked that the bandage is not too tight after I wrapped my night gown's coat around his would.

The heavy rainfall was still falling a huffing wind rose up then, stirring the flaps of the curtains once more and our clothes,my hair flew up and it looked like the moment where a dead person would have awoken or a saviour would appear and save a hurt person,I did not know that it would sooner have an effect on Akira Aarush's life. A tinkling sound was like the glassy clinking of a champagne flute, lilting and clear. I was surely praying to God to save him since he was innocent in my eyes.

Rylee Athena and Assistant Kevin Smith were still awaiting the return of Natalia Quinn,who was me and Akira Aarush. After Akira Aarush had gotten in, the two had already cooperated and tied up the men with the helping hand of Silas Gael who had appeared after accomplishing his mission to distract the village folks.

It was almost dawn as the sun's rays had started appearing dying the horizons orange and some cows mooing and birds singing a tune to their creator in a sweet melodious tune. Soon enough the sun had risen and the just-risen sun dyed the sorroundings where it's rays landed orange and shone softly on the roofs and trees creating a hue effect on them,still getting in through the tiniest holes bringing with it a flurry of early-morning activity such as hooting of cars and chatting of people could be heard.

Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

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Sorry for I interchanged the POV's, please forgive me.

Roxyiecreators' thoughts