

AUTHOR: ROXYIE, Caution,the game about to be selected is deadly. TaKe CaRe. (The happenings and areas in the novel are fake and all made up! ) Do you ever think of acquiring too much? What's the cause? What's the results? Do you ever get caught up in a dilemma? How do you go about it? What's the solution? Choosing between twin like objects, which one will you pick? The assignment? The mission? Jealousy and envy. Convey one's character. When one's character is doomed,so is the person. An exposé on a perfect family that everyone in the city is talking about. An illigetimate child. Abandoned. The goal. The goal is to uncover something unseemly about their background and ruin their reputation. Feeling bad about it? Already? But if this is the price for success in your business. Decided? Deciding that you are willing to pay it. Besides, the public deserves the truth, right? Okay.

Roxyie · Urban
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51 Chs


"Hello?" He asked waiting for a reply.

"Hello,are you Akira Aarush?" The person on the other side inquired.

" Yes, I've heard about everything, let's meet up at my house. I'll send a driver to pick you up just give me your current address." He said with superiority.

"Okay,I'm at King's Meal hotel, just after the City square of Zima city. I'll be waiting just send me the number plate of the car, since I'm not sure of Ryleigh Georgia seems that she has something up her sleeves for now so I'll need to disguise for safety purposes."

"Okay,endure that she doesn't recognize you at any cost," Akira Aarush replied then hung up.

It now all upto Rylee Athena to ensure that her friend would be rescued.

She went into the room where she was to reside and dressed gorgeously in a sequin slip dress and glittery high heels,so as to keep a low profile,she decided that if she dressed in expensive and high class clothes then it would be hard for her to be recognized and then put some shades on after wearing her make-up: smeared on a bit of lip gloss, applied mascara and eyeliner. She did a simple but unique make-up on her face. Backcombed her flaxen hair that it flowed freely on her back which covered the backless part of her dress. She looked exquisite like her friend had complemented thinking she was going to a very expensive party.

Took a purse which she put her phone and identification card still remembering to put on her digital watch which had a tracking system which showed the location of her best friend Natalia Quinn.

She took her umbrella and went to wait at the revolving door at the exit of the hotel.

After some long waiting,finally a black minivan came skidding along the wet road, the rain was still falling heavily. After noticing the number plate was similar to the one she was given,she opened her umbrella and boarded the minivan.

The driver first confirmed her identity,the shower made a pitter-patter sound when it hit the upper surface of her umbrella.

After boarding,she buckled up and updated Akira Aarush of her being picked up.

She was at least happy she could have done something to help her friend wishing her the best out of the situation. She was sure that the experience was a hair raising one.

The night sky was aglow with bright city lights and the roads gleamed with the water on them as the moon hanged giving a clear but dim light to the City. The droplets trickling down the window showed her a clear image of how worried she looked like. It was like the rain was comforting her.

The car then came into a halt after arriving at the gate of a community of the residential Villas in the next City which was pavasaris.

Soon,it drove in and parked in the garage of one of the Villas,the last one at the fence.

She got off and walked into the living room of the residential Villa. She was met with a vibrant smile that expressed incredulous joy with the servant girl who showed her to a small room at the end of the living room where both Akira Aarush and his personal assistant Kevin Smith were waiting for her with a laptop on the table,some disorganized sheets of paper,a map, their mobile phones, a plate full of cookies and biscuits,a glass of water,a jug full of juice and another water and glasses in a tray.

The room had been furnished with silver and a moonlight blue colour.

The sealing had a chandelier hanging on it lighting up the room and wall lamps hanging with paintings below them, acting as a source of illumination.

The floor had midnight blue and silver tiles in an octagon pattern. The table was made of glass and had an aquarium inside it with little fishes swimming around and about it.

The curtains were black with a yellow wrapping that pushed them aside onto the wall like they were pinned there. The glass of the French window was tinted and a chaise lounge just below the window.

There was also a ceiling fan spinning on the ceiling,it let out a breeze into the room. There were also floor lamps at the corner of the room. It was constructed in a hexagon manner,so six floor lamps.

Candles on candlesticks on the golden and silver chandelier and a magazine rack just after the houseplant.

There were six seats,three on one side and three on the other, Akira Aarush was sitted at second chair on the right side staring into his laptop while Assistant Kevin Smith was standing by his side.

Rylee Athena got in and sat at the next seat, the servant then came,took out a glass,poured in the juice and handed it to Rylee Athena together with a side plate full of biscuits and cookies.

" You're here, let's begin." Said Akira Aarush as he shook Rylee Athena's hand as a way of welcoming her and saying hello. The chauffer who had drove her then came in and stood at the left side of Akira Aarush since Assistant Kevin Smith was standing at his right side with a file in his hand.

Akira Aarush took a sip out of the glass full of water and scrolled down his laptop using the touchpad. To break the silence, Rylee Athena asked Akira Aarush what his plan was.

" I prefer we consider her safety first. Let's not think only of our side." Akira Aarush answered the question.

Rylee Athena now just needed a plan of how to go about the mess, to cool up her mind she took a sip of the juice and a bite out of a biscuit.

The occasional barking of faraway dogs broke the silence of the night. The servant soon came in and announced that she was sleepy and wanted to go to sleep but not before she had handed Rylee Athena a shawl to keep herself warm throughout the night.

" If we want to rescue Natalia Quinn we must then arrive at the correct time because if we go early it's like we are putting her on a deathbed and late it's like wanting her dead by our own will. " Said the chauffer as he took a seat that was opposite of Rylee Athena's.

" Okay give me your digital watch and I'll look for the location on Google maps and then start our trip." Said Akira Aarush as he took the watch that Rylee Athena handed to him.

His secretary Assistant Kevin Smith was now sitted opposite of him flipping through the file he had in his hand before. Then a mind blowing idea struck his mind. He snapped his fingers then started running his fingers through his hair as he sprawled in his seat.

" What is on your mind?" Inquired Akira Aarush as he scrolled down his laptop.

"I think I know how we can trick Ryleigh Georgia. " He now sat uprightly and continued. " If we get the location, then we must get rid of her men and I think we can do it through spraying a gas with a sleeping effect so as not to be noticed and then rescuing Natalia Quinn." He finished his statement and gulped up a glass of water. Rylee Athena clapped her hands happily and complemented him.

"What a genius,you have just solved our solutions. Now we just need to figure out where she is but I think they would be keeping her in an old house that is abandoned so as to suffer while looking for her but I'm sure it would be at the end of the town."

" Found it!" Akira Aarush exclaimed in happiness. "You were correct, she is in an old, abandoned warehouse at the end of the town,it used to be a warehouse used by the Mason family to keep their goods a long time ago when they were still a small company but after they enlarged they moved into pavasaris and bought a building in the Central business district."

" She is really wise, she thought we could not suspect their property but others,she is really a wise lady. Let's first plan of how to do it and then leave,if we arrive a dawn we will find her refreshed but the others will be tired after looking after her." Akira Aarush replied to Rylee Athena's question of how the plan would be.

Assistant Kevin Smith then spoke again after the long break," We should use an old goods transport vehicle inorder not to raise any suspicion from the folks since they are poor and we also need weapons in case of attacks. Nerve gas will also be crucial." His idea was a great addition to the others and their plan was all set.

"We also need to wear old, workers clothes like Mason's company ones too." Rylee Athena added to the list.

The chauffeur added to the conversation," I had worked under the Mason company before and I have my worker's ID but I only need to renew the age. I have it intact and so we can just keep a sticker to a cream white van since that's what the Mason company uses. My name is Silas Gael by the way young lady."

Their plan was almost done only printing a take sticker and ID information as worker's and clothes.

An hour had passed while they were awaiting the goods they would use in the mission.

" They are here!" Exclaimed Silas Gael as he tore up the box that had the materials: A fake ID for all the three, worker's clothes used by the Mason company workers and a sticker and an hired van parked outside.

The workers wore blue cotton shirts, white plaited skirts for ladies and white pants for men with a blue cotton sweater.

After wearing the attires and wearing the button signifying they were working under Mason company.

Silas Gael , the chauffeur put the sticker on, fake goods in the back of the van and left for the location, Ver village in Hiems district off the road to Wiosna town.

The moon still shone brightly since it was still dark and Silas Gael used Google maps to find his way to the area. The rain was still falling and a fog covered the land.

Only the streetlights brought light to the way,the driver drove carefully since the roads were slippery due to the rain. The others were planning their attack.

Silas Gael would distract the villagers near the place with the loud hooting of the van, Assistant Kevin Smith would distract Ryleigh Georgia's men and then Rylee Athena would sneak in with Akira Aarush and throw the nerve gas while all of them were in masks then Akira Aarush would go in and rescue Natalia Quinn.

After arriving at the intersection,the path totally changed to a bumpy road slippery, muddy one with no lights. The only light they got was from the headlights of the car. Dogs were still barking in the area and the rain was a little bit heavy because of the nearness to the Ziema mountain.

After driving for four hours straight,they finally arrived and carried out their plan.

Silas Gael started hooting loudly the van after the rest left and changing to a fractured wheel.

So much rain was falling at the time that the sound blurred into one long, whirring noise that sounded like a whirlwind. It reminded me of the rotor blades on a helicopter when taking off to fly away.

Droplets of moisture were dripping from the leaves and the van's top surface.

They were sprinkling onto the grass and mushy ground like a gardener's hose. The place was very dark only a dim light since the fog had surrounded them.Then the rainfall became more intense as time passed by. It was as if the clouds were bitterly crying or even angry at the earth.

We could also hear an occasional sound that sounded like ker-pluking.

It was caused by the rainwater gathered on the ground of the warehouse dripping from the roof falling to the ground in a great swash of release and splashing off.

At some places the water was being sprayed as the rain droplets were being tossed and pushed aside by the strong breeze blowing to and fro the place.

The mournful cry of a lonely dog echoed through the vault-still silence of the trees and the vegetation matter outside.

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