
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Urban
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101 Chs

Where's the furniture

After attending the production meeting, Simon devoted himself to revising the script in the following days.

Although staying at home and working, Simon couldn't slack off. The crew will come to take away Simon's revised drafts every day. David Giller and Brian de Palma will frequently exchange details with Simon over the phone.

The main creation of "Butterfly Effect" has been determined, and all the funds are in place, so the production cycle is very tight, and it is expected that shooting will start in early October.

Simon needs to complete the second edition of the script within the next three weeks. Subsequently, one week before the filming started, according to the specific preparations of the project, Simon also needed to adjust and revise some details of the script again. These were the two script revision tasks involved in the contract between Simon and Fox.

After completing these tasks, Fox will continue to pay the subsequent $60,000 balance, and Simon can be regarded as completely fulfilling his contract. In the future filming process, if the producer wants to modify the script again, he will need to re-sign the contract and pay additional compensation.

While busy revising the "Butterfly Effect" script, Simon did not give up the preparations for "Lola Run".

Under the introduction of David Giller, Simon spent $3,000 to hire a production assistant to help him complete the detailed budget for "Rola Run".

Simon originally wanted to do this job by himself, and planned to accumulate some experience.

The memories in my mind all come from professional technical talents. Although Simon in his previous life has some experience in production, he is not suitable for Hollywood. This can be said to be a shortcoming of Simon.

It is precisely because of this that after Simon remembered the budget cost of "Lola Run" wrong, although he noticed something wrong, he continued to do it as a newborn calf.

Fortunately, the result is pretty good.

It's a little helpless to give up making a movie budget in person.

The subsequent revisions of "Butterfly Effect" will take another month in total. If Simon wants to complete the very trivial movie budget by himself, it may also take another month. Then, it will take at least another month or two to raise funds, form crews, select actors, and so on.

Even if everything goes well and everything is ready, it will probably already be December, and Christmas and New Year's Day will be coming. In order to avoid frequent stoppages of the crew to increase the budget, Simon can only delay until after the new year.

Now, $3,000 is all done.

Simon will work for a month and get $60,000. Hire a production assistant for a month, but only $3,000.

The price/performance ratio is quite high.

Simon also realized that the superior is indeed the king.

Abandoning the idea of ​​doing everything by yourself, there is no delay in revising the "Butterfly Effect" script and preparing for "Lola Run". As long as the funds can be obtained, the film can be launched in October and will be launched at the next year's Sundance Film Festival in Simon's plan. Completed before.

Simon has been immersed in work for two weeks, and there is good news from David Giller. Orion Pictures is very interested in "Lola Run". It just so happens that Brian de Palma's home is going to hold it this Saturday. At a reception, Mike Meadowa, the president of Orion Pictures, agreed to take the time to chat with Simon at the reception.

Since he was going to attend a formal occasion, on Saturday morning, Simone made a trip to buy a formal suit and leather shoes.

Near noon, Simon had just returned to his villa in Montana district, and was trying on the outfit he bought in the morning, when the doorbell rang.

Today was not a working day, and Simon knew not many people. He ran to open the door with some confusion, and then saw Janet Johnston standing in front of the door carrying a handbag.

The woman looks a bit prettier today. Wearing a pink knee-length dress and white leggings sandals, she can't help but feel a little bit more playful.

However, Simon had already deeply realized the little horror that could collapse at any time under this exquisite appearance, glanced at the woman in front of the door, looked around, and subconsciously asked, "Where is Catherine?"

Janet was very dissatisfied with Simon's absent-minded attitude, but she was well dressed up. Where do you look? Hearing Simon's question, I was even more furious: "It's really interesting. Kate and I are not conjoined."

Simon nodded helplessly, with a kind of impulse to close the door casually, thinking about the consequences or giving up, turned sideways, let Janet in, and asked: "Jenny, what can I do?"

Janet didn't answer immediately, she made a small circle in the empty living room, blinked her big eyes and asked Simon innocently: "Where is the furniture?"

The house rented for $2,700 a month turned out to be empty. Grandma, you are so embarrassed to ask, don't your conscience hurt?

Simon murmured secretly, spreading out his hands angrily: "Yes, where is the furniture?"

If it's your own house, it doesn't matter if it is empty at all, just slowly renovate and purchase. But this was a rented house, and Simon was a bachelor, and he really didn't have any care to take care of it.

After moving in, Simon simply bought some necessary furniture such as desks, chairs, wardrobes, mattresses, and left the other places empty.

During this time, Simon even contacted the real estate agent to try to sublet the house, but the few potential tenants heard that not only was there no furniture in the villa, but the price was so high, they immediately gave up the idea of ​​leasing.

Now, Simon can only wait patiently until the one-year contract expires and then check out.

Janet didn't seem to feel Simon's resentment, but in a blink of an eye she was happy again: "However, this is fine, it just so happens that we can rearrange this place together."

Simon caught a word suspiciously: "We?"

Janet said enthusiastically, "Yes, Simon and Janet. Doesn't it sound like Bonnie and Clyde?"

Simon nodded, stepped forward, and reached out to touch Janet's back: "Come on."

Feeling Simon's broad palm pushing herself forward, Janet's white face flushed immediately, and she moved obediently with Simon's force, saying: "Little bastard, it's noon now. But, um, basement, actually Not bad too."

Simon felt a black line drifting past his eyes, came to the door, opened the door to push the woman out, and said, "Jenny, I'm glad you can come over. Goodbye."

Janet stood at the door blankly, blinked a few times, then turned around and fixed her gaze at Simon who was standing inside the door, as if I looked at you as if you dare not close the door.

Simon really didn't dare to close the door. After such a confrontation for a while, he was still defeated and 'started again' and said: "Hi, Jenny, why are you here?"

Janet gave Simon a contemptuous look, then re-entered the door, pulled out a 16-carat frame from his handbag, and handed it to Simon, "Here, coward."


It seems that I have another title.

Simon thought so. He took the frame and found that it was a very clumsy crayons. Several strange aliens hand in hand on the grass. Surrounded by flowers and trees, the sun and moon were high above him. Up.

The whole picture is a child's handwriting.

Later, when he noticed the small lines at the bottom right of the picture frame, Simon realized that this is a very special thank you letter from UNICEF. Thank you Simon for generously donating US$500,000 to the foundation. This painting is also from a difficult Latin American child who will be rescued.

The half million dollars is obviously the compensation Simon received from Matthew Broderick some time ago.

Simon gave it to Catherine at that time and asked her to donate it for herself. Although "Lola Run" happened to be short of funds now, Simon did not regret his actions at all. He never regarded the money as something he should have. Had it not been for Janet to send this painting today, Simon would have almost forgotten about it.

Janet waited for Simon to look at it for a while before she spoke again, her tone of voice became much more normal, and said: "Actually, there are some receipts, but I guess you are not interested, so just throw it away. I mounted this painting by myself. kind?"

Simon nodded and said, "Very well, when I hang it up, there are some decorations in this room."

"That's it, my business is over."

As Janet spoke, she took the picture frame from Simon's hand again and looked around, and found that there was a small inconspicuous hook on the wall on the side of the living room facing the doorway, which should have been left by the previous residents of this house. So he walked over and hung up the frame in his hand.

After taking a few steps back to look at it for a moment, and nodding in satisfaction, Janet walked to Simon again, took his arm and said: "Okay, let's have lunch, you treat."

Simon was forcibly dragged out by Janet and weakly suggested: "Actually, there is still the pasta I cooked last night in the kitchen, enough for us two."

"Don't worry, I will dump it for you when I come back."

"Uh, can you not come back?"

"Kate has gone to Arizona. I am afraid to live in Malibu alone. I will stay with you these few days."

"Jenny, it's not good for you."

Janet patted Simon lightly: "Well, kidding you, courageous little boy."

The two walked out of the villa, and the woman's burgundy Ford stopped by the road. Simon seldom went out during this period, so he didn't make time to buy a car. At this time, he could only drive Janet out for dinner.

Pulling the car door, Janet voluntarily gave up the driver's seat to Simon, and directed the boy all the way to a French restaurant near the Brentwood Country Club.

After sitting down in the restaurant, Janet suddenly realized that Simon was wearing a very formal shirt and trousers and brand new shoes. Prior to this, Simon Ke has always been a casual dress of T-shirt and jeans. Simon is a typical clothes rack. Right now, this formal dress doesn't make people feel strange at all. Janet, who is a bit nervous, just didn't notice much.

Now that this change was discovered, Janet naturally went to the bottom.

Then, Simon had an extra female companion who wanted to rush to the reception tonight with him.



PS: In the previous article about the convenience store bug, I originally thought it could be corrected with a little modification, but I didn't expect that it would cause serious interference with the main line setting and the character image. Now that it has all been modified into a "Griffin Supermarket" that meets the shooting conditions of "Run Lola", this modification will also be used in the subsequent plots, hereby notified. The code word is not easy, I hope you can bear with me.