
Hollywood Hunter

Many years later, a Chinese mainland director unexpectedly returned to Hollywood in 1986, and began his legendary journey to take control of the world’s largest film and television industry center step by step. The novel is good with most focus on movies production, distribution and box office, with parts of some company acquisitions, stock market and media interpretations. - Warning: It is a MTL story so just bear with it.. - Author : 贾思特杜 - Uploaded only for reading purpose..

Moon_k2 · Urban
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101 Chs

Prepared excuses

Simon drove to the restaurant near the Brentwood Country Club last time.

After waiting for a moment, Catherine and Janet rushed over together.

Sitting down in the dining room, Simon looked at Catherine, who was obviously depressed today, and tentatively asked: "Has the shooting of "Blood Corpse Night" changed again?

Before Catherine spoke, Janet said: "I'm afraid it will be delayed until the end of the year."

Simon has recently seen some news about the "Blood Corpse Night" production company De Laurentiis Entertainment Group. Hearing this, he said with concern: "How could this be?"

The waiter in the restaurant walked over at this time, and the three of them paused the conversation.

After ordering dinner, Catherine said: "Producer Edward Feldman called me this afternoon. De Laurentiis Entertainment has completely run out of money, and must wait until the end of the year to recover the share of the release of several movies this year. Only my movie can start shooting."

When Catherine said so, Simon was also a little silent.

A movie that has been delayed for months or even years due to funding, the main creation, etc., has been completely aborted. Examples are everywhere in Hollywood, and Catherine's experience is really not surprising.

After a while, Simon said, "So, Catherine, have you been unemployed again during this time?"

Catherine nodded absently, and said, "Yes."

Simon said: "In this case, why don't you help me?"

Catherine raised her head with uncertainty: "Huh?"

Simon said, "Lola Run, this movie will start shooting next month."

"But, I probably still need..."

Catherine raised her hand and gestured, but couldn't find a good excuse for a while, so she turned to Janet beside her.

When Janet heard Simon's words, her eyes began to blink, flickering.

Simon also looked at it. Janet's eyelashes are very long. There is no need to put false eyelashes on. They flicker and look very beautiful: "Jenny, would you like to order another foie gras? People who blink frequently should lack vitamin D. Animal livers happen to be Rich in these."

Listening to Simon's teasing, Janet stopped blinking, and with a bitter expression, she grabbed the fork and prodded it at Simon.

Catherine smiled and watched the interaction between the two, and said: "I think, let's forget it."

"Why do I have to forget?" Janet suddenly opened her mouth, reaching out to take Catherine's arm, and said: "Kate, let's all go. I'm a major investor. If necessary, maybe I can The director fired and let you come."

Simon listened to Janet's gritted teeth, clasped his hands in horror, buried his head and begged for mercy: "Jenny, I was wrong. Would you like to order two foie gras?"

Janet threw a stack of napkins over Simon's head and said, "Little bastard, hit you."

After laughing and making trouble for a while, under Janet's help, Catherine finally agreed and agreed to be Simon's assistant director. The final 'remuneration' agreed upon is that Simon will also help the crew of "Blood Corpse Night" for a while.

Janet was originally not interested in the production of "Lola Run". Simon had also suggested that women be the producer together. It was not the kind of name, but the lazy Janet just took Simon to the casino scene. The work of painting a butterfly-themed mural in China is one of the three thematic hints of the "butterfly effect" in the film.

With the addition of Catherine, Janet also cheered up and participated.


Early the next morning, Janet ran to work happily.

The time is eight o'clock in the morning.

Although Simon was used to getting up early, he had just eaten breakfast at this time.

Hearing the door bell, Simon ran to open the door, so he saw Janet dressed as an OL.

Seeing Simon's eyes swept elsewhere, a pair of cool little hands stretched out directly, holding Simon's face to prevent him from turning away, and then Janet's aggressive voice: "I'm really angry if you look like this. Ah, the consequences are serious."

Simon nodded stiffly under the woman's'devil's claws' before Janet let go of his head.

After Simon walked into the villa, Janet couldn't wait to ask: "Little boy, what are we doing today?"

Simon came to the kitchen, picked up the cutlery just now, came to the sink, and said concisely: "Take a rest."

Janet leaned over and said dissatisfied: "How can this be? As an ambitious person, you are really not motivated."

Simon did not explain.

Although there is still more than a week before filming begins, it is impossible for Simon to have any free time from next Monday until the end of the film. This weekend is also the only opportunity to rest in the next few months.

After washing the dishes, Simon left the kitchen and went to the bedroom.

Blocking Janet, who was eager to follow up, Simon changed his clothes and came out again before saying to the woman: "Let's go."

"what are you doing?"


Janet suddenly became interested, and stopped mentioning the words that made Simon move forward. She reached out and grabbed his arm and said, "Are you going to buy clothes? I happen to be able to help you. Speaking of which, your level of picking clothes is really bad. That's right. But hehe, what clothes the little boy wears looks good."

"Jenny, can I change my name?"

"little bastard?"

"Forget it, when I didn't say it."

"Ha ha."

The two came outside the villa, Simon pointed to the Chevrolet SUV parked in the open space, Janet turned to the co-pilot, and touched the SUV hood affectionately, saying hello: "Hey, big guy ."

Simon pulled the car door, and when he heard Janet's words, he glared at the woman on the other side helplessly.

It's so provocative.

Leaving the residence, Simon drove Janet around for a whole morning, but basically did not leave Santa Monica, but kept changing from bookstore to bookstore.

Had lunch in the city and returned to Montana.

At the long table under the scaffolding in the backyard garden, Janet looked at a table full of dozens of film-related books such as "Directing Basics", "Cinema Lens Design", and "Editing Techniques", with a suspicious expression on Simon. After looking at the book a few times, Nane asked: "Little boy, you, you are not telling me that the film is about to start, and you just remembered to learn some of these things, right?"

Simon picked up a book casually, leaned comfortably on a recliner next to him, enjoying the afternoon sun from the vines and leaves above his head, and nodded: "Yes, how else would I make a movie."

This is actually a small problem that Simon has recently realized.

Simon intends to do a lot of the work in "Lola Run" by himself. If this is the case, he can't tell others that his skills about filmmaking are falling from the sky.

Now, with this huge pile of books, then we can give those curious people an excuse that can barely come up.

Self taught.

More inspirational.

Janet belongs to the kind of woman who is very pampered, and to put it bluntly, she is lazy. On weekdays, the little head can turn half a circle and never turn a circle, but in fact it is extremely smart, which can be seen from the few words Catherine and Simon said.

Therefore, continuing to look between Simon and the book, she realized something vaguely.

Then I didn't bother to think about it anymore.

Seeing Simon leaning comfortably on the recliner, he leaned forward like a cat, squeezed and squeezed, and found that Simon did not mean to squeeze a recliner with him at all, and then ran out angrily.

Within half an hour, another set of reclining chairs was delivered by the furniture store.

After a wonderful weekend of luàn, the shooting date of "Lola Run" is approaching.

At this time, the film crew has also been fully established.

Simon Westeros: Director, Producer; Brian de Palma: Executive Producer; Ron Macmillan: Producer; Janet Johnston: Producer; Catherine Bigelow: Associate director; Linda Vargas, casting director.

Sandra Bullock: heroine; Keanu Reeves: heroine.

In addition to the main creation, after more than a month of busy work, a series of supporting roles and behind-the-scenes staff have basically been finalized.

So, September 30, a new Monday.

Although there was still no official shooting, Simon's work schedule suddenly became tense.

In a week, Simon needs to determine too many things.

The main actors' makeup.

Communicate with the determined animation studio about the production of the film insertion animation.

Coordinate the script-reading meeting of the actors.

Formally submitted a series of street shooting applications to the Santa Monica City Government.

Rental shooting props.

Familiar with the staff behind the scenes.

Etc., etc.

So busy, Simon's daily rest time has been compressed to less than six hours.

Until the weekend, the other staff began to rest, and Simon was still arranging the scenery of Rolla's room.

Feeling more and more of Simon's professionalism and devotion, several main creators of the crew have gradually developed a sense of identity with "Lola Run".

So when Simon was busy with the setting of Laura's room in an apartment building in the northwest corner of Montana on the weekend, three women, Catherine, Janet, and Sandra, rushed over, and producer Ron Macmillan also rushed. When he came over, he also claimed that he was too free on weekends, just purely to help, and did not need to pay him overtime.

To Simon's surprise, the actor Keanu Reeves also rushed over. In these days of getting along, Simon also realized that Keanu Reeves was interested in his movie because of the five leg bones that Simon had broken.

Although two months have passed, the leg bones of the five youths still haven't recovered.

Obviously to avoid getting too many people's attention, when Simon was hospitalized at the UCLA Medical Center, five people hurriedly went through the transfer procedures, and it is said that they were transferred to San Diego in southern California.

However, this deliberate concealment made more people interested in what happened that day. At the launch of Fox's "Project X" movie starring Matthew Broderick, a reporter boldly asked Matthew Broderick his views on that day. The scene was once very embarrassing.

Simon has completely ignored this matter.

After another weekend.

On Monday, October 7, "Butterfly Effect" was officially announced at Fox Studios.

Simon also specially participated in the opening ceremony of the film that day.

Then, on Tuesday, October 8th, "Lola Run" was filmed in obscurity in an apartment northwest of the sea in the Montana District of Santa Monica.