
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Urban
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101 Chs


Around 7:30 in the evening, outside a mansion halfway up the hill in Beverly Hills.

The burgundy Ford car stopped on the narrow mountain road, Simon got off the car and turned to the other side, opened the car door, watched her Janet Johnston naturally pulled up after getting out of the car, and whispered: "This is not the tranquility before the storm, is it?"

Due to the free-form cocktail party, although Simon changed his shirt and trousers, Janet was still the same pink dress during the day. However, the woman's temperament at this time seems to be completely changed, without the usual madness and casualness, she looks like a lady who is impeccable in her gestures.

When Janet heard this ridicule, she glanced across Simon slightly and pinched his arm without a trace.

There was a sting in his arm, and Simon suddenly felt relieved.

All right.

This is normal.

Entering the mansion, Simon and Janet were led by the waiter to the pool in the front yard, and Brian de Palma and David Giller greeted them together.

There were already many guests at the reception. They noticed that Brian de Palma and David Giller were walking towards a pair of young men and women at the same time. They both looked at them curiously, sometimes mixed with a few whispers.

The two sides greeted each other, and the two middle-aged people immediately became curious about the elegant Janet next to Simon. They still know Simon's personal situation better, so they are very puzzled why Simon can suddenly bring such a female companion today.

After all, Janet is not a little unknown actor who wants to take a ride into Hollywood, but more like a lady from a wealthy family.

Feeling the curiosity of the two, Simon took the initiative to introduce: "Brian, David, this is Janet Johnston, she is a painter. Jenny, this is Mr. Brian de Palma, this is a big Mr. Wei Giller."

Janet listened to Simon's introduction, and shook hands with the two middle-aged men generously, and gave a few compliments just right.

After everyone's greetings, Brian de Palma will go to greet other guests. David Giller whispered something to Simon in a low voice. Orion Pictures President Mike Medova will wait for a while before he arrives, and then take the initiative to bring He and Janet shuttled between the guests tonight, taking the initiative to introduce Simon.

Hollywood seems to be very big, but in fact, as long as you break in, the circle becomes very small.

It was only the first time to participate in a gathering in this kind of circle, Simon met Al Pacino, Michael Caine, Harvey Keitel, Melanie Griffith, which were once completely unattainable. Hollywood star.

Of course, when we meet for the first time, we just talk a few words, and it is naturally impossible to establish friendships immediately. But Simon also knew that just this kind of contact opportunity is a dream for many people who want to desperately enter this circle.

The reason is actually very simple.

I've seen each other, and I'm familiar with each other. If there is a possibility of cooperation in the future, link them up, "XXX, oh, I saw it at the Brian's party," and "XXX, who is that?" The result must be completely different.

After enthusiastically leading Simon to socialize, David Giller also temporarily walked away.

Simon and Janet stood together by the railing overlooking the entire Los Angeles, each taking a short break with a cocktail.

Janet took a sip of a glass of drink gracefully, and saw Simon staring intently at the illuminated night view of the city at the foot of the mountain, and joked: "Little boy, did you suddenly have ambitions?"

"No," Simon shook his head and said, "I just thought of a movie. There was a guy who was, um, very unprofessional."

Janet noticed the inexplicable emotions flashing in Simon's expression, and was a little confused: "Huh?"

Simon raised his head and drank all the drinks in his hand, returning to normal, and said with a smile: "It's nothing, a movie that hasn't been made yet, so I can't tell you."

Janet looked at Simon, but suddenly nodded. There were two eager beasts hidden in the bright eyes against the lights, and echoed: "Little boy, are you going to start talking crazy? I'll be with you."

Simon looked at Janet's serious expression wandering on the edge of madness, and suddenly wanted to touch the woman's white face, raising his arm slightly, but stopped in an instant, and said: "Don't be like this, I hope you will stick to this grace Well, it's a face-saving thing for men."

"Haha, okay," Janet chuckled, and some of the breath that had just gathered disappeared instantly, and said: "Actually, I feel that many of them know you."

Simon naturally noticed the playfulness in the eyes of many people when David Giller introduced him, and said with a smile: "It should not be a good reputation."

Compared to his budding newcomer screenwriter in the last WMA packaging incident, Simon felt that these people were more likely to notice themselves because he broke the leg bones of those five guys a few days ago, even David Giller When chatting privately, they would ask about this, and also inquire whether Simon has learned kung fu like Bruce Lee.

To be honest, Simon himself did not remember the situation that night, he was completely on the verge of collapse.

However, during this time Simon also gradually realized that his strength is indeed much greater than that of ordinary people. Moreover, although he doesn't know much effort, he also has some professional fighting skills in his mind. However, Simon has no idea how strong these factors will be when transformed into a force value. He is not a violent person, and he is too lazy to do this kind of test.

The two chatted for a while, and David Giller soon reappeared, with a tall but rich middle-aged man.

"Mike, this is Simon," David Giller gestured to Simon, and then said, "Simon, this is Mike Medova, the president of Orion Pictures."

Simon shook hands with each other politely, and briefly introduced Janet next to him. David Giller took them to the terrace on the second floor of the villa behind him. There is a set of tables and chairs on the terrace, and the view is much better than just beside the railing.

The waiter was ordered to bring drinks and snacks, and David Giller accompanied him for a while chatting, then got up and walked away, leaving the space for communication to Simon and Mike Medova.

The next thing to talk about is not a secret, Simon did not signal Janet to leave, but only concentrates on the temptation of Mike Medova.

In the 1980s, due to the overall recovery of the film industry, a large number of outstanding independent production companies emerged in Hollywood.

Compared to the more well-known New Line and Miramax, film companies such as Orion, Canon, Carlock, and Castle Rock are actually more powerful in this era.

Among them, Orion and Miramax have many similarities. This film company has produced and released "The Silent Lamb", "Dancing with Wolves", "Love in Prague", "Field Platoon" and more. An excellent film favored by Oscars.

After Orion went bankrupt in the early nineties, the Weinstein brothers of Miramax gradually began to make their mark at the Oscars.

In addition to Orion, other film companies such as Canon, Carlock, and Castle Rock have also fallen one after another before the new century, and most of them have become dispensable shell labels under the names of some media groups. In the end, only the new line of Time Warner and Disney and Miramaxes survived relatively fortunately.

On the terrace, Mike Meadowa is not a talkative person, but in his words, he clearly has a detailed understanding of Simon himself and the script of "Lola Run", and even read the script of "Butterfly Effect".

Aware of these, Simon also realized that Orion is really interested in "Lola Run" and the possibility of cooperation between the two parties is still very high. .

However, if you think about it, if it weren't the case, David Giller would not solemnly arrange this meeting.

The two exchanged for a while, and Mike Meadow gradually talked about the substantive topic of cooperation: "Simon, "Lola Run" is indeed a very novel story, and its low cost can also offset the commercialization of this movie. Potential shortcomings. However, it is difficult for me to agree to your request for absolute creative autonomy."

Simon listened to Mike Meadowa's words and said, "Mike, although the story of "Lola Run" looks simple, the details are very coherent and meticulous. Apart from myself, I don't think anyone else can compare this The story is fully revealed. And, as I said, I can start the production of the movie with my own money. If Orion is not satisfied with my previous shooting results, I can opt out immediately. But if Orion approves of my work , Then I also hope to get a creative environment without interference."

"Of course, I don't have any opinion about the script," Mike Medova shook his head, and said, "Simon, I mean film casts and the like. Speaking of which, Orion is not interested in a small independent film project. Interested, we are not a B-level film producer like Roger Koman. Therefore, Orion can provide this film with a production budget of 1 million US dollars, but if you choose to invest, Orion will not give up halfway."

Simon hesitated and said, "Mike, what do you mean?"

Mike Meadowa said: "Simon, don't mention your plan to start production with your own money first. However, I respect your idea of ​​wanting an opportunity. So, Orion can invest in this movie, With a budget of 1 million US dollars, the film cast must be selected by Orion. At the same time, we will give you a week of shooting time at that time. If your work results are satisfactory, then continue. Orion will try not to interfere with your Creation. Otherwise, we will withdraw this project and change a director to continue shooting. By the way, I can give you $50,000 for the script, as well as future video and TV broadcast shares. In addition, Orion also hopes to get you another one Priority selection of scripts. I know you signed a contract with Fox, but this does not conflict. You will not only create three scripts, right?"