
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 17

But only Orlando looked at Zhang Dongcheng who was opening his mouth but didn't know what to say, raised his hand and said, "Smith Zhang, what's wrong with my performance just now? I think you called CUT instead of goodtake!"

Goodtake is generally what the cameraman said, not the director, but Orlando knew that the cut was not meant to pass the test with satisfaction, and saw that the first-time filmmakers were so excited that they took the wrong medicine and generally heard the cut as the end. I almost didn't even light firecrackers and beat gongs and drums to celebrate, so I made a sound to remind all the part-time actors who are a little bit overwhelmed.

  Orlando's words made Victoria and the others, who were watching the movie live with great interest, couldn't help laughing with their stomachs in their hands.

  At this time, everyone realized that the director's shouting of CUT did not necessarily mean passing the level. Zhang Dongcheng's words just now were obviously wrong, so they stopped and shouted.

  Everyone looked at each other, blushed, and looked at Zhang Dongcheng apologetically. Andy and Scott were at a loss, not knowing what to do.

  Hey, Orlando is indeed a professional actor, obviously more professional than pizza shop waiters and plumbers!

   Zhang Dongcheng thought to himself, and gave Orlando an encouraging look.

  Seeing that you are so good and know how to help me, Director Smith and Zhang Da, I don't care if you are suspected of coming out in the future, and I deliberately keep a little personal distance from you!

   These were learned by Zhang Dongcheng inadvertently in the future information.

   Zhang Dongcheng thought in the dark, but kept a springy smile on his face.

"It's okay, it's the first time we're working together, we don't know each other very well, we still have time!" Zhang Dongcheng first smiled and comforted Andy and Scott, who were misunderstood and boasted, and then said to Orlando: "When you played the piano just now, you kept your body still. I don't think it's right to do so."

   "No?" Orlando thought for a while and said, "I originally wanted to add subtle movements of body trembling in the later performances. In this opening shot, I want the audience to misunderstand that I am just tuning the sound."

   "No, no, no, that's not the case." Zhang Dongcheng shook his head and said, "I agree with your understanding, but you ignore a common sense."

   "Huh? What common sense?" Orlando asked puzzled.

   "There is no pianist in this world who can keep his body still while playing the piano!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, and patted Orlando's shirtless shoulders.

   "Oh! God, I really didn't pay attention. Well, Smith Zhang, I misunderstood, let's do it again!" Orlando suddenly realized.

Piano players pay attention to the unity of human and piano, and the unity of human voice. In all kinds of music, the player's body generally shakes back and forth to express and match the artistic conception of the music, but the reality of Orlando The middle piano is very bad, so it is impossible to just pretend to play the piano on the camera without paying attention to the player's body.

   This is indeed common sense. None of the dozen or so people present noticed it. Only Zhang Dongcheng noticed it at a glance. Therefore, it is difficult to have a future in the director's line of work if you lack concentration and observation skills.

   "Okay, let's do it again!" Zhang Dongcheng said loudly, with firm eyes, waved his hand vigorously, and then picked up the camera again.

  Victoria was on the side, looking at Zhang Dongcheng very eagerly. This oriental boy has a strange charm, which is extremely attractive to her.

  This oriental boy in a white shirt and jeans, the boy who is filming the camera, and the boy who is trying to move forward towards his dream under the dim light are really indescribable.

  Cool, a kind of cool that goes deep into the bone marrow and refreshes the spirit!

   Apart from this, there is no other adjective that can represent it.

  Victoria, who had been staring at Zhang Dongcheng, didn't notice it. She quietly looked at Halliwell, the blonde beauty who was filming, and looked at Zhang Dongcheng, who was extremely serious, with burning eyes, her pretty face suddenly flushed slightly.

   Orlando continued to perform in front of the camera. This time, his performance finally satisfied Zhang Dongcheng. After all, this first set of shots is relatively simple, and there is no difficulty at all.

   "Who is this man? I don't know."

   "I can't even see him, I'm blind..."

   "Besides, it's not for him to play, but for the people behind me..." The speed of speech is uncharacteristically slower and slower, but the sense of trembling in it is getting stronger and stronger, and the sense of fear between the meanings is vivid and fascinating.

  On the camera, Orlando's fingers jump, his body trembles from time to time, the dim lights, dim face, everything is so dim and depressing...

   "Haha, GOOD! This scene is OK!" Zhang Dongcheng put down the camera, took a deep breath, and calmed down his agitated mood.

   This most difficult first step has been perfectly passed!

   "Ha, all future movie superstars, come and taste our craftsmanship!" Victoria said happily, and then took out the exquisitely crafted cake, making the whole room even more jubilant.

  Time is passing by like this, the moon slowly climbs up the treetops.


There is no time to waste, Zhang Dongcheng must seize every minute and every second, and besides, he has turned the home of the hot girls into a film studio, so he is embarrassed to continue doing this, so filming all night has become inevitable, and everyone must give 100% effort.

  However, taking advantage of some free time, Zhang Dongcheng also arranged for everyone to rest for ten minutes. The combination of work and rest is the kingly way. Blindly grabbing the scene will only make the actors exhausted and exhausted.

   Putting down the camera, Zhang Dongcheng walked to the balcony, took out a pack of cigarettes from his pocket, picked out one and put it in his mouth, but searched his pockets, but couldn't find the lighter.

Originally Zhang Dongcheng didn't smoke very much, but because filming was extremely mentally exhausting and he stayed up late, so he started puffing and puffing, in order to stimulate his exhausted spirit after more than ten hours of non-stop. .

   "Ding!" A small lighter appeared in front of him, braving the rising flames.

  Zhang Dongcheng lit a cigarette, took a deep breath, turned his head and said, "Thank you, this time, I really appreciate you all. Without your help, I don't think I could have finished this movie."

   It was none other than Jerry Halliwell, the blonde beauty, who helped Zhang Dongcheng light his cigarette.

"Hehe, look at what you said. I think that anyone who is willing to work hard for his dream, God will see it and arrange everything. The story will always have a happy ending." Halliwell said the same Lighting a cigarette, she held it elegantly in her hand, her charming eyes were shining with imperceptible light, and she looked at Zhang Dongcheng's face with interest.

"Happy ending? Haha, my career as a super director has just begun, and you are in a hurry to arrange an ending for me?" Zhang Dongcheng was also silent for a rare moment, and it was really relaxing to have a beautiful woman chatting with him. best way.

"Okay, you, do you want me to pour some cold water on you to make you happy? You know, I'm very good at pouring cold water on people." Halliwell smiled slightly, showing his beautiful body curves. The ups and downs, the turbulent girl's body can't help but make Zhang Dongcheng's eyes jump a little bit, and he hastily retracted it, a little bit uncontrollably, only looking at the eyes that looked into the deep ravine...

   And Halliwell seemed to have noticed Zhang Dongcheng's dishonest gaze, and instead raised his already tall chest even higher, revealing half a round, white and tender meat ball with great impact, which was extremely attractive.

  British girls don't dodge like that. They are very proud of the expression of others looking at their wonderful figure and swallowing their saliva.

"Well, I'm not afraid of others pouring cold water on me. After all, I've been in the UK for the past few years, and countless people have poured water on them. They all laughed and said that Chinese people are not worthy of being directors, and people of yellow race are just yellow-skinned monkeys jumping up and down!" Thinking of Ander's hideous face, Zhang Dongcheng couldn't help clenching his fists.

"Ah, they are so unreasonable? What kind of British gentleman is this?" Halliwell knows the current national conditions. The British have always been unfriendly to the Chinese and even the yellow race. Although the empire on which the sun never sets has long collapsed, it lasted for a hundred years Being number one in the world makes British men always full of complacency and arrogance.

"It's okay, they will regret it! I suddenly felt that God gave me this opportunity to rectify the name of the Chinese people and to tell the world that Chinese people can also be great directors, and that the whole world will be impressed by the opportunity. A stunned super director! Britain is just my start, and one day, I will parachute to Hollywood to let the whole world know that there is a Chinese director, and his name is Zhang Dongcheng!" Zhang Dongcheng looked at the moon in the sky, Swallowing a mouthful of smoke, hiding his face in the smoke, he said firmly.

  Those future movies do not exist in this world at all. God gave me a chance to foresee the future. Why didn't I take advantage of it?

  Zhang Dongcheng knows that if someone knows his secret, he will definitely say that he is a plagiarist who only plagiarizes other people's works, but in his opinion, he just snorts it and ignores it.

  First, who can swear on his chest that he knows the lottery numbers tomorrow and doesn't buy them? Who can have a golden finger and not use it, but declare loudly that in order not to plagiarize or for the sake of face, he is determined to compete fairly with hundreds of millions of people and start everything from scratch?

Those who yell at others for plagiarism, if they have the ability to be reborn or to predict the future, they might copy in the first place, and they are not slower than anyone else. Everyone knows that if you know what happened three days ago, you will be rich and honored for thousands of years. ! Who would struggle with money and a bright future?

  Second, compared to lottery numbers and stone betting games, at least, I have to put in a hundred times more effort to re-project the movie in my mind on the screen, and it is inevitable to add personal traces during the shooting process. Modifying, thinking, is not much easier than making a whole new movie.

   At the very least, golden fingers and golden thighs are not something everyone can have. To waste them is an extremely shameful and most abhorrent behavior.

   Therefore, Zhang Dongcheng has no psychological pressure at all to bring future movies to this world in advance. On the contrary, he has a sense of accomplishment because he can ensure that every movie will have its own color in it, rendering it even better!

   "Well, then you plan to use the facts to prove yourself and those who laugh at you wrong?" Halliwell smiled and stroked his hair that was blown by the evening wind.

"Of course... no!" Zhang Dongcheng also put on a smile, and said with a pun: "The Chinese have always insisted that people do not attack me, I will not attack, and if people attack me, I will attack! There is a person, after graduation, I will Beat him so hard that his mother wouldn't recognize him!"

"Haha! If one day you go to beat him up, remember to call me, I want to see how a great director beats someone up! It's best not to let me see that Mr. Great Director is pressed to the ground and beat up instead. Hahaha!" Halliwell laughed so hard, as if he saw the embarrassment of Zhang Dongcheng aggressively asking others to settle accounts, but being knocked to the ground by the tall and powerful British.

  Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, adjusted his old-fashioned black-rimmed glasses, but did not refute, some things must be done.

  No one knew that when the lightning bolt transformed his old TV that was about to lose its teeth, it also transformed his body. Zhang Dongcheng could clearly feel the change in himself.

   It is still a trivial matter to have a photographic memory. Although Zhang Dongcheng's physical fitness is still a little thin, the strength and speed of punching can no longer be viewed with the eyes of normal people.

   This is what he discovered when he accidentally smashed a red brick with a punch!

"Okay, let's talk about the future in the future. The most important thing for us is the present, which is the moment of complete good wishes! My makeup artist Miss Halliwell, act quickly, we are going to prepare for the next scene!" Zhang Dongcheng will burn Pressing out the exhausted cigarette butt, flicking his fingers, and watching it fly into the trash can downstairs, he snapped his fingers in satisfaction, signaling to start working again!

   Soon, the scene at their house in Victoria came to an end, and then, it was time to move to other places to complete other scenes.

  On this day, in the middle of the night, in the silence of the night, there was only a lonely street lamp casting dim light, and a group of people walked furtively on the empty streets.

"Hey, buddy, are you sure your boss won't come back?" Adaman, a black friend, carried a video camera and trotted along with the people. Andy Cole's clothes, pursued.

"Probably not. This guy is a henpecked guy. If he comes home too late, the proprietress will pull his ears off. Don't worry! He must have gone straight to the warm bed after closing the shop!" Andy also carried a large bag of photographic items, and took the lead to open the way.

"However, Andy, I really want to thank you this time, for helping us think of this way. Otherwise, I really don't know where to shoot this scene of our movie. I can't afford to pay the rent!" Zhang Dongcheng also took the props, followed behind Andy, and said jokingly.

  The third act of Zhang Dongcheng's version of "The Tuner" takes place in a cafe, and it is an important link in which the tuner talks to his boss and reveals that he is pretending to be a blind person.

Now Andy Cole, who is playing the murderer, volunteered to give him a key to the door of the pizzeria where he worked, and then told Zhang Dongcheng that he could go to his part-time shop in the middle of the night after the boss and the employees had gone home. Come to shoot, save venue rent and unnecessary trouble.

For Andy's help, Zhang Dongcheng was overjoyed. Changing the coffee shop into a pizza shop did not affect the whole plot at all. In addition, the 500 pounds had shrunk by more than half despite saving money. He jumped up for joy at Andy's suggestion.

  The shortage of funds has greatly stimulated Zhang Dongcheng. He has made up his mind that once he becomes famous, he absolutely does not want to have any problems with filming funds.

   Soon, the "delicious pizza shop" where Andy works is in sight.

   Putting down the shooting equipment, Andy took out a prepared key, quickly opened the door, and then greeted everyone to come in: "Hey, guys, move lightly and quickly! We don't have much time."

   "Hurry up and arrange everything!" Zhang Dongcheng also greeted, this time the battle is not small, there are thirty-four people!

Most of these people are friends and neighbors of the actors in the film. They are full of curiosity about making movies and participate in it with the mood of having fun. For example, Mr. Scott's wife, son and daughter-in-law, Andy's Colleagues, pizzeria chef Dirk, and even Orlando's acting teacher Tom, came with gusto.

  They want to fill in this small pizzeria and serve as customers in the pizzeria in the movie, so that the scene of a family full of people and business is booming in the camera.

  Of course, the most important thing is that these people don't need Zhang Dongcheng to pay a penny!

Tom, an acting teacher in Orlando, can represent the thoughts of these people who come spontaneously and do not need to be paid: "This is a shocking micro-movie. I can imagine the kind of arrogance and self-admiration when it faces the world. And the excitement, the wide-eyed audience and the endless debate over what happened to the main character in the movie! It's an honor to be a part of this!"

  Yes, this is a kind of glory. When the dream shines into reality, the dazzling color is enough for everyone to experience the excitement and unparalleled pride.

  Delicious pizzeria, in the night, brightly lit, just like everyone's heart, a fire.