
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Urban
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101 Chs

Cooperation plan

Suddenly confirming a fact that had been suspected for this period of time, Simon did not feel distressed or depressed.

In any case, "Lola Run" is indeed a very suitable film for him to show his strength. Even, if I didn't remember the production budget wrong, I might miss the movie.

Now, since he has only gained a foothold in Hollywood in less than two months, Simon is confident enough to continue pushing the project forward, nothing more than adding some additional twists and turns.

His previous experience in the entertainment industry for more than ten years left Simon the biggest impression that no big celebrity in this circle has a smooth road to fame.

Now, two lives, Simon does not lack the disposition to face setbacks.

After making up his mind, Simon looked at David Giller on the opposite side and said: "So, David, shooting according to the official 35MM film film specifications, how much budget do you think this film needs?"

David Giller thought for a while and said, "According to the shooting concept you just described, it should cost at least $500,000. More detailed budgets need to be counted according to more specific shooting plans. However, this is not a problem. Simon, the question now is, did you have experience in making films before? Even student films? By the way, neither Brian nor I know where you graduated from?"

Until now, there are still not many people in Hollywood who know that Simon is just 18 years old this year.

At the time, Jonathan Friedman only occasionally mentioned it to WMA President Norman Brocca. Because of the subsequent series of events, Norman Brocca disliked Simon very much, but he did not publicize the matter everywhere.

At this time, because of Simon's talents, David Giller subconsciously felt that Simon was probably in his twenties, and he instinctively regarded Simon as a promising student who had just graduated from a university.

Hearing this question from David Giller, Simon realized something, but still honestly said: "David, I studied computer science at Stanford for a while and then dropped out. I have no experience in this area. However, I I didn't have any screenwriting experience before."

"Directors and screenwriters are not the same," David Giller shook his head and said, "Speaking of which, if you can come up with some personal qualifications enough to convince investors, such as a student film, I might be able to help you. To this investment. Unfortunately, you did not. Simon, although this is only a small amount of money, I also need to be responsible for my connections."

Brian de Palma, who is still looking at Simon's sub-cameras with relish, also looked up at this time and said: "Simon, it is really not easy to be a director. However, these drawings are also enough to illustrate your personal Talent. Not as good as this. For the next "Butterfly Effect", you can be my assistant director. After completing the experience of this film, even if David is not willing to help, I can help you find the willingness to invest in "Lola Express" "Run" company."

"I didn't say that I didn't want to help?" David Giller protested with a grinning dissatisfaction, but he also said: "Simon, Brian's idea is really good. If you want, this matter can be settled now. ."

David Giller is the producer of "Butterfly Effect", and Brian de Palma is also the director and producer at the same time. Employing a director's assistant temporarily is completely within the scope of the two persons' powers.

If Simon is really just a rookie who has just entered Hollywood with little experience, it is definitely a rare opportunity to get an assistant to a famous Hollywood director like Brian de Palma.

However, with more than ten years of experience in his previous life, coupled with the memories of the other twelve people in his mind at this time, what Simon lacks at this time is all aspects of experience related to filmmaking. As Brian de Palma, the only thing that can bring to Simon is perhaps only a qualification.

After considering it for a moment, Simon shook his head and said, "David, Brian, I am grateful for your kindness. However, although I can't prove it, I'm pretty sure I've been enough to direct a movie myself. So, David, you Is it okay to see this? The funds I currently have are enough to start "Lola Run". You only need to introduce an investor for me and sign an investment agreement. If they are satisfied with the results of my preliminary shooting , And then inject subsequent funds, otherwise, they can withdraw at any time."

Simon is a very assertive young man, which David Giller and Brian de Palma have experienced in several contacts.

At this time, they were not too surprised to hear Simon reject Brian de Palma's proposal. Hearing Simon's plan, David Giller couldn't help but secretly admired the young man's confidence in his heart.

"Simon, in Hollywood, investing your own money in movies is always a very bad choice," after a little consideration, David Giller said with a smile, but quickly said: "But since you Putting forward such a confident cooperation plan, I can help you. Of course, I will never guarantee success or not. Everything depends on you."

Simon seriously said: "I only need one chance."

David Giller nodded emotionally and said, "In this case, Simon, do you have any other requirements besides the above cooperation plan?"

Simon thought for a moment, and said, "The contract between Fox and I should be able to be used as a collateral. I can borrow a sum of money from the bank. I should be able to raise about $250,000 after including the balance that Fox has to pay. The shooting budget of "Lola Run" is temporarily calculated at 500,000 U.S. dollars. I and the investor will each contribute 250,000 U.S. dollars, and each will account for 50% of the revenue in the future. My personal screenwriter, director and other labor are only considered symbolic 1 Dollars are paid, but I want absolute creative autonomy."

After listening to David Giller, he couldn't help shaking his head again, and said, "Simon, half a million dollars is just my most conservative estimate just now. In fact, I hope you can use some more professional casts. In addition, if Be more elaborate in the setting, soundtrack, etc. In the end, a production budget of about $1 million will be more secure."

Simon said in a relaxed tone: "David, what I just said is just an overall plan. If the budget is exceeded, as long as the investors are willing to follow up, the revenue share will definitely be higher. The only thing I require is absolute creative autonomy. I I don't want others to interfere with my work."

"Well, I'll take the time to contact you," David Giller nodded and then said again: "However, your recent energy is still on the "Butterfly Effect" script modification."

Simon smiled and said, "Of course, this is my job."

"In that case," David Giller filmed the "Lola Run" script in front of him, and said: "I will make a copy of this script so I can convince investors."

Although Simon rejected the suggestion just now, Brian de Palma did not take it too seriously. At this time, when David Giller said so, he handed over the sub-shots in his hand and said: "Finally A copy of this, I think it is more convincing than the script."

With some surprise, David Giller turned a few pages of the part-shot drawing that Brian de Palma had just been holding in his hand, without nodding his head and said, "It is true."

After talking about these things, the three of them reacted and found that there were not a few people left in the restaurant that was still lively, and the lunch served by the waiter was completely cold. Everyone had to laugh and re-ordered lunch to fill their stomachs. After that, I returned to the morning meeting room to continue to discuss the issue of "Butterfly Effect" script modification.

In this way until the end of get off work hours, Simon copied the script and shots of "Lola Run" to David Giller. He also took the long memorandum about the revision of the script agreed at today's meeting with David. Giller left Fox Studios after bidding farewell to Brian de Palma, still taking a taxi back to his newly rented residence in the Montana District of Santa Monica.

Traffic jams during off hours as usual, and Simon did not return to his residence in Montana until about half an hour later.

On the northern edge of Montana district, in front of a villa near Saint Vincent Avenue, Simon got off the car and sent away the taxi driver. He once again looked at the mansion covering more than 800 square meters in front of him. The bottom of his heart was the Nth time since Saturday afternoon. There was a thought that made him gritted his teeth: prodigal maiden!

Simon and the real estate agent booked the schedule for Thursday's house inspection last week, intending to rent an apartment.

He was accidentally sent to the UCLA Medical Center. Simon originally planned to cancel the appointment. Janet Johnston learned of the incident and immediately took over the errand with great interest and sent the lease contract to Simon on Friday. Hands.

A three-bedroom, three-bedroom, four-bathroom single-family villa, seeing the information on the lease contract, Simon almost jumped out of his hospital bed.

Please are you kidding me?

How could a bachelor need such a big residence.

Moreover, the monthly rent of $2,700 does not seem to be too high compared to the luxury house in Simon's impression. But this is 1986 after all, even in Los Angeles, most people earn less than $2,700 a month.

Then, when Simon raised objections and was unwilling to sign the lease contract, a good woman actually cried in front of the round doctor and the real estate manager, crying and complaining that the miser had ignored her hard work for a day. Very rich but refused to rent a better house.

What else can this be done.

Sign it.

In addition to being unfair to others, Simon couldn't think of a more appropriate adjective.

Finally, what is even more annoying is that after being discharged from the hospital, Simon looked at the villa he rented, and found that the entire villa was empty, as if it had been looted, except for the most basic decoration, all other furniture No.

Oh, technically there is still furniture.

There is a bed in the master bedroom.

It's just that you don't have a mattress.