
Hollywood Lover

DaoistnuoHBq · Urban
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161 Chs

Chapter 16

"Scott, Andy, hello everyone! Welcome to our set!" Zhang Dongcheng greeted everyone with a smile and guided them in.

"Hey, Smith, this house looks good. Where are we shooting? Is it in the lobby or upstairs?" Andy looked extremely excited. This was the closest he was to his dream. He was obviously a little excited. Without waiting, he looked around as soon as he entered the door, muttering loudly.

   "No matter where the filming took place, the first time you were photographed was in this house, which is very commemorative!" Zhang Dongcheng smiled slightly, leading everyone to meet the hot girls.

  The young people quickly mingled together, and the topic of conversation was all about Zhang Dongcheng's movie, which was destined to cause a sensation in the world.

  The doorbell rang again, this time, it was the Lord Orlando who came!

  All staff are here, start working!

"Okay, we're all here, let's set up the venue first, we need to spread cloth and paint here, be careful, don't mess up the girls' homes!" Zhang Dongcheng started the first stage of his movie with high spirits. step.

  According to the movie in his mind, Zhang Dongcheng directly arranged the work and asked everyone to take action.

  No way, this is a micro-movie with a cost of only 500 pounds, but there is no such thing as props, masters and drama, all the work must be done by the actors themselves, and all the responsibilities are assumed.

  Zhang Dongcheng took the lead, and after explaining what he meant, he rolled up his sleeves and worked hard.

"Hey, the protagonist you're looking for looks really handsome! Very stylish, oh, God, as a man, he is really dazzling!" Victoria whispered to Zhang Dongcheng when he was setting up the shooting scene with the big guys .

   "Oh, that is a big star who will become a sensation in the world in the future! How about it, let me introduce you?" Zhang Dongcheng said with a smile while doing his work.

   "Come on, he looks younger than me, I don't want to find a doll boyfriend!" Victoria wrinkled her lovely nose, expressing that she was not interested.

"Oh, by the way, you are a makeup artist. When you put on makeup for Orlando, you should give him a more mature look. It's best...decadent with a sense of shrewdness." Zhang Dongcheng stopped what he was doing, and thought carefully Then, give Victoria a difficult task.

   "Decadent with shrewdness... You can really make problems!" Victoria was speechless about Zhang Dongcheng's request, and she was not a professional makeup artist, but a girl who had a dream of being a star and was free to dress up frequently. In order to save money, Zhang Dongcheng called himself and Halliwell to be makeup artists, and both himself and Halliwell agreed. This is really not a good idea.

   "Haha, everything is up to you!"

   "Do your best, but you said you would treat us to a big meal, don't forget!"

   "Don't worry, I will remember!"

   Soon, the whole arrangement was over, Zhang Dongcheng took a deep breath, walked to the monitor, and began to perform his duties as a real director.

  Looking at the eyes of everyone in the room staring at him, Zhang Dongcheng suppressed his excitement and motioned for the start of shooting.

   "The first stanza of the first act of "The Tuner", pop!"

   With the slapping of the slate in Emma's hand, the filming of "The Tuner" officially began!


   With an epoch-making sound, no one knows that a legend in this world was born out of nowhere, and that charming light bloomed, making everyone dazzled and moved by it.

  Everything is just staged from this villa in London, England, like a curtain slowly opened!

  As the melodious piano sounds, Schumann Op. 48 "Love of a Poet" reverberates throughout the room, and flows in everyone's heart.

   "I rarely play in public, unless it's a special occasion or audience, like tonight…"

This is the sound played by a combined stereo in the room. The piano music and Orlando's confession were all fully recorded before the filming started under the instruction of Zhang Dongcheng, because Zhang Dongcheng felt that if he wanted to fully reflect the The artistic conception and style of the shot must have sound to match it, instead of putting everything on the post-production.

  The film data in Zhang Dongcheng's mind allows him to do things that other directors can't do at all, but it is very easy and handy.

   And doing so will allow the actors to get into the role better, find the feeling, and save a lot of money in post-production!

  The disadvantage is that it is too rough to do so.

  However, these 500-pound film works can no longer be measured by ordinary film production. Everything is done in the spirit of diligence and frugality.

  Zhang Dongcheng is personally responsible for the work of the cameraman. Fortunately, his learning foundation in this area is extremely solid. The form of micro-movies makes him less stressed, enough to win or lose.

Carrying the camera, he turned the lens to a corner of the room. Under the dim light there, Mr. Scott, the plumber, was staring and frowning, sitting motionless on the sofa, as if he was concentrating on listening to the piano The song "Love of a Poet", or very dissatisfied with something, the expression on his face is solemn and rigid.

Mr. Scott plays the elder who dies from the murderer, he just needs to stay still and keep the expression on his face, so even though his acting is bad, Jang Dong Sung let him in his own movie , The reason is actually very simple. Director Smith Zhang Xiao believes that as long as you have a heart of reverence for movies and are willing to work hard for your dreams, anyone can have such an opportunity, a chance to fulfill their wishes!

   "Who is this man? I don't know him." The voice of Rio Lando on the combination speaker started to feel a little flustered, a little confused, and a little at a loss. This was the perfect feeling that Zhang Dongcheng forced Orlando to say hundreds of times before he found it.

Compared with the usual tone of voice in the original version, Zhang Dongcheng felt that it was deliberate, and the director probably wanted the audience to not imagine what the movie was talking about in the first place. What is the content, so he deliberately let the actors in the original version keep a calm mind, as if telling a story.

But Zhang Dongcheng feels that if a movie wants to interest the audience, it must maintain a strong attraction and deadly excitement from the very beginning. Let the audience pack up the mood of watching casually at the first time, and follow the camera step by step into the world of movies because of curiosity and inexplicable suspense.

  Here, another small modification.

  In the shot, Orlando's foot is stepping on the soft pedal, but unexpectedly appears in front of people's eyes. He doesn't wear shoes at all, but wears a pair of ridiculous red socks.

   Zhang Dongcheng raised the camera and looked up from his feet. On the camera was Orlando's hairy calves and thighs, sitting in front of the piano in shorts, strangely shirtless, and kept playing the tune.

  Behind him, under the dim light of the desk lamp, there was a figure of a man standing motionless.

  Orlando's eyes are dull and his hair is messy. He is no longer handsome enough to make the girls scream. Instead, he has dark circles under his eyes and a beard. He looks very strange.

It was Victoria and Halliwell who worked hard for an hour and quarreled for an hour. When Zhang Dongcheng was about to turn into two big heads, the two finally reached a compromise and worked together to turn Orlando into one. The little director had a decadent look in his mouth.

   Orlando sat motionless, just playing the piano, while Zhang Dongcheng put down the camera with some dissatisfaction, and shouted out the first CUT in his life!

"You're done? Hey, pretty girls, can we have dinner? I'm hungry!" Adaman was the first to jump up, waving his arms and shouting. In his opinion, this first scene was extremely simple. , isn't it just three people sitting there motionless and it's over.

  Hearing what he said, everyone relaxed, chatting and talking loudly.

"Hey, I didn't expect to be so tiring playing a dead person. Seeing Smith holding a camera to shoot me, I felt like a rabbit in my heart. I was alive and kicking. This face is so stiff that it's about to cramp!" Mr. Scott said He kept rubbing his face, and said excitedly, "How many seconds did it last for me? Five seconds? Haha, my God, I finally showed my face in the movie, and my wish of almost fifty years has finally come true!"

"Hey, Scott, you did a good job. You are motionless. No one can see that you are a dead person. The audience can only know that you are dead when you are sitting on the sofa! I think I am also very good. Standing calmly behind Orlando, although there is no camera, I think my appearance and momentum have already reflected the expression of a fierce guy gnashing his teeth. Once I find that Orlando is not blind, I will shoot! Hmph Hmph, who else is there?" Andy, this guy was also very happy, he kept putting gold on his face, and his eyebrows were beaming.

   Zhang Dongcheng held the camera and looked helplessly at the actors in the room who were as excited as if they were Hollywood superstars. It's not their fault. There isn't a real movie actor here, either a student or a part-time job...