
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 18

"Hey, Adama, you put on this waiter's clothes, this is your first scene in my movie, do a good job!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled and handed the waiter's clothes to the best friend Adaman. clothing.

"Ah, I really want to appear in your movie? I seriously doubt that my brain is flooded, how can I agree? I don't want to be an actor!" Adaman yelled, touching his own In his head, there was a little sadness from being fooled by Zhang Dongcheng.

   "Haha, the reason why you agree is because of something called friendship!" Zhang Dongcheng dishonestly stroked Adaman's short hair and walked away.

"Maybe, maybe what he said is right, life suddenly has a goal, and this life seems to have become a little more interesting." Adaman said in his heart, quickly changed into the waiter's clothes, and then stared at himself in the mirror. She looked dazed: "Oh, FUCK, you're so ugly, I swear I'd better be an actor, waiters are not for me at all!"

Zhang Dongcheng ignored the bad friend scratching his head and posing, but called out to everyone: "Come on, Mrs. Scott, you and your son sit here, and when the time comes to perform, treat yourself like you are really eating in a pizza shop." Pizza will do, everything should be natural."

  Mrs. Scott smiled and said: "Understood, Mr. Director Smith, I think we are qualified as extras."

But Scott's son, Bi Fu, was not so confident, and said with some anxiety: "Hey, Mr. Smith, where should I sit then? Sit across from my mother, or sit beside her? Oh, God, I have some nervous."

"It's okay, it's okay, anyone will be a little unnatural and frightened when facing the camera, how do you usually sit in the pizza shop with your mother, now you can sit in the same way." Zhang Dongcheng comforted, and patted Bi Fu shoulders, gave an encouraging look.

   Directing the extras to take their seats, Zhang Dongcheng found Orlando and his acting teacher Tom. The two of them were facing each other in advance in order to make the scene more perfect for a while.

  Tom plays the boss of this "blind" tuner in Orlando.

   "How is it? Guys." Zhang Dongcheng came to the two people who were involved and asked.

   "It's okay, it's time to watch the performance." Orlando responded with a smile.

"I think I shouldn't be worse than my students! Haha!" Tom's acting experience is extremely rich. As an acting teacher at BADA School, he has appeared in many TV series and movies. His arrival made Zhang Dongcheng overjoyed , there is no need to worry about his acting skills at all.

"OK, let's get ready. We start in fifteen minutes. Andy and Dirk are almost ready." Zhang Dongcheng looked at his watch, and Andy and the chef Dirk were busy in the kitchen. Pizzeria, the diners in this big house can't all have empty tables.

  Plates of delicious pizza were served on the table, Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath, and then resisted the camera, signaling the start of shooting!

   "ACTION!" With the slap on the slate, the performance of this scene officially began.

"I came back to life and became a piano tuner..." As the sound in the pizzeria played in the background, Orlando was wearing casual clothes, crooked ties, and a pair of sunglasses for the blind, at the dining table. Qian fumbled for the teapot and slowly poured himself a cup of tea.

   And Tom strode into the camera and sat down in front of Orlando.

  Chef Dirk did not play his old job, but played the waiter, walked into the camera a few steps, and gently threw a stack of cakes on the table.

   "CUT!" Zhang Dongcheng put down the camera.

   "What's wrong?" Orlando looked up at Zhang Dongcheng. Only Tom didn't look back. His rich acting experience told him that it wasn't that he and Orlando acted wrong.

"Dirk, you threw the cake too lightly. You didn't show indifference or bad temper at all. Throw it heavier. I want to see the cake shaking!" Sure enough, Zhang Dongcheng didn't raise any opinions on Orlando and Tom, Instead, he said to Dirk, who played the waiter.

   "Oh, okay." Dirk was sweating profusely and looked extremely nervous. Although he didn't need to show his face at all, he still felt a little weak in his hands and feet.

   "It's okay, just imagine what Andy looks like when he goes to work with emotions." Zhang Dongcheng kindly reminded him, ignoring Andy who was grinning at him.

   "Oh! Do you want to learn from him? That's easy! He goes to work with a temper every day, thinking about becoming a movie star all day long!" Dirk immediately laughed.

   "Okay, let's continue!" Zhang Dongcheng resisted the camera again.

  On the camera, the protagonist Orlando pouted, and complained to the waiter who just threw the cake on the table: "The waiter here is really thoughtful."

  Slowly shifting, Zhang Dongcheng resisted the camera, and turned to Mr. Tom, so that Orlando, who was wearing sunglasses, only showed his profile.

  Tom's appearance is very similar to that of the boss actor in the original movie. He has a fat body, is in his forties, and has a half-bald forehead. Coupled with a neat suit, he looks like a boss.

   "This society is either voyeurism or exhibitionism." Tom lowered his head and fiddled with the camera in his hand, "We chatted for two hours last night, look at the **** I took for her!"

   Before the words fell, the camera was placed in front of Orlando, and Orlando replied blankly: "I'm here to eat."

   "Oh, don't you have any bad habits at your age?" Tom said incomprehensibly.

   And Orlando has been eating, silent.

   "I'd like to know why your tuning orders have doubled in a month?" Tom sat crookedly, angrily, and finally asked a question he didn't understand.

   "Is it any wonder that your clients appreciate my work?" Orlando inadvertently put a smile on his mouth, as if proud of what he did.

"Nonsense! I got a call this morning, looking for my blind tuner..." Tom suddenly said a little excitedly, waving his arms to try to accentuate his tone, then looked behind and saw this lively pizza No one in the store noticed him, so he lowered his voice and said with a serious face: "Blind tuner! Can you explain?"

   Orlando took a sip of tea, met Tom's aggressive eyes, wiped his mouth with a napkin leisurely, and unexpectedly began to tell a story.

"Shah Jahan, the emperor of the Mughal Empire, was in great grief after the death of his wife." Orlando immediately turned to the literary youth, and told the story to the boss Tom, ignoring the boss's impatient face, and even not caring about the impatient He interrupted himself, still slowly telling the story of the Taj Mahal.

  The highlight is coming. The story of the Taj Mahal is the finishing touch to the whole movie. Zhang Dongcheng held his breath and pointed the camera at Orlando's face more calmly, trying to make a work that is not far from the original.

"He summoned the best architect at the time and asked him, are you married? Yes, Your Highness, do you love your wife? Yes, Your Highness, she is my destiny, and I love her more than anything else! Very well, then I will put her to death, you know how painful I am, so that I can build the most magnificent tomb in the world for my wife. The emperor executed the architect's wife, and the architect built the Thai Ji Ling." Orlando said eloquently, but Tom's face was full of puzzlement and confusion.

  He had no idea what the story Orlando told had anything to do with him pretending to be blind.

   "People think that losing makes people more sensitive!" Orlando leaned forward and said the most crucial words to his boss Tom.

  To be the boss, Tom is not a fool, he immediately understood: "You are such a genius, bastard!"

   Lost eyesight, natural hearing is more acute, people think that the world of the blind is only sound, and the job of a tuner who deals with sound relies on hearing, unintentionally making people think that blind people are more competent.

  Just like in China, if the massager is blind, we will naturally think that he is more professional, because without eyes, the fingers must be more sensitive, and the massage techniques must be more professional.

  So the massage parlors all over the street, regardless of whether they are formal or not, all offer massages for blind people.

  Orlando took off his sunglasses, attached himself to his body, and said mysteriously to Tom: "So, I decided to become blind!"

   Just when Zhang Dongcheng finally let go of his held breath, this scene was perfectly passed, and when he was about to give a satisfied smile in return, a rough voice suddenly sounded!

   "Oh, what the **** are you doing in my store? What is this? Andy, Andy! What are you doing!"

   Zhang Dongcheng looked back in astonishment, and suddenly a typical fat British man appeared at the door of the pizzeria, with a ferocious face full of anger, yelling at Andy who was watching the show, his forehead was so angry that blue veins popped out!

"Ah, Boss!" Andy was stunned, looking at Clifford, the boss who was supposed to be rolling under the covers with the proprietress in his arms, but somehow reappeared in front of the pizza shop, and stood up in panic with his mouth open. , I don't know what to say.

  The room full of people was suddenly silent, and they all looked at the furious Clifford without knowing what to do, and fell silent.