
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Urban
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101 Chs

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"Now that everything is over, the tramp must have taken it away. He will fly to Florida or Hawaii, or Canada, Panama, Bermuda, and be at ease."

"Where is Lonnie?"

"He will kill me, Laura."

"You have to tell him."

"Come on, he can't believe a word."


"Once I stole a box of cigarettes, he found it right away. He didn't believe it. This transaction is a test. See if I can trust it."

"How much is in the bag?"



"One hundred thousand dollars, one test."

"Oh, hell."

Audition room.

Simon listened carefully to the dialogue between Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves after auditioning, and made a stop gesture: "Okay, that's it."

Both stopped.

Simon waited for Keanu Reeves to regain his position and said, "So, Keanu, you can say, why are you interested in this movie?"

"I think this is a very special movie." Keanu Reeves looked up slightly, thought about it, and said: "Special mode, special story, if you can participate, I believe it will be a very special time. Experience."

Simon smiled and said, "Then, you have to understand that this is an absolute heroine movie, and it will not promote your career much."

Keanu Reeves also smiled and said: "Compared to career, I want to try something interesting."

"Okay," Simon nodded, and said: "The last question, the male protagonist's hair must not be longer than the female lead, so if you want to participate in this movie, you need to cut off your hair, is there a problem? ?"

Keanu Reeves shook his head: "No problem."

Simon said with satisfaction: "Then, thank you for coming today, Keanu, we will inform you of the result as soon as possible."

When Keanu Reeves left, Sandra said, "Simon, you seem to be very interested in this actor."

Simon looked at Sandra and asked with a smile: "Don't you know Keanu? He is also from WMA."

Sandra rolled her eyes lightly and said, "WMA has more than 3,000 customers, how can I know them all."

Simon nodded suddenly.

In my memory, Sandra Bullock and Keanu Reeves have been good friends since they worked together in "Speed ​​of Life", but they are still in a strange state. However, now that I think about it, it is not a coincidence that the two can cooperate. They all belong to WMA. In the 1990s, the project packaging model should have been the mainstream operation model of several major Hollywood brokerage companies.

Thinking about this, Simon glanced at Ron Macmillan on the other side: "Ron, what do you think of him?"

"This," Ron smiled and said, "Simon, it's up to you to judge this time."

Simon felt Ron's expression a little strange, and said, "What's the matter?"

Ron shrugged without hiding, and said: "Keanu's stepfather Paul Aaron and I happened to know each other. Paul called me this morning."

Simon was a little puzzled: "Paul Aaron?"

Ron explained: "He is a director, but in most cases he is producing TV movies for several major TV stations. We have worked together several times and are fairly familiar."


Simon made a small complaint in his heart.

Didn't it mean that Keanu Reeves almost starved to death when he experienced ups and downs in Hollywood when he was a child?

How did it become the second generation of Hollywood in an instant.

Shaking his head lightly, Simon put aside these messy thoughts and simply relied on Keanu Reeves' performance to evaluate him.

This year's Keanu Reeves is just 22 years old. Although he has stubble, he can hardly hide his youthfulness. The whole person is far from the gloomy and cold temperament of many years later. Although playing a small **** looks too handsome Some, but it's not too bad.

In fact, the first Hollywood movie "Edge of the River" in which Keanu Reeves participated in the original time and space played the role of a problem boy. In the following years, Keanu Reeves also tried the comedy route.

It wasn't until after "The Matrix" that Keanu Reeves's screen image was finalized, and it was difficult to get rid of Neo's windbreaker and black mirror savior appearance.

After thinking about it for a while, Simon quickly made up his mind.

After flipping through the remaining materials, there were four copies left. Simon did not directly stop, and motioned the staff to call the next auditioner to come in.

The day after the audition, the crew of "Lola Run" officially confirmed Keanu Reeves as the leading actor.

As a rookie who is new to Hollywood, although he has some experience in TV dramas, the film crew paid for Keanu Reeves is still not high, only $2,000.

In addition to the leading actor, other roles in "Lola Run" were quickly finalized in the following days.

On the other side, "Butterfly Effect" also completed the supporting cast and preliminary preparations. During this period, Simon also attended several auditions for the film and provided some suggestions for the role selection.

At the end of September, according to the contract signed with Fox, Simon also closed the door again and began to finalize the script of "Butterfly Effect".

In contrast, "Lola Run" does not have such a rigorous production process.

However, a low-cost production with an investment of 650,000 US dollars and a large production with an investment of 10 million US dollars are indeed not comparable.

Fox's vice president of "Butterfly Effect", Peter Sanders, learned that Simon was the screenwriter of "Butterfly Effect" and was still taking care of "Lola Run", and even expressed his intention to say that Simon was not doing business properly. dissatisfied.

Both David Giller and Brian de Palma just offered Peter Sanders as a Buddha, and Simon did not pay much attention to each other.

September 26.


Today is the last day of the script revision. Simon rushed to Fox Studios early in the morning to hold a full day meeting with the creators such as David Giller and Brian de Palma.

It wasn't until five o'clock in the afternoon that Simon drove a black Chevrolet SUV home from get off work.

This is a car that Simon has just bought recently. Compared to the boxy "Santana" appearance of cars in this era, the same angular SUV barely meets Simon's aesthetics, and the price is not too expensive. The various taxes and fees are only more than 32,000 US dollars.

Simon can't get the money now, so after three years of instalment payments, he only needs to pay less than $1,000 per month in mortgages.

Just after returning to his residence in the Montana area, Simon received a call from Janet. She directly stated that she would have dinner together in the evening. Simon had a treat. She had already booked the restaurant, and she reluctantly said that Catherine would come together. .